
Posted 6/8/22

A LOOK Back FROM THE FILES OF THE STANLEY REPUBLICAN COMPILED BY JOSEPH BACK 60 years ago May 31, 1962 First ever eighth grade graduation held! The student participants Stanley Junior High Dennis …

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60 years ago May 31, 1962

First ever eighth grade graduation held! The student participants Stanley Junior High Dennis Anderson, Gary Benson, Barbara Berseth, Dale Boardman, Ronald Brandt, Frank Burzynski, Donald Colburn, Ray DeSota, Ronald Fandry, Yvone Fitzl, Ronald Flaten, Bernard Geist, Donald Hakes, Linda Hegg, Barry Henderson, Betty Hoffstatter, Mike Isenberger, William Janicki, Richard Kane, Loretta Kosar, Linda LaMarche, Barbara Lindman, Bruce Long, Mary Long, Jerry Miller, James Mohr, Kay Mohr, Linda Nichols, Karen Oas, Sharon Olson, Paul Pagel, Linda Peterson, Patricia Ponick, Gerald Raether, Darlene Samplawski, Ronald Schunk, Wayne Seefeldt, Nancy Sielaff, Barbara Smiley, Bruce Smith, Michael Sonnentag, Victoria Szatalowicz, Jacqueline Wingert and Daniel Witkus.

Boyd Elementary School Judy Bergevin, Barbara Cooley, James Cooley Frank Dzienkowski, Dennis Lewallen, LaVerne Michalak, David Nelson, Elaine Ritter, Gary Shilts, Michael Shilts, Robert Shilts, Virgil Smith, Alex Vizer, Kathy Wellsandt, Kenneth Wellsandt and Fred Wilbur.

Huron Graded School Patricia Bourget, Dennis Buresh, Kathleen Cox, and Kenneth Hodowanic.

70 years ago June 5, 1952 Church directory

The Psychiana Movement— located on Highway H, Town of Colburn, north of Stanley. Instructions on finding the Power of God—everyday at 2:30 -3:30. Proving God’s existence in man. Thursday, 8:00 p.m., the “I’m Trying God Club.” Added: The Strange Autobiography of Dr. Frank B. Robinson told.

(Psychiana began with an advertisement in Psychology magazine in 1929 and was headquartered in Moscow, Idaho. It enjoyed several decades of worldwide spread and success, although at odds with orthodox Christianity).

May 29, 1952

(front page not microfilmed) Thorp Theatre happenings!

Desert Pursuit” with Wayne Morris, Virginia Grey, George Tobias, and Anthony Caruso, plus don’t miss the thrilling adventure!

Johnny Sheffield as Bomba in “African Treasure” Orange and Black The senior class had a much needed clean up day at Chapman Park on May 20, 1952.

When we arrived, the park was littered with everything from cans to old clothing. The remains of the homecoming bonfire was scattered around a large area; fireplaces were full of rubbish, and grates were broken and bent…(more disarray)… When we were finished, I would say there was quite an improvement…Marge Gibbs, Class Reporter, ‘52

80 years ago May 15, 1942

Marriages: Solie-Lenk On Saturday evening at eight o’ clock at Our Saviour’s Lutheran Parsonage, in the presence of relatives and close friends, Miss Elaine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Solie of this city and Elmer Lenk of Cadott were united in marriage, Rev. J. N. Midtlien performing the ceremony.

The bride wore a street length dress of powder blue crepe with a hat to match and a corsage of sweetheart roses and gardenias. There were attended by the bride’s brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Solie. Mrs. Solie wore a navy blue redingote with a hat to match and also wore a corsage of sweet peas and Briarcliffe roses. The men wore dark suits with white carnation boutonnieres. Following the ceremony they drove to the farm home of the bride’s brother, Norman Solie, where a dimmer and reception was given for about twenty guests. The tables were decorated in yellow and green with gleaming tapers arranged among the spring flowers. The centerpiece on the bride’s table was a beautiful wedding cake, made by the bride’s aunt, Mrs. Laura Solie. The bride has been a successful teacher in the rural schools of Chippewa County for several years and at present is teaching at the Keystone school. The groom left this week to join the army. The following out-of-town guests were here to attend the wedding: Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Prince and children of Cooks Valley, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Woldt of Wausau and Mr. and Mrs. Kaiser of Cadott.

A pre-nuptial shower was given in their honor at the Norman Solie home on Sunday by a group of relatives. They were presented with a chemille bedspread and some pictures.

One hundred and thirty-six Chipppewa County men will leave Camp Grant about May 25 to assist in forming the next army under the selective draft act.

100 years ago June 9, 1922

THE BOYD WEEKLY NEWS (on page 6) Incorporated herein are interesting items from the rural sections of the heart of Wisconsin’s cloverbelt Boyd, Wisconsin Firemen – band picnic here next Sunday Picnic last year proved big success, to be made annual affair

126 years ago May 16, 1896

A LAND OF PROMISE A Country of Many and Wonderful Resources That Are As Yet But Partially Developed.

Some interesting facts concerning the soil, climate, productions, and character of the people.

“The wilderness and the solitary place shall bloom and be made glad for them, and the desert shall rejoice and bloom as the rose.”

Had the ancient prophet uttered these words of the primeval forests of Northern Wisconsin, the logic of events would have proven him a “true prophet” more effectively than does the history of the times in which he lived. For the years are comparatively recent in which this section of the state has been considered more than a wilderness. Within the span of the writer’s few years of life* the woods of Northern Wisconsin were fabled in song and story, a wilderness…in a seclusion that had not been broken since the beginning of time. But the ruthless hand of yankee enterprise has worked a transformation scene more wonderful in its narration than the Arabian Nights.

Unfortunately the motive which created the inroads for civilization was not one of philanthropy. A few men whose foresight was greater than that of their fellows discovered in these pine forests a mine of untold wealth and the devastation which ensured was not prompted by a desire to develop the resources of the country or to promote its future greatness but merely to reap one harvest which was the growth of centuries, then to press onward leaving mother earth shorn of all her glories, to weep in loneliness and desolation…( belief in protective tariff while acknowledging bad actors “in both parties”)…The editorial policy of the Republican shall be to build up, not to tear down. There is trouble enough in the world. Then here’s to the new Stanley. “With charity towards all, with malice towards none.”

*born 1866 Sourced at the Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub

124 years ago THE MIRROR Put out by the inmates of the Stillwater Prison at Stillwater Minnesota. Motto: “It is never too late to change.” June 7, 1894

What is true manhood? Men who are true to God, true to truth, to themselves and their conscience, in every age of life, in every walk and condition of society , in every calling, under every difficulty, trial and temptation, are certainly entitled to the term “true men.”

In looking for the true man of the present day we are too apt to look up to one exalted in some position in life., forgetful or entirely ignoring the fact that the man in the poorest garb, occupying the most humble position in life, may possess the very elements above quoted; and while humbly and conscientiously doing his duty may be the ideal true man.