
Posted 12/1/21

A LOOK Back FROM THE FILES OF THE STANLEY REPUBLICAN COMPILED BY JOSEPH BACK 10 Years Ago November 24, 2011 Obits: Grace Viola Seichter, 1938 – 2011; and Edward J. Goebel, 1935 2011 …

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10 Years Ago November 24, 2011

Obits: Grace Viola Seichter, 1938 – 2011; and Edward J. Goebel, 1935 2011 Superintendent’s Report By Stanley-Boyd Superintendent Jim Jones Why so quiet about the library?

I was asked twice on Sunday why the board and I have not spoken out more on the public library / school library issue. What the school board has told me on this issue is the last couple board meetings is that this is a city and public library board issue until the point at which it is brought to the board for consideration. The School board has no plans to discuss the issue until the committee investigation the issue completes their work.

In today’s world of reduced revenue for everything in the public sector, we need to look at everything we can to make the service we offer our students better or be able to offer those services less expensively. The board’s stance throughout the fall has been that they will consider the library issue when the committee is ready to report on how combining libraries would increase services or decrease expenses. Thereby, there ei much for the city, library board, and study committee to deal with before it is taken up for consideration by the board.

What would we have done? Given the situation at Penn State University, I have reminded everyone on staff the law regarding mandatory reporting of abuse or neglect of a child. Sometimes state statutes are difficult to figure out exactly what they mean and/or they leave a lot for the person to interpret. This particular law is clear… we are mandated to report suspected abuse to the police or social services. We also understand our duty in regard to having a moral requirement to go beyond reporting only the reporting but in addition sometimes investigating, and sometimes reporting simply so something which seems “odd” can be checked out. Rather than call social services, our first call is usually to the appropriate police department, with can be the Chippewa, Taylor, Eau Claire, or Clark County Sheriff or the Stanley or Boyd Police Department. Why call the police? Our experience has shown that we get a much quicker response by calling the police. They arrive almost immediately and we are able to make our report the than expect that the officer will follow through on that report. Again, we are more likely to overreact than under react. On the flip side of this issue are those who are being reported. Quite often, we have someone very angry with us… especially when the allegation after investigation turns out to be untrue. Everyone should understand that the word “mandated” means we have no choice, our job is not to decide if we should report, our job is to report. We report so that issues like the one at Penn State are not missed.

Mayor’s Report, by Stanley Mayor David Jankoski REFLECTION TIME As we near the end of another year and celebrating Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years – it is a good time to think about the legacy we will leave behind. This is a time when we often think about family traditions, tell family stories, create or relive memories, express thankfulness for what we have, and remember family members who are no longer with us.

Park Development Fund: The city had initially established a Soo Park Development Fund and since then has requested it be changed to a general Park Development Fund that would receive pass through funds to be used for any park needs in our community. Gifts for the fund will be used for playground equipment, benches, trees, restrooms, and other improvements to any of the city parks. Anyone wishing to donate to this fun can do so by making a check payable to the Community Foundation of Chippewa County and in the memo space note that it is for the Stanley Parks Development Fund. Donations can be sent to Community Foundation of Chippewa County…or left at the Stanley City Hall. This fund is a wonderful place for memorials to be directed for honoring a living or deceased relative.

20 Years Ago December 6, 2001 Hunting Accident Claims Life of Debra Prasnicki Saturday A deer hunting accent in the Otter Lake Area claimed the life of a Town of Colburn woman on Saturday afternoon, Dec. 1.

Debra Ann Prasnicki, 47, Cty. Hwy. H., was walking her dogs along a gravel road when she was struck in the head by a shot fired from a muzzleloader rifle, Department of Natural Resources Recreational Safety Officer Tom Bokelman said.

Bokelman said Michael Berseth, 43, of Stanley admitted he shot Prasnicki when he saw movement and mistook her for an animal. He said he had seen two deer in the woods earlier and had fired his gun once.

Berseth had a neighbor call 911 at about 3:30 p.m. to report the shooting.

Funeral services for Prasnicki are today at 11 a.m. at the Plombon Funeral Home in Stanley. Her obituary can be found on page nine, section one.

30 Years Ago November 21, 1991 Obituaries Ross Curtis 1907 – 1991; Alice Endru 1912 – 1991; Mary Filipiak 1924 – 1991; Victor Aletich 1925 – 1991; John Mahal 1921 – 1991 Boyd Area News St. Ann’s Circle The members of St. Ann’s Circle met on November 6 at the home of Dorothy Derks.

President Edna Mercier opened the meeting with a prayer and eight members answered to roll call.

The secretary and treasurer’s reports were given and approved.

A motion was made and seconded to give $50 to the school towards the reading fund.

A motion was made and seconded to give $50 to St. Elizabeth’s Society, and give $5 for a mass for deceased members of St. Ann’s Circle and $5 to Father for Christmas.

The meeting closed with a prayer and social hour followed with Mary Bruha winning the cake and Evelyn Naiberg the door prize.

The next meeting will be on January 8, 1992 at the home of Sue Wundrow. A lunch was served.

Dorothy Derks, Secretary & Treasurer Orioles win State football championship, over 1,000 fans celebrate at high school assembly Orioles Defeat Mayville 21-14 in Overtime Thriller To Win Crown 60 Years Ago November 30, 1961 Classifieds 2—Personals NOTICE I will not be responsible for any bills other than my own.

Ole W. Johnson Rural School Buildings go on Sale Block FOUR RURAL school buildings, which became the property of the city of Stanley when the rural districts were consolidated with the Stanley-Boyd area school schools, are being offered for sale.

The schools are the South Worden in Clark county, the High Bank and Otter Creek schools in Chippewa County, and the Pleasant Valley school in Eau Claire county.

