
Posted 2/22/22

A LOOK Back FROM THE FILES OF THE STANLEY REPUBLICAN COMPILED BY JOSEPH BACK 30 years ago February 13, 1992 Saturday your return. Brenner & Acker Win Clo – verbelt Titles at 145# and 152# …

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30 years ago February 13, 1992


your return.

Brenner & Acker Win Clo – verbelt Titles at 145# and 152# Wrestlers Travel To Ells worth Saturday For Regional Tourney Bob Brenner nabbed his third Cloverbelt Conference ti – tle and Dave Acker his second, as the two senior wrestlers fin ished their regular seasons with big wins.

Brenner, who was 28 – 2 last year, earned conference ti – tles at 103# as a junior. Brenner had to defeat a returning State Champ and Wisconsin No. 1 ranked 145-pounder in Dave Meyer for this year's title at 145#.

Acker, the Cloverbelt's re – turning champ at 152#, had his work cut out for him as well, as he faced the No. 8 ranked wres – tler in the state, Jamie Young, in his championship match.

"Bob Brenner and Dave Acker wrestled excellent matches in the finals," said their coach Lee LaFlamme. "They both upset very fine wrestlers.”

Brenner (23 -1) earned his way into the finals by pinning Denny Geist of Cornell in the quarterfinals at 1:24, and deci – sioning Eric Ebensperger (17 – 5, M) 12 – 5 in the quarter – finals.

Acker (23 – 1) pinned Eric Goettl (C) at 3:45 in the first round and pinned Opelt (N) 1:22 in the semi-finals. Acker matched up with Jamie Young (L 26 -2 ) in the finals. Young is rated No. 8 in the State at 152# in the Crossface's latest ranking.

40 years ago February 12, 1982 Top Ten students named for S-B Class of 1982 Linda Zubal, Karen Holew –

inski, James Schneider, There – sa Poulter, Todd Ponick, Joan Samplawski, Brenda Caswell, Rebecca Mahr, Sally Mohr, Roxane Schultze.

Teacher, Board Relations Discussed by School Board The relationship between teachers and the Board of Ed – ucation, and the proposed new athletic policy were matters of discussion when the Stan – ley-Boyd Board of Education met Tuesday.

Several members of the teaching staff spoke at the meeting on the public partic – ipation policy, the suggestion that a teacher be placed on the board as a non-voting representative., and the matter of the staff member who was discussed during the January meeting after loaning a child a book with some graphic pas sages in it.

Four Missionaries To Be Featured By Faith Evangelical Free Church Four missionaries from three continents will be fea – tured this weekend by Faith Evangelical Free Church, as it conducts a Missionary Confer –

ence Friday, Saturday and Sun – day, February 12, 13, and 14.

The guests include Lowell Olson, a missionary to Ven – ezuela; Julie Ann Turnquist, appointed to teach at the Uban – gi Academy in Zaire; Bill Noonan, who hopes he, his wife Emily, and their children can return to Japan soon; and Betty Carlson, who served as a short-term missionary in Zaire for a year.

50 years ago February 10, 1972

SCOOTING AROUND STANLEY WITH JOE Fazen din Recently I have written two editorials about our school ad ministration. I must say that I have received more reader re sponse to them than anything I have ever written.

I ask myself if they accom – plished a purpose. Last week many people were awakened to the fact that when your editor says something in his column, he lays his business on the line (or where it counts, as some would say). Many people just never gave that a thought.

As for "trading at home," I believe we could use a good editorial on that once a year. It certainly wouldn't do any harm.

And now – how about that "floating fund" cut? Should it have been cut or shouldn't it? What's your thought?

Last week I had a chance to go over the school budget with several board members and I found some very enlightening facts. In setting up a budget for a farm, a private business, or a corporation there is primarily no trouble, but to set up a bud- get for a public business, be tween the state and the Federal government, your hands get tied as to what kinds of funds you have. I was also asked this question – 'Why is it that if at the end of the school bud get year money remains in the treasury, you are open for pub- lic criticism for "padding the budget,” but if the same thing happens in private business, you are complimented because it shows you did an economical job of running your business? A very good point, isn't it.

