40 Years Ago July 30, ….

Posted 8/4/21

40 Years Ago July 30, 1981 LIVE & LEARN By Lisa Disterhoft-Meyer Whatever Happened To The First Amendment? I’m a reporter by nature and profession. My job is to make sure you know what’s …

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40 Years Ago July 30, ….


40 Years Ago July 30, 1981

LIVE & LEARN By Lisa Disterhoft-Meyer Whatever Happened To The First Amendment?

I’m a reporter by nature and profession. My job is to make sure you know what’s happening in Stanley.

My right to report, and your right to know, was infringed upon Thursday. And I want you to know about it.

It was what I expected to be a routine picturetaking, info-gathering assignment. I was to go out to Chapman Park and take some pictures of the city’s simulated disaster. Many people and youth had put lots of volunteer effort into the exercise, and we wanted to make sure you saw the results.

I was stopped as I walked onto the scene by a policeman. He told me to go back to the van. In fact, he personally escorted me there. I stood there in shock. Part of it was I had never had it happen. The other part was, it shouldn’t have (more details follow).

July 24, 1981 Dear Joe: I would like to extend my apology to you, your reporter and your readers for actions that prevented coverage of the disaster exercise. One phase of all disaster exercise is security of the scene and the hospital. This is necessary to protect the area and those rendering aid…Mistakes are made and a critique is held following the exercise to either correct the mistakes or develop better methods.

In this case security was very tight as it would be in a real disaster. Our mistake was excluding a member of the press. Only under very serious conditions should this ever happen. Public information is very vital to recovery after any disaster and performs a valuable service to the public. In the future great effort will be made to insure that all media has access to all areas so that the public may be informed.

At the time I was not aware of the incident nor was there any intent in the exercise to exclude any member of the press. I sincerely hope that you will accept my apology for this one mistake and yet give credit for the excellent response of the Fire Dept., Ambulance Service, Police Dept., and the Doctors and staff of Victory Memorial Hospital.

Sincerely yours, Robert H. Sommerfeld Emergency Gov’t Coordinator LIVE & LEARN continues… …and as for me, next time there’s a disaster in this city, I’ll remember to carry my camera in my back pocket, wear a wig, and not drive the van.

Believe me, I won’t be as easy to deter, either.

50 Years Ago August 5, 1971 Local Girls Return From National Girl Scout Trek Brigid Kelly and Kim Shock returned recently from a ten day trip to Ten Sheep, Wyo., where they attended the National Girl Scout Trek. They were among nineteen Girl Scouts chosen from the Indian Waters Girl Scout Council to attend from this area.

The girls left Menomonie in the company of two leaders from that city. After driv- ing'all'day'they'spent'the'first'

night in Huron, S. Dak., where they toured the Badlands and spent some time at Mount Rushmore after which they spent the night in a YMCA Camp outside of Rapid City. On Sunday evening (the next day) they arrived at National Center West, their destination, by way of crossing over the Big Horn Mountains. They had stopped at the top, an elevation of 9,996 feet above sea level.

The camp is located in a valley with mesas on either side. There was no grass ex- cept' in' the' fields' and' trees'

were no taller than eight feet and all around was red dust and sage brush.


Jennifer Price – Larry Reit Wed At Church of the Brethren (Photo Daniels Studio) Miss Jennifer Price and Larry Reit were married on Saturday, July third at the Stanley Church of the Brethren. The Rev. Walter Miller officiated'at'the'1:30'p.m.cer emony.

Joanne Endru – Allen Treise Married at Our Saviour’s Lutheran (Daniels Studio Photo) Miss Joanne K. Endru and Allen J. Treise were married on June 5 at Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church. The Rev. Carl Peters' officiated' at' the' 1:30'

p.m. double ring ceremony.

60 Years Ago August 3, 1961

Colburn Shelves Otter L. Project THE TOWN OF Colburn has voted to shelve the proposed Otter Lake project, which would have created an additional'recreation'and'fish ing area north of Stanley.

By a 22-16 vote, residents of the township voted against going ahead with construction of the dam and other necessary facilities needed to complete the project.

The decision was made partly as a result of inaction on the part of Chippewa county, which was asked to build a new four-mile road to provide access to the new lake. The highway would have connected “S” in Chippewa county and CTH “F” in Taylor county.

AT A SPECIAL meeting last Monday, the town decided that the cost of the project together with the failure of the county to provide a road made cancellation necessary.

Mr. Cooper of Rice Lake estimated that the cost of the dam and the spillway would be'around'$15,000'and'Walter'

Kuehni of Boyd estimated that

an' additional' $15,000' would'

be needed to clear the area of brush and timber and develop facilities.

Kuehni is a member of the local rod and gun club, which has been interested in developing the project.

THE OTTER Lake proj- ect' was' first' agreed' upon' by'

the Town of Colburn in April, 1959, when the town decided to “construct, maintain and accept responsibility of a dam to be known as the Otter Lake Dam and Flowage.”

Garagemen Need some “Parlez vous Francaise” Stanley Garagemen are well equipped to repair cars. But none qualify as linguists.