Persons interested in purchase of any of these schools are to submit sealed bids to the Stanley city clerk. Bids will be received until 8 p.m on Tuesday, January 2.

THREE OF the buildings being offered for sale also include the real estate.

Complete legal descriptions and other information about the sale of the buildings is contained in a “notice of sale” published on page 11 in this weeks' Stanley Republican.

Legal descriptions: South Worden School: a parcel 200 feet square situated in the Southeast corner of the Southeast quarter of Section 29, Township 28 North Range 4 West in Clark County Wisconsin. Being Known as the South Worden School.

Otter Creek School: The school building and real estate situated in the Northeast Quarter of Section 24 in Township 29 North, Range 5 West in Chippewa County, described as follows commenccing on the Northwest corner of said forty acre tract, thence running South along the Western boundary line of said fortyacre tract 12 rods; thence running East 20 rods on a line parallel with the Western boundary of said forty; thence West 20 rods along the Norther boundary lien of said forty to the place of beginning. Being known at the Otter Creek School High Bank School: The school building and real estate situated on the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 25 in Township 28 North Range 5 West in Chippewa County, Wisconsin, described as follows: commencing at the Northwest corner of said forty acres tract, running thence South 10-rods; thence East 16 rods; thence North 10 rods; thence West 16 rods to the place of beginning. Being known as the High Bank School.

Pleasant Valley School: The school building situated on the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 11, in Township 27 North, Range 5 West in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin, described as follows: beginning at the northeast corner of said forty acre tract, running thence West along the Northern boundary line thereof a distance of 14 and 5/22 rods; thence South on a line parallel with the Eastern boundary line of said forty acre tract a distance of 12 and 8/11 rods; thence East on a line parallel with the Northern boundary line of said forty acre tract to the Eastern boundary line thereof; thence North along the Eastern boundary line of said forty acre tract to the place of beginning. Being known as the Pleasant Valley School. E. J. Emerson City Clerk and Clerk of Joint School District No. 4, City of Stanley.

70 Years Ago November 22, 1951 251 Quilts Completed, What Next?

Start In On No. 252, Naturally 80 Years Ago December 5, 1941 (Before the storm) NINETEEN LEAVE COUNTY FOR FORT SHERIDAN Two Came From Stanley And Others From Boyd. Two Boyd Boys Already At Sheridan Nineteen Chippewa County young men, six from Chippewa Falls, and 13 from other parts of the county left on Monday night for induction into the army, under the selective service act at Fort Sheridan, Ill.

Stanley: Guy Paul, Donald Hanson, and Theodore Mahal Boyd: John Ehrney and Robert Nelson Gilman: Harold Wachsmuth Harry Raymond Manley, Farm Editor of The Republican and an agricultural writer and columnist of statewide reputation, died at the Wisconsin General Hospital in Madison on Wednesday morning. His death was due to an infection or ailment of the hip from which he had been a sufferer and had made him a cripple from boyhood. This ailment became acute about two weeks ago and he was taken. To the Madison hospital last Monday, where he failed to obtain relief.

Harry was born December 16, 1890, the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Manley. His early boyhood was spent at Menomonie, and the family came here to Stanley about 1903, where he grew to manhood.

He became interested in mechanics and took a course in electricity at Dunwoody Institute in Minneapolis, and followed the trade of an electrician for many year. For a time, following his graduation from Dunwoody, he conducted an electric store in Ridgeland. Later he worked with his father in the electrical business here in Stanley.

For many years he had been employed by The Republican as Farm Editor and rural circulation manager and he conducted a popular farm column in the Republican. He had a wide acquaintance among the people of the farm homes, by whom he was much respected. He specialized in the study of agriculture after joining the Republican staff and had become an authority on many subjects related to agriculture and his writings had been widely quoted in the press of the state.

He was married on December 30, 1931 to Lillian Lein and two children, John and Ruth, were born to them. He is also survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Manley of this place and by three brothers, Robert, Waukesha, Claude, Ashland; and Lloyd, Stanley. Four sisters also survive: Lois, Mrs. Paul Issenberger, Deborah Iowa; Viloet, Mrs. John Gallagher, Waukegon Ill.; Charlotte, Mrs. Eugene Brown Cheek; and Madeline, Mrs. Darwin Downer, Chippewa Falls Funeral services will be conducted tomorrow Friday, from the residence north of the city at 1:30 o'clock P. M. And from the Presbyterian Church at two o'clock, followed by interment at Forest Hill.

UNION COTTAGE PRAYER MEETING The Union Cottage Prayer meeting will be postponed this week on account of the funeral of Harry Manley, so that members may attend the funeral.

Also in the news: A supply of serum to prevent and treat Infantile Paralysis was sent last week from Wisconsin to the army hospitals located at Bermuda.

90 Years Ago November 27, 1931 HANNIBAL MAN KILLED BY A DRUNKEN COMPANION Robert Malcom Dies From Effects of Gun Shot Wounds, War Veteran Charged.

Robert Malcom of Hannibal, aged 37, died at Victory Hospital last Friday night from the effects of a gun shot wound received earlier in the evening while at the residence of Hiram Henry in the Village of Hannibal. Henry, aged 70, a veteran of the Spanish-American War, was unable to give any plausible reason for his action, as there is no evidence to the effect that the men had quarreled.

The best explanation is that Henry was drunk and irresponsible. He awaits trial in jail in Medford.

Orange and Black Published in the interest of STANLEY HIGH SCHOOL A Senior's Thanks I am thankful because: 1. Six week exams can't come once a month.

2. I am allowed to outline to my heart’s content.

3. The Honor Roll was not a casualty list.

4. I didn’t bet on Notre Dame Saturday.

5. The world is waiting for a leader.

6. I still believe in Santa Claus.

7. Ignorance is bliss. Aches and Pains!

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