Louain Novak Receives Betty Crocker Award Louain Novak has been named Stanley-Boyd Area high schools' Betty Crocker Homemaker of Tomorrow for 1972. Selected on the basis of her score in a written knowl – edge and attitude examination administered to senior girls last December 7, she will receive a specially designed award charm from General Mills, sponsor of the annual educa – tion program. Additionally, she is now eligible for state and national honors.

60 years ago February 15, 1962

News from the Boyd Com munity By Mrs. George Yeager* Mrs. Ernst is New President of the Church Society The St. Elizabeth Society of St. Joseph's church met at the church hall Monday night, February 5, at 8:15/ The presi – dent, Mrs. Ben Anders, opened the meeting with prayer. The St. Clara's circle were thanked for serving the dinner for the funeral of John Seidling.

Election of new officers took place. Treasurer, Mrs. Harlan Eslinger, secretary Mrs. Pete Wiss and vice president Mrs. Joseph Bruha were elect – ed and Mrs. Al Ernst became the president.

A social hour followed and Mrs. Jack Zwiefelhofer won the jackpot. The serving com –

mittee was: Mrs. Harlan Es – linger, Mrs. Albert Zais, Mrs. Herman Mohr and Mrs. Wil – liam Romanowski. The serving committee for next meeting will be: Mr.s John Seidling, Mrs. Alfred Seichter, Mrs. Math Butzler and Mrs. Albert Kuehni.

*Naming from a then con – temporary legal convention whereby a woman was consid ered to be one legal person to- gether with her husband, called the 'law of couverture.' IN HOSPITAL AFTER HEART ATTACK Sylvester Weyenberg was taken to St. Joseph's hospital, Chippewa Falls last week hav – ing suffered a heart attack at his home.

American Gas Gets Exten –

sion of Franchise Passage of a permanent trailer ordinance and exten – sion of the American Gas Co. franchise were the two most important items acted on by the Boyd village board Monday evening.

The trailer ordinance, which replaces a "stopgap" ordi – nance passed several months ago, provides for a $5 month – ly trailer parking charge. The new law also has provisions for the regulation of trailer courts, and levies a license fee of $2 per space on such courts, with a minimum charge of $10 per year.

Trailer homes already parked in the village will not be affected by the new ordinance, according to village president Norbert Scheuer, except that they will be required to pay the monthly $5 fee.

70 years ago February 7, 1952

MEET LEONARD NO – VAK We are pleased to introduce Leonard Novak, now associat –

ed with us in our modern John Deere Service Department.

The addition of “Len” to our parts and service staff means top-notch, factory trained maintenance for your John Deere machinery and equip ment.

Come in and talk over your service problems with Len.

Tri-County Implement Company "Your John Deere Dealer" Phone 111, Fourth Avenue Stanley Wisconsin SET THORP FARM INSTI – TUTE ON MEAT MONDAY Monday, February 1, has been set as the day for a Farm Institute at Thorp, according to an announcement made by the Clark County agent. The program, which will get under way at 10:30 a.m. at the Thorp high school gym, will consider livestock and poultry produc tion, meat animal grading, and trends in meat consumption.

Acting as co-chairmen for the day will be Pete Thomsen and John Brandt of the Thorp high school agricultural depart ment.

NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING The Chippewa County Cooperative Breeder's Asso – ciation Annual Meeting will be held at 10:00 a.m. Satur – day February 16, 1952 at the high school gym in the city of Bloomer. There will be good speakers on dairy topics and lunch at noon. All Chippewa County dairy farmers are cor –

dially invited to come.

Chippewa County Coop. Breeders Assn.

Box 148, Chippewa Falls, Wis.

80 years ago February 12, 1942

C. of C. Entertained Ladies Wednesday GREAT CHANGES NOW IN LIFE OF PEOPLE Change in Big Industries to Affect Lives of All People Un – employment To Be Scarce.

AIR RAIDS ON THE U.S. TO BE EXPECTED United States Air Force Of Four Million is Goal. Chief of Staff Board Organized.

