
Posted 12/14/21

A LOOK Back FROM THE FILES OF THE STANLEY REPUBLICAN COMPILED BY JOSEPH BACK 10 Years Ago December 8, 2011 Free Blood Pressure Checks Offered There are often no symptoms for high blood pressure, so …

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10 Years Ago December 8, 2011

Free Blood Pressure Checks Offered There are often no symptoms for high blood pressure, so it is often called the silent killer. The disease occurs most often in people over the age of 35. In general, the older a person is, the greater his or her chances of developing high blood pressure.

Ministry Home Care is providing free blood pressure checks at Morgan Plaza in Thorp on the third Thursday of every other month. The next BP check will be held Tuesday, December 20, 11:30 a.m.12:30 p.m. No appointment is necessary, and there is no cost.

Fore more information, call Ministry Home Care at 800397-****.

Weather Report! Sunday, November 27 HI = 35 degrees, LO = 29 degrees Monday, November 28 HI = 35 degrees; LO = 27 degrees Tuesday, November 29 HI = 37 degrees; LO = 18 degrees Wednesday, November 30 HI = 45 degrees; LO = 15 degrees Thursday, December 1 HI = 36 degrees; LO = 14 degrees Friday, December 2 HI = 32 degrees; LO = 9 degrees Saturday, December 3 HI = 37 degrees; LO = 30 degrees 20 Years Ago December 20, 2001 Christmas greetings letters From the Youngsters…(a sampling) I like Christmas because you get toys. You can play in the snow because there’s no school all day. My mom and I like to bake cookies.

Josie Copenhaver Kindergarten Faith Christian Academy I would give a bow to my brother Shawn because he really wants one.

Ryan Troyer Grade 1, Mrs. Palas’ class Stanley Elementary I would give money to the poor, because food and clothing is what they need.

Garret Wald Grade 1, Mrs. Gordon’s Class Stanley Elementary On Christmas day Jesus was born in a manger.

Silas Van De Loo Grade 2, Faith Christian Academy Christ Holly Tree Resurrection Isaiah Song of songs The Temple of God My love for God Angels Son of God Christopher Schuebel Grade 5 Boyd-Stanley Catholic Schools Born Infant Ready Tiny Holy Over Fair Joseph Emmanual Sweet Us Savior Alec Fitzsimmons Grade 5, Boyd-Stanley Catholic Schools St. Joseph School Eucharist Mail Mary Angel Noel United Advent Lent Casteele Miller Grade 5, Boyd-Stanley Catholic Schools St. Joseph School The true meaning of Christmas… Is when Jesus was born in a manger. The three kings came to Jesus. The shepherds were scared when they heard the angels singing.

Caleb Tiry Grade 4, Boyd-Stanley Catholic Schools St. Joseph School

30 Years Ago December 5, 1991

Pregnant & Worried? Nowhere to turn? We care and we are here to help!

Please call the Apple Pregnancy Center (information at https// )

70 Years Ago November 29, 1951

Hull, McCarthy Send Regards Arriving too late for inclusion in our special library supplement which accompanies this week’s issue of The Republican, we are no less happy to present here the congratulatory letters of Representative Merlin S. Hull and Senator Joseph P. McCarthy *** It is a pleasure to add to the congratulations you are receiving from the state and elsewhere on the fiftieth anni versary of the founding of the Moon Memorial Library. In these modern times, when everything is upset generally, the need for libraries is increasing. I hope other communities will follow the example of Stanley in supporting their libraries. Not every one of them may have received the initial boost as was afforded by the library at Stanley by the late D. R. Moon, but as time passes other compensations may enter in.

Your statement regarding your special edition is of particular value to me in my acquaintance of the publication of the years gone by, and I am pleased to join with you in the hope that the next half century will add to the importance of your library in Stanley and surrounding communities.

I well remember the earnest endeavors of the late Mr. Bridgman in helping to establish the weekly newspaper in Wisconsin on a firmer and better basis. I had known him and Mrs. Bridgman for many years.

With sincere regards and best wishes and continued success to the Moon Memorial Library, The Stanley Republican and to yourself, I am Very truly yours, MERLIN HULL *** Mr. Walter H. Brovald, Editor The Stanley Republican, has called to my attention the fact that the Moon Memorial Library will be the subject of a Fiftieth Anniversary observance on December 1. I had hoped to be able to be with you on that date, but it has been impossible to break a previous engagement.

However, I do want to offer my whole-hearted congratulations to those who have made this library a success over the past years. The contribution which libraries such as the Moon Memorial Library have made to the free education of our country is of inestimable value.

Again, congratulations and best wishes!

Sincerely yours, JOE McCARTHY 80 Years Ago December 19, 1941 Harry, 21-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kramer of this city (Chippewa Falls), was killed in the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Sunday, Dec. 7, according to a telegram received by his parents from the Navy Department. This is believed to be the first war casualty among men from Chippewa County.

Twenty-three young men from Chippewa County, have enlisted during the week. Those from outside the city include Freeman Springer of Stanley.

Thorp Pioneer Dies Sam Christenson, pioneer resident of Thorp, died at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Chippewa Falls, last Sunday. He was born in 1870 at Odensburg, Wis. And had been a resident of Thorp for 40 years, having a wide acquaintance among the people of this region and was beloved and respected by everybody. The funeral was conducted at Thorp, Tuesday.

