
Posted 4/6/22

A LOOK Back FROM THE FILES OF THE STANLEY REPUBLICAN COMPILED BY JOSEPH BACK 10 years ago March 29, 2012 Welcome Home Randy! What a homecoming! Up to 1,000 people funneled through the Boyd American …

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10 years ago March 29, 2012

Welcome Home Randy!

What a homecoming! Up to 1,000 people funneled through the Boyd American Legion Hall to greet Randy Setzer, the Boyd Village Pres – ident who is being called a medical miracle.

Setzer was stricken Feb – ruary 13 by lethal blood clots that blocked the main artery to his lungs.

Setzer, 41, was working in Eau Claire when he collapsed and was rushed to Luther Hospital. Resuscitation ef – forts went on for nearly two hours and Setzer showed little sign of life.

Surgeons tried a last-ditch procedure removing clots. Some of the clots were as thick as a pencil and more than five inches long.

Greeting the throng of well-wishers, the word "mir – acle was perhaps the most common term of the day. The celebration of Randy Setzer's survival story was held at the Boyd American Legion Hall but it spilled over into the Boyd streets. Officially, the event was a fundraiser thrown by family and friends to help out Setzer and his family. He credits his wife, Crystal, and daughter, Karissa for being there the entire time through the ordeal.

"They are the real rocks here. They are my foundation. They stuck with me around the clock," he said.

Randy greeted friends and made a lot of new ones who were praying for him to recover on Saturday. He re – ceived hundreds of hugs and was able to stay at the event until 7:30 p.m.

20 years ago March 21, 2002 New arrivals: A son to Dan and Theresa Goebel of Gil – man.

A daughter to Todd and Angie Erickson. Grandpar –

ents are Bob and Nancy Pe – terson of Boyd.

A Hornet in the Bird's Nest, by David A. Boyea Typing up the police re – port, I noticed that another accident occurred at the in – tersection of Cty. Hwy. NN and State Highway 29. Then on Monday, an accident oc – curred at the intersection of Cty. Hwy. G and Cty. Hwy. O. I don't have much to say on Monday's accident, I initially planned on just commenting on the dangers of crossing Hwy. 29.

It's common knowledge that some of the intersec – tions around here leave a lot to be desired where safety is concerned. With the near fu – ture presenting the issue of increased traffic flow in the area, it's almost certain that they will be more accidents. There's no point in lecturing on safe driving, just be more careful at an intersection that could pose problems. For the drivers that don't need to stop at the intersection, keep in mind that someone may be taking their time to get their vehicle across. These rural roads can throw a monkey wrench in a typical ride, and I hope that anyone reading this will take a couple of seconds and be aware of the potential dangers.

With the past issues con – cerning 345th Street and its access to Hwy. 29, I'm almost wondering if the DOT should accelerate their plans for clos – ing all the cross traffic roads that do not have a proper exit. Yes, it would be inconvenient for many people, but the clos – ings are coming in the future, and maybe if they are done sooner I won't have to report on a fatality. Until then, when crossing Hwy. 29, on any of these rural roads or county highways, take some extra time and use the Boyd, Stan –

ley, or Thorp exit. Ten min – utes extra to get to where you are going is a lot better than taking the quicker and more convenient way and ending up in a costly accident. And the cost, one of these times, is not just going to be financial.

S-BHS Scholar/Athlete Award Winners for 2001 – 02 Zack Kempf, Rachel Hazuga, Becky Licht Nicole Chirhart Earns All-Conference GBB Honor –

able Mention Nicole Chirhart, Stan –

ley-Boyd High School ju – nior, was awarded an Eastern Cloverbelt All-Conference Honorable Mention. Chirhart, the sole selection, scored 192 points in the 21 games (regu – lar and post-season).

Kim Caswell Attending Spring Training in Bahamas Kim Caswell, a two-year starter for the UW-Stout fast – pitch team, is presently on the island of Nassau, Bahamas for a nine-day spring training camp. The team left Wiscon –

sin on March 14 and will ar – rive back March 23. Kim is the daughter of Tim and Rox –

ie Caswell of Stanley.

