
Posted 12/8/21

A LOOK Back FROM THE FILES OF THE STANLEY REPUBLICAN COMPILED BY JOSEPH BACK 10 Years Ago December 1, 2011 Financial Column By Adam Smit Don't Forget Your RMD Birthdays often bring im – …

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10 Years Ago December 1, 2011

Financial Column By Adam Smit Don't Forget Your RMD Birthdays often bring im – portant milestones in one's life. Whether it is a 16-yearold getting her driver's li – cense or a 62nd birthday when you first qualify for social security, your 70 1/2 birthday brings an import – ant event that shouldn't be overlooked by investors. This milestone is the point at which withdrawals from pre-tax re – tirement accounts must begin. This "milestone" is important because overlooking these withdrawals can result in seri – ous penalties…(continues).

S-B Girls Take Care of Cornell (Photo of Anna Lisiecki) Orioles start season with win (Photo of Dakota Nichols) Letter to the Editor To the Editor: In last week's Republican, the Mayor's Report made some suggestions about do – nations to local non-profits. I recommend a couple more organizations that were not mentioned in the list and would benefit greatly. They include the local food pantry and the D. R. Moon Memo – rial Library. Donations would benefit many Stanley citizens.

I would especially like to mention our older citizens. For many of them, the en – joyment of reading has been lifelong. I include our poorer citizens who can't afford ca – ble or internet at home. There are many times that they must fill out online forms or job ap – plications. Computer access and free computer classes go a long way in helping them. Finally, there are the reading programs for the children. This is a way to teach children the joys and benefits of read –

ing before they get to the so – cial media stage.

Therefore, if a generous holiday mood strikes you or you need a tax deduction or another beneficiary in your will, please consider the D. R. Moon Memorial Public Li –

brary and the local food pan – try. The gift would be used wisely and much appreciated.

Sharon Roberge

20 Years Ago December 13, 2001

In the headlines District Bomb Threat Pol – icy Changed After Emotional Week (Photo) Approximate – ly 100 citizens attended the Stanley-Boyd Area School District Board of Education Policy Committee meeting on Thursday, Dec. 6. The current bomb threat policy was ripped apart by the audience at the the meeting, which forced the board to call a special board meeting for Dec. 7, where the first and second reading of the new policy were passed, making it the new bomb threat policy. (Old policy wasn't working but rewarding those threatening with what they wanted, "a day off school") Other stories also in the news: Faith Christian Academy Live Nativity Scene Dec. 19 (photo) Remnant Church of God To Hold Play On Friday, Dec. 14 Senior Citizen's Christmas Party Thurs., Dec. 20 VMC Auxiliary Holds An – nual Tea Around The Tree On Sunday (Photo) The 17th Annual Tea Around The Tree and Love Light Tree Lighting Ceremony was held Sunday, December 9, in the hospital dining room.

30 Years Ago November 28, 1991 Ads: The Renegade…. 240 S. Broadway, Stanley, WI, 54768 Specials November 29 – December 5 Served 24 hours a Day 1. 2 eggs (any style), 2 pan – cakes, 2 strips of bacon or 2 sausage links….$2.25 2. 2 Eggs (any style), small order hash browns, 2 stripes of bacon, or 2 sausage links or 1 slice ham, toast….$2.95 3. One pancake and cof – fee….$.99 4. Reveille with bacon or ham, hash browns….$2.95 Pie of the Month Mincemeat, $1.00 per slice Homestyle Muffin of the Month Chocolate Chunk 85 cents Friday – Oven Baked Fish, Baked Potato or Batter Fried Cod or Shrimp – $4.50 Saturday – Wing Dings – $3.95 Saturday Night Special Kansas City Strip Steak Queen – $5.75 (8 oz.); King $6.75 (12 oz.)

Above served with Choice of Potato, Dinner Roll or Toast Sunday – Swiss Steak, Dressing, Potatoes, Vegetable, & Roll $4.50 Adults – $2.75 Chil – dren Chicken w/ broccoli & Cheese & Cordon Bleu – $4.50 Monday – Spaghetti & Meatballs – $3.95 Tuesday – Boiled Dinner – $3.95 Wednesday – Beef Tips Over Noodles – $3.95 Thursday – Pork Steak, Sauerkraut & Dumplings – 3.95 Renegade Gift Certificates are a great Christmas Gift.

Renegade Motel Now Open.

40 Years Ago December 3, 1981 Immunization Clinic To Be Held At Dodge School De – cember 8th Chippewa County Public Health Nursing Service will hold the next Immunization Clinic in Stanley on Tuesday, Dec. 8.