90 Years Ago December 11, 1931 Chic Sale, Author of “The Specialist,” IS NOW IN TALKIES Charles (Chic) Sale, America’s foremost rural character actor, who is featured as the Grand Army veteran, the man who knew Lincoln, with Walter Huston and others in “The Star Witness,” the Warner Bros. picture plays at the Star Theater for three nights beginning Tuesday, was born in Huron, South Dakota, a few more than thirty years ago. His father was a practicing dentist.

CITY DADS FIX TAX RATE AT THREE AND FOURTH PER CENT Adopt Budget at Tuesday Evening Session of Approximately 67 Thousand Dollars At a session of the City Council on Tuesday evening the City Council adopted the budget on which to make the tax assessments for the year now drawing to a close. The amount of the city’s needs was found to be $66,994.59. The tax rate was fixed at 3 ¼ per cent., one fourth per cent lower than during the past two years. While there may have been nothing in the needs of the city to justify such a re- duction, the city officials felt that a measure of economy was expected of the officials at this time and the reduction was made. The estimated expenses of the city for the coming year are as follows: County Taxes…$16,469.66 Appropriation for School…$19,000 Appropriation for Library…$ 2,500 Appropriation for Hospital…$ 750 Appropriation for Band…$850 Appropriation for Auditorium Bonds…$3,000 Appropriation for Sewer Bonds…$2,000 Appropriation for Sewer Overdraft…$300 Appropriation for Bank Refund…$1,000 Grace P. Moore Claim…$608.40 Interest on Street Lighting Bonds…$350 Interest on Auditorium Bonds…$1,350 Interest on Sewer Bonds…$120 Interest on Loans…$600 General City Government…$ 3,900 Protection to Person and Property…$2,850 Street Lighting…$3,350 Roadways, Streets, and Alleys….$ 2,500 Street and Highway Supervision…$ 1,500 Fire Truck…$1,841 Street Machinery and Tools…$500 Bridges…$200 Street Cleaning…$500 Garbage Collection…$150 Curbs and Gutters…$50 Crosswalks…$50 Snow and Ice Removal…$ 200 Weed Cutting…$25 City Parks and Cemetery…$ 500 Total…$66,994.59 Moved by Thomas and seconded by Horgen that the tax rate be fixed at 3 ¼ % on the equalized valuation of the city, for the year 1931. Carried on roll call. On motion of Fijalkiewicz and seconded by Schultz the budget for 1932 was adopted as read. Carried.

The estimated income of the city for the coming year is as follows: From Tax Roll, valu- ation $1,673,200 @ 3 ¼ %…$54,379.00 From Income Tax…$1,900 From Auto Tax…$2,950 From Special City Taxes…$ 1,100 From Insurance Taxes…$ 300 From Telephone Taxes…$ 470 From State Aid for Streets….$1,370 From Police Court Fines…$200 From Sale of Cemetery Lots…$275 From Special License…$ 200 From Income from Auditorium and City Hall…$2,000 Total: $12,615.59 Tas roll: $54, 379.00 TOTAL: $66,994.59 120 Years Ago December 21, 1901 Old Camp Cook Dies Chippewa Falls, Wis., Dec. 19—[Special.]—Louis Jenerett of this city died suddenly from heart trouble in Joseph Dermer’s camp yesterday. He was one of the oldest camp cooks on the Chippewa River.

RECEIVED & DEDICATED (Part 1) Moon Memorial Library Formally transferred to the Library Board in Trust For the People.

Fitting honor and Recognition accorded the Memory of D. R. Moon and to Mrs. Moon, the Donor.

Tuesday contained all the bright winter sunshine which it was possible for the weather director to crowd into one December day at this time. The day was also prolific of other things to Stanley people which could not be excelled when measured by the promise of actual benefits to us and our posterity.

In response to invitations which had been extended to representative people throughout the state, a half hundred or so arrived on the noon train to participate in the ceremonies of dedication of the new Moon Memorial Library. Among these were Mrs. D. R. M noon the donor of the library, and immediate members of the family together with party of friends of the family. Hon. S. T. McKnight of Minneapolis, Col. And Mrs. James T. Barber of Eau Claire, Mrs. Porter, Hon. F. A. Hutchins of Madison and Hon. Jas. H. Stout of Menomonie, Dr. Hurd and Supt. A. E. Schaffer of Chippewa Falls.

The party was met at the station by representatives of the Library Board and entertained at the hotel, the North Western Office, where the le gal transfer was made to the board in trust for the people. The conditions of the gift are that a free public library shall be maintained here not alone for the people of Stanley, but for all the people. The U. L. Church was comfortably filled when Senator Jas. H. Stout announced the first number of the program. Mr. Iver Anderson, the gifted tenor soloist of Eau Claire sang.

This was followed by the presentation by Mr. S. G. Moon in behalf of his mother. His remarks were peculiar- ly fitting and characteristic and we are safe in saying that while he made no attempt at oratorical display, no number on the program affected the audience so deeply. W. H. Bridgman, in his Capacity of President of the library board accepted for the people and at the close of his remarks the people arose to their feet in assent to his utterances and in honor of Mrs. Moon. The principal address was delivered by Hon. F. A. Hutchins and he held the close attention of the now large audience for over an hour. Mr. Anderson sang again and was encored responding with “The Princes” in Skandinavian which was particularly pleasing and appropriate. Mr. Anderson’s equal as a vocalist has seldom if ever appeared before a Stanley audience.

Following the exercises, an informal reception was held at the Library where wives of the members of the library board and their friends served Russian Tea…

(Completed next week)