A LOOK Back FROM THE FILES OF THE STANLEY REPUBLICAN COMPILED BY JOSEPH BACK 10 Years Ago November 10, 2011 A trip into the Occupy Wall Street demonstration By Fred Evans I was out East last …
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10 Years Ago November 10, 2011
A trip into the Occupy Wall Street demonstration By Fred Evans I was out East last month—the Poconos, New Jersey, New York—mixing in family gatherings, visiting friends I worked with in Germany, sightseeing. I most wanted to check out Wall Street, intrigued by what I read of riotous behavior of protesters and bums and the mixed messages.
I followed crowds, and police towards Lower Manhattan and Wall Street, site of the long and growing Occupy Wall Street protests…The causes included everything from global warming to gas prices to corporate greed, and the Occupy Wall Street website says organizers took their inspiration in part from the Arab Spring demonstrations that have tried to bring democracy across the Arab world. Even though the many messages on the signs might be a bit muddled, they think that’s okay. They all feel united over what they say is a broken system, a system that serves the wealthy and powerful at the expense of the rest…I grabbed a shiny “We’re 99% button from the tag making center—free, donations welcome—and headed off to another gathering that day—in Times Square.
The next evening I saw the new film Margin Call, a tense interpretation based on the fall of Lehman Brothers and targeting the banks behind the 2008 financial crisis. The film acquired real newsworthiness.
Flags will be lowered The flags at Veteran's Memorial at Soo Park will be lowered and stowed away for winter on November 11 at 4 p.m. Taps will be played at the lowering of the bugler. American Legion 112 and VFW 2711 will do the honors of the lowering. They will then retire to Deano’s Big Ten Pub for a Veteran’s Day get together and light lunch. Members of Post 112 and of 2711 please attend, along with any veteran interested in joining either the Legion or VFW are welcome to join the luncheon.
At the front of the Memorial, there is now an unserviceable flag disposal container. However, you may still drop the flags off at Ericksen’s True Value or at Stanley Oil. Also, there is a box for donations on this container if anyone wishes to help to maintain the Memorial through their donations. This would certainly be appreciated.
20 Years Ago November 22, 2001 A Hornet In the Bee’s Nest By David A. Boyea Ministry Health Care has given final approval to the building of the replacement for Victory Medical Center, with an anticipated completion date of January 2004. That’s a little over two years away. Hopefully by that time someone will figure out what to do with the present Victory Medical Center that sits in the heart of Stanley’s Second Ward.
Nothing much has been said in regards to the future plans for this potential “white elephant,” but with the approval given for the new facility, talks will soon turn to the future status fo the old facility, or so some people hope.
(Discussion made of remodeling old hospital for city needs).
The State Bank of Withee will be erecting a bank at the present Tastee Treat site (now City Hall). I’ve heard the mayor talk about the construction going on at the Express Mart and the upcoming bank project across the street, and how it will alter the appearance of Stanley’s South Broadway entrance. But not once did I hear him say anything remorseful about the removal of the Tastee Treat.
30 Years Ago November 7, 1991 Football Tickets Available At SBHS Thursday Tickets for the Stanley-Body vs. West Salem football game will be available at the high school on Thursday.
The game will be played at Osseo-Fairchild on Saturday, Nov. 9th at 1 p.m.
Adults, tickets are $3 and students, $2.50 There will be no school on Friday, so if you plan to buy tickets, get them on Thursday.
Stanley Clergy To Conduct ThanksGiving Service The Community Thanksgiving Service will be held at Holy Family Catholic Church on Thursday, November 21 at 8:00 p.m. members from the Stanley Clergy Association will be leading the service.
Everyone is invited to come and give thanks for God’s blessing.
Non-perishable food items will also be collected during the service for distribution in the Christmas Food Baskets later in December. The offering from the Thanksgiving Service will be divided between local needs and World Vision.
40 Years Ago November 12, 1981 LIVE & LEARN By Lisa Disterhoft-Meyer Why Do You Go? Several weeks ago, I talked to an old college friend of mine on the phone, and told her my husband and I were joining a church the next day. “Why?” She asked me.
