10 years ago April 5, 2012 A LOOK Back FROM THE FILES OF THE STANLEY REPUBLICAN COMPILED BY JOSEPH BACK “It wasn’t ever really a question, but Mike Henke is ovcially the mayor of Stan ley. …
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10 years ago April 5, 2012
“It wasn’t ever really a question, but Mike Henke is ovcially the mayor of Stan ley.
Henke's terms will start April 16, when he is sworn into ovce. He will take over the positions now held by David Jankoski, who decided not to seek reelection after holding the mayor’s job for 14 years.
To honor Jankoski’s con- tributions to Stanley's prog – ress over the past nearly 1.5 decades, an open house is be- ing held in his honor Sunday, April 15 from 2 to 4 p.m. at Alberta May’s restaurant, lo- cated within the Homeplace of Stanley.
20 years ago March 28, 2002 City “back in the black” with a redesigned water treatment plant. Finance Commit- tee Chairman Mike Henke met with SEH to compare numbers and reported that both were on the same page. As a result, the city had come out $282,095. Increase in wa ter costs was tied to high iron content in the well fields on the city’s northwest side, the paper reported.
Renee Williams received a United States National Award in science. Williams was nominated by Mrs. Possley, a science teacher at the school.
In spite of the poor economic conditions,” Deb and Jeu Makovsky launch Rustic Resale at 315 N. Broadway in Stanley. They are from Cur tiss.
30 years ago April 2, 1992
Patrick Haines takes over as manager of the United Building Center.
S-BHS stau selects Ja son Isenberger, Bob Mahr, Louis Alix, Laurie Westman, and Becky Sigrist for the 1992 Badger Boys and Girls awards.
40 years ago April 1, 1982 Live and Learn By Lisa Disterhoft-Meyer Disappointed It’s been a busy and interesting week, with the pre-election issue coming together. I’ve had the opportunity to meet some very intelligent, interesting people who are running for area of- fices, and am impressed with the quality of leadership being presented to the voters.
But there is a small minority of people that disappointed me this week. These were the candidates who received questionnaires and did not re- turn them to our ovce.
A great deal of time and thought went into the preparation of the questionnaires. Last year we devoted almost three pages to the pre-election interviews, to make sure voters were informed about the candidates.
I have strong feelings about the voters right to know about the people that will be representing them. That right doesn’t change, regardless of whether the candidate is running unopposed or not.
I guess I’m forced to make some assumptions about the people who could not take 45 minutes to an hour from their schedule to fill out a ques tionnaire. None of them are very flattering. I feel that as a voter, I should be able to find out what the candidates think about the issues that influence my life as a community resident and future parent.
This pre-election issue should ouer the voters needed information to make an intelligent choice, and gives the candidates a free opportunity to share their views. It’s sad that some people running for public ovce can't or won't share their views with the electorate.
50 years ago March 30, 1972 Miss Joan Matya’s class at the Lincoln School build their own supermarket to practice counting money in a “conceptual approach” to learning that uses concrete materials.
Good Friday Union Ser vice of area churches held March 31 at 1:30 p.m. at the United Presbyterian Church. The Church of the Brethren and Methodists were participating, with everyone invited.
Good Friday Store Clos ings Most Stanley business places will follow the custom of a number of years’ standing and close from noon to 3 p.m. on Good Friday so that owners and employees can attend the church of their choice for Good Friday services.
Regular Friday night store hours will be observed.
Town of Edson contributes $160,000 to heart fund
60 years ago April 5, 1962
News From the Boyd Community by Mrs. George Yeager Lutheran Aid Met March 28
The Ladies Aid of St. Pe – ter's Lutheran church met at the church parlors Wednesday afternoon, Mar. 28 with Mrs.
Calvin Rasmussen as hostess.
Mrs. Gindt To Host Circle Mrs. Pete Gindt will en- tertain the St. Veronica Circle of St. Joseph's church at her home on Tuesday evening, April 10th.
Cub Scouts Get Awards at Pack Meeting The Pack meeting of Pack 132, Cub Scouts of Boyd was held Monday night, March 26, at the Legion club rooms.
The following awards were presented: Jon Price-Silver arrow, 12 electives.
Robert Robinson-Bobcat
Douglas Robertson-Gold and silver arrow for model boat and airplane building.
Thomas McQuillan-Sil – ver arrow, 10 electives.
David Wolowick-Gold and silver arrow, model ship building.
A Cub Scout, after com pleting his required achievements then works on electives to earn arrow points until he graduates to the next level of scouting…Any parents desiring their son or sons to join Cub Scouting are asked to contact Dr. D. A. Sallis or Al bert Bourget.
Mrs. Eslinger Entertains Circle Mrs. Frank Eslinger enter- tained the St. Mary's Circle of Sacred Heart church, Edson, at her home Thursday. After the business meeting a social hour followed with Mrs. Joseph Rank winning the door prize. A very nice lunch was served by the hostess.
70 years ago March 27, 1952 News of our servicemen David Kienholz stationed at Great Lakes with the U.S. Naval Forces Alex Langiewicz, Jr. pro moted to corporal. Attending school in Japan, he had left for Korea the previous July.
Harley F. Svoma, airman apprentice, serving with the overhaul and repair depart- ment of U.S. Naval Air Sta tion in Jacksonville.
Robert Slovensky, seamen apprentice, recently enjoyed a three-day rest and recreation leave Letters to the Editor “We are so tolerant we have become narrow” Dear Editor: In your “8-Ball column of March 13 you came to the conclusions that the referendum recently discussed (in reference to alcohol) would split the Wets and the Drys; cause hard feelings; cost the city coin; be of doubtful legal – ity; and should contain only the one-day beer permit question if it becomes a reality.