Therefore a “yelp for help” went out from the crew at South Side Motor Co. Wednesday when they had to make repairs to a car driven by five' girls' from' French-speak ing Quebec, Canada.

None of the girls spoke English. None of the mechanics spoke French. The problem was resolved through the use of sign language, The Republican understands, and the girls resumed their travels after the repairs were made.

70 Years Ago August 2, 1951 WEST WORDEN (Mrs. Herb May) Mr. and Mrs. Herbert May, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Soeller and Mrs. A. Anderson spent Tuesday in Eau Claire.

Oscar Moe left on Monday for Eagle River, where he plans to spend several months.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Adolphson of Minneapolis spent several days this week at the I.C. Myhre home.

80 Years Ago August 1, 1941 Voice of the People (Letters to the Editor) Letter' dated' for' July' 23,'

1941 Mr. Harry Manley, I am just writing you about some very beautiful birds I saw in my yard last evening about four o’clock. There was a bird, a lettuce green, on a tree. It had the most beautiful collar of white, just like the finest'lace,'scallops'and'all,'its'

head was the same as a bluebird. It let out a chirp similar to a blackbird. Then another came, just a shade greener. Its' head' was' fluffy' but' had'

the same collar of white lace. They were a little larger than a bluebird and there were four in all. Bright red ones, a little larger than the green ones, not a speck of black or white on them, a small head. These birds I never saw before neither the green or red ones. I have seen lots of red ones but always either white or black mixed in. A green one I never saw in all the places I have hever been, and I have lived as far as the coast West. I am writing' this' to' try' to' find' out'

where those beauties came from, if anyone else saw them or know what they are called.

Yours truly, MRS. EMIL BROWN, R. 1, Stanley, Wis.

Chapman Beach looked like a miniature Coney Island during the hot spell. People flocked' enmasse' to' the' beach'

to seek the cooling arms of Lady Lake. This is one department in which Stanley has the upper edge on her neighbors.

A Donation The springboard which had been in use at Chapman Beach for many years, had long been in need of replacement. The board never did give the proper spring and no one seemed to be able to execute any fancy dives from it. So Jess Green opened up his heart and pocket book and donated a regulation board, which has been installed on the diving raft. Already you can see the improvement in the diving and if Stanley develops any Georgia Colemans or Marjorie Gestrings, then can thank Jess Green for his interest.

120 Years Ago August 3, 1901 BURNS CAUSED DEATH Injuries Sustained by Little Alvis Wabinski Prove Fatal.

Alvis Wabinski, the 4-yearold child who was burned yesterday during his mother’s absence, died last night from his injuries. The little one had poured kerosene in the stove and on his own clothing and it' caught' fire.' The' coroner' has'been'notified'of'the'boy's' death and will hold an inquest.

TIN HORN SPORTS Colfax won’t play in Stanley but will play in Chippewa if allowed to name the Umpire.

The Potato Diggers want the Game Presented to Them on a Silver Platter Before Play Begins.

The reply of Colfax to Stanley’s challenge for a game'of'ball'at'$50'per'side'to'

be played on Stanley grounds with an umpire that should be agreed upon by both sides and whose expenses shall be paid by Stanley, has been received. It is about what might have been expected.

First, they do not want to play in Stanley. The reason is obvious. They are afraid some avenging Nemesis will bid'defiance'to'the'authorities'

here and give them what they deserve.

Second, they will play in Chippewa Falls. This is all right. Stanley will not object to playing in Chippewa Falls if satisfactory arrangement can be made to play there. Chippewa Falls people may be relied upon to mop the earth with the corn huskers if…as they did at their home entertainment of the Stanley team.

Third, with unspeakable gall, they will play if they can have one Peterson, of Eau Claire, for Umpire. This man Peterson accompanied the Eau Claire team here as manager for one of the early games of the season and was so noisy and disorderly that officer' Pratt' conducted' him'

from the grounds, which of course made him very sore. Matthewson umpired the game and it was won by Eau Claire but Peterson still has a sore spot in his crop and has widely advertised that he is waiting for a chance to get even with Stanley. This is the man Colfax insists on having for Umpire in a game with Stanley. Comment is unnecessary. We reiterate that Colfax does not expect to win from Stanley by playing ball.

Also 120 Years Ago THE MIRROR Put out by the inmates of the Stillwater Prison Stillwater, Minnesota Motto: “It is never too late to mend” August 1, 1901 SUPERINTENDENT JOHN SLOAN recently abolished the lock step in the Chicago House of Correction, and in commenting on this action a Chicago daily says that the prisons of Wisconsin, Ohio, New York, Michigan and Minnesota are “seriously considering the proposition” of doing away with the obnoxious form of marching. Minnesota abolished the lock step in its prison more than a decade ago and New York saw the last of it within the past year.

The lock step and other relics of its kind were unnecessary degradations; they did not insure discipline or accomplish any purpose whatever except to entertain visitors and embitter those who were being put through their paces.

Compiled by Joseph Back