Her question startled me. It is hard at any time to put into words what draws a person to a church. Her question made me ponder the subject for several days, and I finally felt like I came up with a few answers.
Initially, my belief in a Supreme Being, and a life hereafter is what drew me into a church. I believe in God, Jesus, His death for our sins and the other basics of Christianity. I suppose I could hold all of those beliefs without belonging to a church, but the church makes it easier to hold those beliefs and act on them.
Secondly, the church is a familiar and comfortable institution. There was a period when we first came here that I just didn't feel comfortable. There was a big hole in my Sunday, and it didn’t have anything to do with lack of NFL football. It had to do with the lack of the old, wellremembered song, the warmth of fellow worshippers, the words of the sermon; all the items that make a service what it is.
The third reason we joined a church was because of the opportunities for friendship the church offers. Through the various activities of the congregation, or even through just attending the services, we have made the acquaintance of many kind people. They are people that we share some common goals with, and I’m certain those friendships will grow in time.
The final major reason we joined was for the sake of any children we may have. Children need that foundation of knowledge of God and his laws, and I felt, as a possible future parent, that we should be able to make that knowledge available to our children. When they are 18, how and if they want to worship would become their decision. I wouldn’t leave them devoid of the knowledge of God until then.
I’m really glad my friend asked this question; it made me think a long time about my motives for joining a church, and helped me reaffirm what I believe in. I hope my column helps you do the same.
50 Years Ago November 18, 1971 NOTICE WE WILL BE CLOSED S A T U R D A Y , NOVEMBER 20 Simon Feed Store Sunset Homes Worship Service On Friday, November 19th there will be in interdenominational worship service at the Sunset Homes recreation building at 2:30 p.m. It is sponsored by the clergy of the Stanley churches.
This Friday the Rev. Dwight Cook of the Faith Evangelical Free Church will be preaching. All residents of Sunset Homes and any other interested persons are welcome to attend.
COPY NEEDED EARLY FOR THANKSGIVING ISSUE We will be printing next week’s edition of The Stanley Republican early because of the Thanksgiving holiday. The paper will go to print Tuesday morning and will be in the mail and on sale Wednesday morning.
We ask your cooperation, the cooperation of our correspondents and the cooperation of our advertisers in getting their copy to us early. As the paper will be printed Tuesday morning, deadline for all copy and advertising is 5 p.m. Monday.
Candlelight Service Highlight Of ALCW November Meeting A very impressive Advent candlelight service was given by the Eunice Circle at the November meeting of the ALCW of Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church on Tuesday afternoon. Participating with reading and scripture as well as the lighting of the candles were Mrs. Earl Patten, Mrs. Norman Christianson and Mrs. Schultz Nielsen. The song “O Come Immanuel” was sung by all.
Mrs. Henry Anderson presided as reports were given by Mrs. David Christianson, Mrs. John Slowinski and Mrs. Neal Shorey. The latter reported on the fine amount of work which had been accomplished during the work days.
60 Years Ago November 16, 1961 Board Adds Boyd to School Name THE VILLAGE OF Boyd, consolidated with the Stanley school district nearly a year and a half ago, will henceforth be recognized in the name of the school district.
According to action taken by the board of education at its monthly meeting Tuesday night, the district will now be known officially as "Stanley- Boyd Area Schools” Proposed Boyd Budget For 1962 is $52,500 A PROPOSED budget of $52,500 has been set up for the village of Boyd for 1962… Boyd’s assessed valuation is $781,779.
70 Years Ago November 8, 1951 EDITORIAL AND FEATURE PAGE WINTER IN WISCONSIN—AND HOW WE TAKE IT We’re sitting here writing this editorial while outside a good old fashioned snowstorm—the Wisconsin kind—is raging outside.
We’re funny ones when it comes to snow, we Badgers. We know that sometime every fall it’s going to come. We worry about it coming, wail when it gets here, and then spend our time taking pictures of drifts and snowbanks to send relatives in warmer climates, along with little notes that go something like this: “Here are a few pictures of the big snow we have up here. Did you ever see anything so pretty? Of course, you have to be rugged to fight your way through the stuff.”