As usual, your thinking is sound and mature…(several Bible citations and distinction of bar with bartender)…John Reppe 80 years ago April 3, 1942 War news: Japan suuers what is believed to be an “enormous” loss of ships by what is deemed “the United Nations,” even as Britain is reported to be planning peace with India for it to call a Constitutional Convention, while Japan establishes a foothold in the Indian Ocean on the Andaman Islands by which to attack Ceylon and Calcutta.
Back in Wisconsin: Phone Service is curtailed by government order New installations to be restricted to necessity. Some Equipment not available.
By conforming to the recent conservation order of the War Production Board, the telephone industry will make available for war purposes 35,500 tons of lead, 29,500 tons of copper, 29,000 tons of iron and steel, 650 tons of zinc, 540 tons of crude rubber and large amounts of other scarce materials, Ralph Sny der, Manager for the Wisconsin Telephone Company said recently.
“We will endeavor to administer the new conservation order as equitably as possible and with the least inconvenience to the public,” Mr. Snyder stated. "All types of instruments and services will not be available as heretofore. The public, however, has cooperated splendidly in getting the best possible service out of the available facilities and a continuation of this cooperation will be doubly helpful in these times.”
Air Defense also provided for: Mr. Tronick heads the local air defense with junior wardens in each ward. Of particular importance is that maneuver deemed “the blackout,” with junior wardens as follows: Ward 1: Lawrence Plom bon Ward 2: Jack Fahey Ward 3: Louis Larson Ward 4: John Pirus
90 years ago March 18, 1932
Seven Last Words of Christ Dramatized in Music Cantata to Constitute Good Friday Observance in This city.
For the first time, Good Friday will be formally observed by the business houses and people of this city at the request of all the churches which will participate in the observance. The observance will take the form of a rendition of a cantata under the direction of Miss Thelma Halverson. The composition selected is "The Seven Last Words of Christ” by Dubois.
100 years ago April 7, 1922
Road weight limits are born!
NEW TRUCK LAW EF – FECTIVE THIS SPRING Auto License Inspector Here to Set the Public Right. Must Show Weights.
R. W. Dixon, Auto License Inspector for this district with headquarters at Eau Claire was in the city Tuesday. He was checking up on the use of auto license plates and stopped at the Republican of- fice to advise us regarding the new truck law passed by the last legislature for the protection of the roads.
Hereafter all trucks, mo tor busses, trailers and other heavy motor vehicles used for transporting freight or engaged in any commercial traf- fic on the highways must bear on each side of the vehicle in large plain letters a statement giving the weight of the vehicle, its load capacity and its gross weight and such car cannot travel in excess of 30 miles per hour.
ON roads of Class B, such as those in this vicinity, the gross weight of any truck with its load is limited to seven tons. On Class A roads such as concrete pavement the weight limit is twelve tons.
Inspector Dixon stated that he had found no violations of the law here but that he had found many in Eau Claire.
110 years ago March 23, 1912 NOTICE TO CONTRAC- TORS A brick school house is to be erected in District No. 9, town of Edson, Chippewa County. Sealed bids for the work of construction will be received by me up to noon on the first day of April, 1912, when the said bids will be opened. Plans and specifica tions can be seen at my residence. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bills.-S. D. Mohr, Dist. Clerk.
TO TEACH NORSK People of Stanley will pe tition board of education to provide for instruction MUCH FAVORABLE COMMENT A knowledge of Norwe- gian language and Literature would be useful to boys and girls The board of education of the city of Stanley will be asked to create a course of instruction in the Norwegian language as a part of the public school curriculum. Interest in the matter was aroused recently by a lecture delivered here on “Norwegian language and Literature" by Editor Wm. Ager of the Eau Claire Reform (a Norwegian Lan guage newspaper of the day). Many cities of the northwest have already provided for the teaching of Norwegian and the University of Wisconsin has recognized the growing demand for instruction in the Norsk language by creating an excellent department for such instruction.
Died in New York.
Mgr. Geo H. Chapman of the N. W. L. Co., received a telegram late Saturday night, announcing the death of his mother, Mrs. H. G. Chap man at the home of her son, Page Chapman, in New York City. She had been in frail health for several months.
She spent the autumn months at the Chapman home in this city. Deceased was the widow of the late Gen. Chapman of Indianapolis, a distinguished veteran of the civil war; she was also a sister of the late Mrs. D. R. Moon. She had spent much of her time both here and in Eau Claire where a host of friends will mourn her death. Her nobility and sweetness of character made her friendship a bon to all who were so fortunate as to know her. She was about 76 years of age at the time of her death.
Her remains were brought to the old home at Indianapolis for interment. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Chapman being pres ent at the obsequies, in addition to the other sons, Page and Lawrence G. Chapman.
Other obituaries: Estelle Burns, wife of Edward F. Burns. and one “Olive,” adopted daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hafer. Olive was 18 years old and died after a lingering illness from tuberculosis.
120 years ago March 15, 1902 Asthma medicine ad “One of my daughters had a terrible case of asthma. We tried almost everything, but without relief. We then tried Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral*, and three and one-half bot- tles cured her."-Emma Jane Entsminger, Langsville, O.
Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral certainly cures many cases of asthma.
And it cures bronchitis, hoarseness, weak lungs, whooping-cough, croup, winter coughs, night coughs, and hard colds.
Three sizes: 25 cents, 50 cents, $1. All druggists.
Consult your doctor. If he says take it, then do as he says. If he tells you not to take it, then don't take it. He knows. Leave it with him. We are willing.
J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass.
*From Latin "pector, pec toris,” and relating to the chest.