Diptheria, Tetanus and Per – tussis (DTP) is offered in both the series and the booster… Immunizations will not be giv – en unless a parent or guardian fills out and signs our form.

50 Years Ago December 2, 1971 Library's 70th anniversary To Be Commemorated Dec. 11 Moon Memorial Library was dedicated December 17, 1901…There are few people living today who remember that ceremony of decimation. Edwin Roe, president of the library board, is among those few. He remembers the joy of seeing all those books, the joy of getting books. His long as – sociation with the library kept him in touch with the mean – ing of the library to the city of Stanley these years.

Background – Goals of New Police Chief (photo) Charles David Elver, re –

cently appointed Chief of Po – lice for the City of Stanley, has taken the time to give The Re – publican a brief resume of his personal background and also some of his goals and plans for his new duties.

Elver is 31, married, and the father of three children. His wife's name is Jill and the children are Charles Jr., 10, Kim 7, and Hugh, 6. They will be moving to Stanley before the 15th of December.

Elver hopes to bring a new and higher relationship be –

tween the public and the offi – cers of the city. He said that he would like everyone, young and old, to know that at any – time, they will be able to talk to him about any complaint and known that he will do his best to assist them with their complaints.

60 Years Ago December 7, 1961 HIGH SCHOOL NEWS By Sandee Fandry The Science club has an –

nounced plans for the Annu – al Science Fair. Committees were appointed to be in charge of the fair. Pat Eslinger will head the decorating committee with Eugene Samplawski and Sharon Langel will assist her. Chairman of the advertising committee is Carol Nerdrum. She will be assisted by Janice Watson and Bob Ebben. As – sisting John Detrick, chairman of the judging committee will be Marlene Ernst and Dale Lussenden.

The film "The Evolution of the Oil Industry" was shown to the science club members. This movie told of the scien – tific achievements which led up to the modern oil refining processes used today.

Annual Staff News The annual staff has been busy collecting money for the annuals. A down-payment of $1.25 is required for a hard cover annual, and a soft cov –

er annual is $1.50. The mem – bers have also been very busy working on annual pages for their first shipment which is due on December 18.

Senior Interviews Robert Kluck's favorite class is shop. In his spare time he likes to repair machinery. Bob plans to be a diesel me –

chanic after he graduates.

70 Years Ago November 22, 1951

251 Quilts Completed, What Next?

Start In On No. 252, Natu – rally What do you do if you have finished 251 quilts, which probably represent miles of stitches? If you are Mrs. An – ton Slowinski you work on the 252nd quilt, that will go to a granddaughter.

"Double wedding ring," "Dresden plate," " round the world," with its 2600 pieces, these are a few of the patterns that have found favor with this lady of the quilts. Her quilts are in several states of the union and recent orders have come from Delaware and Washington and ever so many in the Chicago area, and of course in the homes of her grandchildren Democracy Discussion Keynotes 7th Grade Open House Activity How can we educate for a Democracy? What is a De – mocracy? What are some of the Democratic values we hope to gain in the American school? Why do we want to educate for Democracy? Pret – ty good questions those, and pertinent too, don't you think?

Lincoln school seventh graders really did mighty fine with those questions and brought the theme of Demo – cratic living down to home, school, and playground, and emphasized both duties and right of individuals in their panel discussions at the school open house Wednesday after – noon. Every pupil in the room was in one of the three panels and the three moderators were elected by their fellow pupils. Quite a lesson in democratic procedure right there.

80 Years Ago December 12, 1941 (After Pearl Harbor) UNITED STATES AND JAPAN NOW AT WAR Japan Invades United States Territory And Strikes First Blow, A Surprise.

On Sunday, December 7, the Japanese government for – mally declared war upon the United States. And during the day Japanese planes bombed Manila, Honolulu, Pearl Har – bor, Hickman Field nearby and Hawaii, all without a moment's warning. These are all United States possessions. A broadcast stated that 350 person were killed on or near Hickman Field and there were numerous other casualties… Japanese have taken posses –

sion of Guam and Wake Is – land, and have done terrific damage…Before congress had declared war on Japan, the President had ordered our army and navy to carry out plans previously prepared. U. S. Army plans engaged Japa –

nese fighting planes over Ho –

nolulu and succeeded in shoot – ing down several of them.

Even before the United States had formally declared war the British government had declared war on Japan.

