
Posted 5/17/22

A LOOK Back FROM THE FILES OF THE STANLEY REPUBLICAN COMPILED BY JOSEPH BACK 10 years ago April 26, 2012 Two guards injured during attack at Stanley Correctional Institution On Monday, April 16, 2012 …

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10 years ago April 26, 2012

Two guards injured during attack at Stanley Correctional Institution On Monday, April 16, 2012 at approximately 9:10 a.m., the Stanley Police Department responded to the Stanley Correctional Institution for an assault by an inmate. A female and male guard received injuries and were taken to the hospital for treatment and released; the inmate was not injured.

An investigation is ongoing with the full cooperation of the Stanley Correctional Insti- tution stau.

No further details are being released by the Stanley Police Department at this time was the matter is still being investigated.

20 years ago April 18, 2002

Victory Medical Center Nursing Home’s Future Discussed The Victory Medical Center was standing room only on April 12 when over 70 people showed up for the first-of-two forums on the potential closing of the nursing home. Another forum was held on April 13.

Nursing home residents, their families, nursing home employees and community members made up the audience.

Miss Stanley Contest Applications Now Available The Stanley Area Chamber of Commerce Stanley Steamer Days Queen Committee is looking for queen candidates.

Young ladies of the Stanley area, ages 16 – 19, are encouraged to apply as a queen candidate.

30 years ago April 23, 1992 Saturday night at Zorn Arena in Eau Claire, Tom Pomlieto returned to win the men’s middleweight division at the Collegiate Bodybuilding Championships.

Brother Tim Pomlieto of UW-Stout, joined him with a first place finished in the men’s lightweight division, making it a sweep for the two brothers.

Brad Gerrits Breaks Shot Put Record Again Although the results of the boys’ track meet were not available at press time, one result of the meet was avaialble.

Brad Gerrits, Oriole senior, broke his own shot put record, when he recorded a toss of 53’ 7 1/2” Tuesday afternoon at Cornell. Gerrits has been throwing exceptionally well, according to his coach, and actually broke the record at the Cadott meet early this season.

Ciolkosz Enrolled At Winona State For Fall 1992 Bryan Ciolkosz, a member of the Stanley-Boyd Class of ’92 and one of the outstanding members of the Orioles State Championship football team, has enrolled at Winona State University for the Fall 1992 semester.

40 years ago May 6, 1982 City Council To Purchase Land For Site Of New Water Tower The Stanley City Council voted to purchase the land and easements for the new water tower site from Harold Ryba during their regular meeting Tuesday night.

The agreement calls for the purchase of the land where the water tower will stand, and easements from Franklin to Madison St., and then from Madison St. to the tower site.

Purchase price for the tower site is $5,000, and the easements will cost $500. Financing for this project is scheduled to come out of the city’s Tax Incremental Finance district funds.

Board of Review To Hold Session Tuesday, May 11 The Board of Review for the city of Stanley will meet on Tuesday, May 11 from 2 to 5 p.m. and will hold an evening session from 6:30 top 8:30 p.m.

An open book session will be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

50 years ago May 11, 1972 Sunset Homes News By Mrs. Orpha Hull Wednesday was our birthday club meeting. Birthdays celebrated were Mrs. Emma Aumann, Mrs. Theresa Hurth and Mrs. Dinah Swim. Only Mrs. Hurth was present so she received all the honors. Mrs. Hurth ‘retaliated’ by serving ice cream to the group in honor of her birthday.

Mrs. Peter Latz tells me that her daughter Mary is progressing very nicely. She has resumed her work shop duties and is living in a unit very much like Sunset Homes. Best of all she is very happy there.

One column ad: ACCO SEED Harold Ryba 742 N. Franklin St. Phone 644-**** Stanley, Wis. 54768 60 years ago April 26, 1962 Fifteen Sites Picked as Area Fallout Shelters Fifteen buildings in the Stanley-Boyd-Cadott area have been selected as potential fallout protection shelters, following a recent survey here.

