All Day 4K coming to Stanley-Boyd

Program registration is March 6 at Boyd Learning Center


All day 4K is coming to Stanley-Boyd Schools.

Approved last December by the board after being shelved for the pandemic, All Day 4K will officially be taking registration at the Boyd Learning Center on March 6 from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. So who is it for?

“Students that are four years old before Sept. 1,” Elementary principal Dean Lew said of who the program is for in relation to the coming school year. The program as approved would run Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, with Wednesday an outreach day. There will be no 4K students on Wednesdays.

Included in the new program, meanwhile, will be new positions as well, an additional teacher needed based on district enrollment numbers. As such, the December proposal as approved includes two classroom teachers, two paraprofessionals and a half-time special education teacher. The paraprofessionals would be to help the teachers in their classrooms, with the total cost of all new staff additions combined being $258,630.85.

The new program comes after Head Start—which used to offer All Day 4K—stopped doing so as of this year. Coming to Stanley-Boyd Schools as of this fall, registration for All Day 4K is Wednesday, March 6 from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Residents can call 715-644-5810 ext. 291 to secure a registration time.