News close to home: Ralph Townsend, Lake Geneva, a newspaper writer has been in- dicted by a federal grand jury on a charge of being an agent of Japan and failing to register.

Robert Dumonte, of Phil- lips, 42 years of age, rejected for enlistment in the United States Army, left last week to enlist in the Canadian army. He leaves a wife and four children.

90 years ago February 5, 1932

SPORTS The Green Bay Packer basketball team defeated the Tydol Five at the Auditorium last Sunday night by a score of 48 to 31. In spite of the severe cold, a very large crowd of fans witnessed the game and from the enthusiasm shown during the contest, they all got their money's worth of excitement.

BASKETBALL! Harlem Globetrotters vs. Stanley ( Black New York team) Sun. Nite, February 7 8:00 o clock Stanley Auditorium The Harlem Globe Trotters, of New York, are one of the best professional teams on the road. This is their first appear – ance in this part of the country.

Admission 50 cents – 25 cents 100 years ago February 17, 1922

PIONEER WOMAN GOES TO HER REWARD Aged Ninety Years, Henri – etta Shilts Succumbs to Effects of an accident.

Mrs. Henrietta C. Shilts, probably the oldest living resident and who probably had resided in Stanley and vicinity longer than any person now living, died at Victory Hospi – tal Monday morning at seven o'clock, aged almost 90 years. Her death was directly due to injuries which she suffered from a fall in her home on Feb- ruary 1st, resulting in a fracture of the hip. Although she had been very active and in excel lent health up to within the past few months, her health had been declining.

“Sissy” Shilts as she was affectionately known to the people of the city was a unique character. She was born in Massachusetts on July 7, 1832, her maiden name being Henri- etta Holbrook.

First known in area as Mrs. John Carr, husband died in civ il war.

Married Mathias Shilts, "a member of the well-known Shilts family in and around Boyd. Mr. Shilts died in 1892 after he and Mrs. Shilts were among earliest settlers of Stan- ley and Mrs. Shilts had lived alone since, her home at fourth and Franklin Streets. 110 years ago February 3, 1912

Before artificial refrigera –


THE ICE HARVEST Ole C. Haugen has his store- houses filled with ice from the

Wolf pond which will be sup – plied to customers this summer in place of the Otter creek ice furnished heretofore. The ice is said to be of good quality owing to the frequent rains this fall. Mr. Haugen was unable to get his dam repaired after the washout last fall hence his change of source of supply. The ice is from two and a half to three feet thick, the thickest ever known here.

CABBAGE CULTURE Bringing Wealth to the Farmers of Outagamie and Ra- cine Counties. Market Boom ing.

TO BE INTRODUCED HERE Stanley Country Best Adapted to Growth of the Suc – culent Head. Vegetable Market Sure.

The present market price of cabbage is twenty-four dol – lars the ton. An average yield per acre in the old exhausted lands of Outagamie and Racine counties is 12 tons to the acre. Figure that out for yourself. If you had raised ten acres of cabbage last year and had the cabbage on hand now in good condition you could have vi sions of a trip to Florida with a six cylinder automobile on But cabbage does not al ways sell for twenty-four dol- lars the ton. A year ago now the price was twelve dollars and a year hence it might be twelve dollars.

120 years ago February 1, 1902

SHE FORETOLD HER DEATH Girl Predicted Exact Time that She was Going to Die.


Ann Ziesemer Told a Friend that She Would Not Live Out the Afternoon.

Kenosha, Wis., Jan. 29.- [Special.]-Miss Anna Ziese mer died suddenly under pe- culiar circumstances in this city Monday night. Miss Ziese – mer was apparently in perfect health in the morning when she started to work. She laughed and chatted with her com – panions. During the walk she turned to Miss Mary Link and said. “I am going to die this af- ternoon." The girl reached the factory and started toward the workroom,when she fell into a faint. She was taken to her home in a carriage and died shortly before 5 o'clock in the afternoon. During the day she regained consciousness and repeatedly told her friends she was not going to live later than the time for the factory to close.