April High Five Award winners announced


Norm and Donella Christianson are the April High Five winners! Norm and Donella have proven themselves to be essential members of our Stanley community. Norm, former Mayor, spent years helping with admission at multiple sporting events and currently mans the score clock at football games. Donella takes tickets at sporting events, organizes the local Red Cross blood drives and volunteers at the Aspirus Stanley Hospital. Both can be seen working at the polls, helping the Stanley Lions Club, volunteering at the Stanley-Boyd Area Food Pantry, giving rides to people who need them and helping at Our Savior’s Lutheran church. Thank you, Norm and Donella, for helping to make Stanley great. You both leave such a positive impact on our community!
The SCA and Martino’s sponsor the High Five Award each month. Winner gets a certificate and a Martino’s gift card. If you would like to nominate someone who has made a positive impact on the community or even just one person, you can nominate them at stanleycommunity.us, email your nomination to sca54768@gmail.com or mail a letter to SCA, PO Box 11, Stanley WI. 54768