Elmer F. Charland, Chippewa County civil defense director, said this week that an architectural and engineering firm, Carl C. Crane Inc., Mad – ison, had earmarked the fifteen buildings as potential shelters during their survey here.

The buildings are: For Stanley:

• Our Savior’s Lutheran Sunday school building, Stanley

• Victory Memorial Hospital • Stanley junior high

• St. Mary’s school

• Fall Dairy building

• Farmer’s and Merchant’s State Bank building

• The Stanley Bakery building

• The Stanley Theatre For Boyd:

Boney’s Bowling Alley For Cadott: • Five diuerent areas in the school buildings, plus the Cadott Medical Building Listing of these buildings as potential fallout shelters does not obligate the owners to sign the lease agreements, of course. But, according to Charland, “the use of these structures for shelter purposes, when marked as such and stocked with food and other survival items, could save the lives of many citizens, should nuclear war occur.”

(Note: according to www., there are currently nine nuclear armed states in the world with a combined 13,080 warheads. Of these 9,600 are in military service, while the other 3,480 “await dismantling.” The vast majority of this arsenal is held by the United States and Russia.)

70 years ago May 8, 1952 New Homes Being Built Charles Colburn is building two four-room houses on S. Garfield Street. The four room and bath, frame structures are for sale or rent, according to Colburn, who says he may build more houses in the future. Bud Brown and Manfred Streit are in charge of building.

Obituaries: Mrs. Emma Brown, aged 80, on Monday morning at St. Mary’s Church.

Well-known Stanley barber Henry Melloh, born at Teagarden (Wisconsin) on April 16,1901, died on May 2, 1952. Living in Menomonie, Spring Valley and Boyd before coming to Stanley in 1942, he was a member of the Holy Name Society and St. Anne’s Church. Survived by wife Margaret and three children, “Hank” Melloh took an in- terest in hunting, fishing, and sports in general, being noted for kindness, integrity, and general interest in the community. Three children preceded him in death, one being buried at Spring Valley, that of a surviving daughter with burial details listed as “unknown” at Find A Grave.

Mr. Melloh and wife Margaret are buried in St. Joseph’s Cemetery at Boyd, with Find a Grave Memorial ID of 83398600.

80 years ago April 24, 1942 Church directory Pleasant Valley Community Church Pleasant Valley Pentecostal Church First Presbyterian Church Stanley Methodist Church Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Epiphany Evangelical Lutheran Church Church of God (Mrs. Frank Dietrich in charge) Union Cottage Prayer Meeting Church of the Brethren (Lewis Hyde, pastor) Worden, Maple Grove, Stanley included in church circuit 120 years ago May 17, 1902

Volume VIII, Number 48 (dating to origin at Iron County) Published every Saturday at Stanley, Wisconsin by W. H. Bridgman Church News U. L. Church Pentecost services with suitable songs and music tomorrow at U. L. Church, Stanley.

Two young ladies not before baptized will then be admitted to the congregation by baptism and also twenty young boys and girls will be con- firmed. Services commence at 10 a.m. All are invited.

Catholic Notes Today is the vigil of Pentecost and a day of abstinence.

Tomorrow is Pentecost Sunday. Early mass will be at 8 o’clock and high mass at 10 o’clock. At the high mass the sermon will be on The Power of the Church.

Baptism will be administered at 2:45 p.m. Sunday School at 3 and May Devotions at 4 o’clock.

May 21, 23 and 24 are Ember Days.

Methodist Notes Strawberry Social at the Opera House Saturday evening.

The Social and business meeting of the Epworth League was a great success. About ninety people took supper. Four new members were voted in.

The Services next Sunday as follows: Preaching 10:30 by the pastor, Sunday School 11:45, Epworth League 7 p.m., preaching by Rev. Bachman 8 p.m.

Presbyterian Notes The Hunt meetings in Cadott are going great good in the community. Many have made the decision to stand for Christ and let the light shine so that they might know him, the Savior of the World.