And then, the pictures on their way, we go back to cursing, and nursing backs made sore by shoveling. By the time spring rolls around we've just about decided to move away from this forsaken country to the land of sunshine and citrus fruit. But with spring bringing its earthy smells and growing things we decide to wait until next fall to make up our minds.
And then the whole process begins all over again.
Meanwhile, pardon us, while we go out and take some snapshots.
Er…uh…we hate to mention it again, but will there be another try at “sliding hill” for kids this winter? Seeing winter go off to an early, if sporadic, start, maybe provisions for the sledding activities of youngsters should be made soon, too.
And then, for the kid’s own good, sledding should be confined to those designated places.
We don’t want to write any headlines or stories about your little boy or girl being injured in a sled-car accident.
80 Years Ago November 21, 1941
Applications for marriage licenses were made by Arthur Boos and Eulalia Geissler, R. 6, Chippewa Falls, and by Lloyd L. Crane and Ruth Jean Dorland of this city.
The American Legion put on their annual poultry bingo party at the Auditorium, last Monday night. This event always proves a success and this year was no exception. They passed out 21 turkeys, and 19 geese, chickens, and ducks, to fill the tables of Stanley people for the Thanksgiving feast.
Oconomowoc police arrested a man who had been driving a car for 20 years without a license.
Arthur Koepps of Rice Lake, was drowned when his car failed to make a turn and went into Devil’s Lake.
FUTURE FARMERS TOLD TO PREPARE FOR LEADERSHIP Annual Dinner of Local Chapter Largely Attended. Excellent Dinner and Good Program About two hundred Future Farmers of America, together with their parents and invited guests, gathered at the annual dinner of the organization in the Auditorium dining room Thursday evening of last week (details follow, omitted for space).
90 Years Ago November 1931 Robert Wiley was the speaker at the Armistice Day program at Boyd.
Earl Olson, 17, received the charge of a shotgun in his shoulder while hunting with a companion near Wissota last Friday. He is expected to recover.
From Washington: Farm relief is going to come into its own when Congress meets. That does not mean that the farmers are going to get any relief but merely that they will be talked about, sympathized with and generally told how important they are for the prosperity of the whole country. This is the way that politicians see it here.
100 Years Ago November 18, 1921 CORRESPONDENCE Interesting Letters of Neighborhood News By Regular Correspondents BOYD Miss Anna K. has again taken up her school studies at the Boyd High School after having undergone an operation for appendicitis a few weeks ago. She is getting along nicely.
Word was received her of the marriage of Worden A. Turner of Red Wing, Minn. to Maybelle Lund of La Crosse.
MAPLE GROVE A large crowd attend the pie and basket social at the Robeson School on Friday night. The sale amounted to $17.50. The program was good and after the program the crowd went to the basement and played games until almost midnight.
Mr. Mallory held services at the brick church on Sunday.
John Schesel is building a car shed for Tom Mitchell.
GREGOIRE’S CORNER Mrs. C. Davey called on Mrs. G. Foster last week.
Several fo the young folks from the Corner attended a miscellaneous shower on (for?) Miss Josephine Verkuilen.
Anton Micke has purchased and erected a new wind mill.
110 Years Ago November 18, 1911 Basket Ball season seems to have opened. The H. S. Athletic spirit always seems to revive when this season comes around.
120 Years Ago November 16, 1901 Ordinances published.
Ordinance No. 31. An ordinance relating to the licensing of Pool Tables, Billiard Tables, Bowling Alleys and Shooting Galleries.
Ordinance No. 33. An Ordinance to provide for the election of a water commission by the Common Council.
Ordinance No. 34 An Ordinance providing for the office of City Superintendent of schools. (One year term, not a board member)/ From Our Correspondents. SWIM CREEK VALLEY News Roy Miller has purchased his first deer license and being anxious to use it took in the first day of the season and saw two deer. Did he kill one? Oh no, he forgot he had a gun and let them go.
WORDEN News Joel Cripe was somewhat excited while building a hog pen Monday. A winchester ball passed between him and his team. The bullet came from a long distance. He said he had no time for such visitors at all.