30 years ago March 26, 1992

Girls Track Team Aims For 10th Straight Cloverbelt Crown Head Coach Gary Krueger, back for his 14th year at the helm of the Oriole girls' track team has his sights set on a 10th straight Cloverbelt Title for the defending conference champs.

Assisted by Rick Mai, in his 8th year, Krueger has good reason to be optimistic.

Returning letter winners from last year's Cloverbelt Championship Track Team: Wendy Licht, Erica Paul, Cindy VanDomelen, Tara La –

Grander, Jessy Lato, Stepha –

nie Kuehni, Kelly Hass, Hol – ly Schesel, Nitra LaGrander, Tara Gregorich, Tera Spa – eth, Chelsey Brown, Holly Pozdell, Janelle Bielecki, and Lisa Sorenson.

Paul and Goodman Se –

lected S-B Cloverbelt Schol –

ar-Athletes Erica Paul and John Good – man have been nominated for the Cloverbelt Scholar-Ath –

lete Award.

Brenner & Acker Select – ed To Annual Al-Northwest Team Bob Brenner, Stan – ley-Boyd senior, was named to the 1st team All-Northwest wrestling Team, which was announced this week.

Dave Acker, (28-3), the Orioles 152# Conference Champ was selected to the Honorable Mention Team.

Brenner (31-3) was a sec –

ond squad selection last year.

40 years ago March 25, 1982

Obey's Weekly Newsletter By Dave Obey, District 7 U.S. House Representative A Report on Poland I recently led a seven-mem – ber congressional delegation to Poland to evaluate the situ –

ation there following the dec – laration of martial law and the reaction of the West to it.

Poland is one of three places in the world that could explode with serious conse – quences for American policy. The other two are the Mid –

dle East and Central Ameri – ca. Our delegation discussed different approaches to the situation with American and European NATO officials in order to get their views before we went to Poland. In Poland we met with a wide variety of government officials a good many private Polish citizens as well as several leaders of the Catholic Church, from the parish level right up to Archbishop Glemp, the Pol – ish primate. We also reviewed the Polish refugee situation in Austria and its potential implications for the United States and finally discussed the Polish question further with Pope John Paul II (for –

merly the archbishop of Kra –

kow, Poland).

50 years ago March 23, 1972

New Books at the Moon Library!

"Touch the Earth, a self-portrait of Indian exis – tence" by T. C. McLuhan "Eleanor and Franklin" by Joseph P. Lash "A Trumpet for Reason" by Jack Leo Rosten "The Peaceable Kingdom" by Jan Hartog 60 years ago March 29, 1962 News from the Boyd Com – munity Class of 45 Confirmed in Edson Church A Class of 39 school chil – dren and six converts were confirmed March 19 at the Sa – cred Heart church of Edson by the Most. Rev. John P. Treacy, S. T. D.*, bishop of LaCrosse.

Helland Baby Baptized Sunday Rev. John Melloh of Eau Claire baptized the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Duane Hel –

land Sunday, March 18th.

At the Thorp Theatere: At – lantis: The Lost Continent in Metrocolor, starring Anthony Hall and Joyce Taylor.

Breakfast at Tiffany's in Technicolor, starring Audrey Hepburn.

Births: Four sons; to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dusick, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jakubowicz, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Brandt, and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Klewic ki.

Albert Bourget the new carrier on Route Two *Latin: "Sacrae Theologi – ae Doctor" English: "Teacher of Sacred Theology" 70 years ago March 20, 1952 Obituaries: John W. War – den, a town of Thorp farmer for 54 years, died aged 88, be – ing born in Jefferson County, New York and the last of his family, though survived by many nieces and nephews.

Mary Ann Kyle of Edson. Funeral on Tuesday morning at St. Mary's church, with Father Ralph Geissler offici – ating.