Local news: The court at Barron Wis., ordered Earl A. to give back to his father the farm which he had received as a gift after Earl's wife had beaten the old man up.

90 Years Ago December 4, 1931 (Photo) Just to put at rest the report that they were not on good terms, Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt of New York invit – ed Former Governor Alfred E. Smith to breakfast at the Gov – ernor's New York home. "We often meet," said Frank. THE STANLEY BAND Regular rehearsals of the Stanley Band will be held on Tuesday evening of each week at eight o' clock at the High School.

100 Years Ago December 9, 1921

CHURCHES OF CITY REPRESENTED ON BOARD New Hospital Board Elect – ed On Tuesday Night. Many Attend Meeting.

O. W. Henderson L. I. Roe H. J. Cummins C. W. Giaque Andrew Korn G. F. Harrington Minnie Alert Mrs. A. Gaffney Mrs. J. B. Halverson. Above are the names of those elected to serve as direc – tors of Victory Hospital at the annual meeting of the stock – holders held at city hall on Monday evening. Rev. Johan MIdtlien called the meeting to order and Geo. H. Chap – man was elected temporary chairman. On motion of L. I. Roe a nominating committee of five was appointed to name nine candidates for directors. The chairman appointed T. A. Hoidahl, S. F. Gospodar, John Long, Sig Seen, and Andrew Korn.

110 Years Ago December 2, 1911 DYNAMITE FARMING Ploughing the Soil With Explosive is Said to be Giving Marvelous Results AGRICULTURE EXPER – IMENTS Washington Correspondent Forecasts Action of Congress. Trusts Favor Harmon (United States Press Asso –

ciation) Washington, D. C. Novem –

ber 27. The committee on in – terstate commerce is working on one of the biggest problems of the day, and with a deter – mination to seek and receive aid from any source that will throw light upon the subject of the government's proper rela – tion to the creation and control of corporations, the senators are industrially endeavoring to solve the question of practical and original legislation in ref –

erence to trusts.

120 Years Ago November 30, 1901

Precautions Against Lo custs Commissioner Koiner says that seventeen-year locusts will appear next June in the counties of Alexandria, Au –

gusta, Carrol, Clarke, Fair – fax, Frederick, Loudoun, Spotsylvania, Warren and Wythe. The commissioner advised farmers to to plant orchard this fall on land that was in woods seventeen years ago, as the locusts will be more numerous on such grounds… Miss Bertha Brown of the State Library Commission who has been assisting in cat –

aloguing the Moon Memo – rial Library has been called to Madison by President Hutchins.

Miss E. Carlotta Bridgman of Menasha spent Thanksgiv – ing at the home of her brother, W. H. Bridgman.

Attorney S. P. Huntington of Green Bay was a Thanks – giving guest at the Bridgman home.

Almost 134 Years Ago The Prison MIRROR Published by the inmates of the Stillwater Prison, Stillwater, Minnesota Vol. 1, No. 1 August 10, 1887 Our Motto: "God Helps those who help themselves"* *reflecting the thought of John Cassian We Wish He Was Rich In reply to a Postal Card making inquiries as to THE MIRROR, etc, Warden Stor –

dock vouchsafed the follow – ing reply.

Stillwater, Minn., July 27th, 1887 N.. J. Gorsuch Esq. Westminster, MD. Dear Sir:-The subscrip –

tion price of our Prison Mir – ror will be $1.00, per year. It will be issued Aug. 10th, and every week thereafter. The profits to goo to prison library. It will be an interesting paper because it will contain a finan – cial statement every month, of receipts and expenditures, so that all can figure out just what it costs. Another feature will be the weekly population, new arrivals, discharged either by full time served, commuta – tions or pardons.

Also short articles written by convicts. We hope to re –

ceive your subscription.

Yours, etc., H. G. STOR – DOCK To the above, the following reply was received.

Westminster, Md, Aug. 2nd, 1887 H. G. STORDOCK, War – den DEAR SIR:-Please find enclosed (inclosed) $1`.00 to pay for paper to be published by the unfortunates of your prison. Please convey to them my best wishes and approval of their noble enterprise, and if I was a rich man would sub – scribe for one hundred copies.

Yours very truly, N. J. Gorsuch Compiler’s Note: The Prison Mirror is still in publication as a monthly and bills itself as the oldest continuously printed prison newspaper in the United States. The prison site it was originally published at has since been demolished in favor of a larger replacement at Bayport (known historically as “South Stillwater”). The original site is now preserved only in some old stone walls and the warden’s house, the rest having been since redeveloped.