"Mrs. Kyle was one of the well-known mothers in Stan – ley country, and devoted to her family and home inter – ests, she lived in a neighborly, Christian manner among her friends in Edson, from 1919 to 1947. Since the death of her husband in July 1947, she has been living at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Fritz Swatzina, in the town of Colburn." EDITORAL AND FEA – TURE PAGE A word about those "hen parties" women have We are in receipt of a let – ter from a friend of ours-a member of a Chippewa coun – ty homemaker's club-which proves an old contention of our: that women's groups, or clubs, serve a valuable and worthwhile purpose.

Chippewa county clubs, it seems, have set up a project for this year which calls for the review of biographies of candidates for public office in 1952 elections. This is but one example of the sort of thing that such women's organiza – tions-God bless 'em!-are doing, year in and year out.

It is easy to make jokes about "hen parties" and "women's clubs," but it is not so easy to ignore the tre – mendous job they do across the nation. Meeting in small groups, these various clubs and groups-of which there are literally thousands-lis – ten to informative speakers, develop self-assigned pub – lic information projects, and work for simple, honest ob – jectives-all conducive to a better informed womanhood and America.

Though they never make the biggest headlines or cause much of a stir, the job they're doing together adds up to one of the biggest and most im – portant "forces" in modern day life.

80 years ago March 27, 1942 WISCONSIN GEARED UP TO WIN BIG WAR Money Alone Will Not Do It. Every Community Has a Part To Play in Great Fight.

Before long, every com – munity in Wisconsin that was shops working on war machines will begin to feel the inspiring and energizing influence of the new National Production drive.

Launched by Donald M. Nelson, War Production board chairman, at the direction of President Roosevelt, because the men fighting our battle in the field need more weapons. The drive was set in motion for Wisconsin at a meeting of 350 worker and owner rep – resentatives from three score plants holding prime war con – tracts.

THREE FLIERS LIVE ON RAFT 34 DAYS Three American fliers lived for 34 days on a rubber raft after the plane was forced down in the Pacific near Pearl Harbor. They subsisted on raw fish caught with their hands and on water secured by mopping it up with rags from the bottom of their boat after heavy showers. They were 'sans les robes' after reaching an island after pad – dling the raft a thousand miles by using their shoes for oars.

Back at Home: Captain Leo Veeser, a Stanley native, has been appointed Officer in Charge of the War Plans and Training Branch of the Sixth Corps Area Quartermaster Office, embracing the states of Illinoi, Michigan, and Wis consin.

The new St. Peter's Cath – olic Church in Tilden will be dedicated in the near future. It will be one of the most or – nate as well as one of the most modern church buildings in the country. The pastor is Rev. R. F. Raschke.

100 years ago March 31, 1922 Church Notes Church of the Brethren Rev. Ralph G. Rarick, pas –


Presbyterian Church Rev. Geo. E. Griffiths, pas –

tor. Methodist Church Rev. R. S. Dunbar, pastor Evangelical Lutheran Church, Rev. A. C. Stapel, pastor "The Evangelical Luther – ans will hold services in the Brethren Church Sunday, April 2, in the English Lan –

guage." Our Saviour's Lutheran J. N. Midtlien, pastor Services Sunday morning at 10:30 in the English Lan – guage.

Services Sunday evening at 7:30 in the Norwegian Lan –


110 years ago March 16, 1912

Obituary Doherty. Thos. D. Doherty died at the home of his brother, Jas. B. Doherty, in New Rich – mond, Ohio on March 10, 1912. The deceased was wellknown here having resided at the home of his brother near Stanley for twenty years prior to their removal to Ohio a year ago. He was aged 75 years and death came suddenly.

120 years ago March 8, 1902 PARDON FOR 'LIFER' Governor hears Applica – tion in the Case of Edward Eckert Now in Waupun Prison HE WAS SENT UP FOR MURER Claimed that Error was Made and that Pardon is Now the Only Remedy.

Madison, Wis., March 6.-[Special.]-A hearing was given by Gov. La Follette today in the application for a pardon from the state's prison of Edward Eckert, sent up for life for the murder of Charles Peterson, near Fort Atkinson, in 1878.

The pardon is asked on the ground that Eckert was illegally convicted, the ver – dict not fixing the degree of guilt. No application for writ of error was made within the required time, two years, and a pardon is now the only rem edy.