
Posted 11/10/21

A LOOK Back FROM THE FILES OF THE STANLEY REPUBLICAN COMPILED BY JOSEPH BACK 10 Years Ago November 3, 2011 Three Boyd Legion fam- ily members serve as state officers The Boyd American Legion family …

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10 Years Ago November 3, 2011

Three Boyd Legion fam- ily members serve as state officers The Boyd American Legion family is proud to announce the election of three member of Walter Nelson Post and Unit 326 to state office.

Joan Chwala was elected as Wisconsin’s American Legion Auxiliary President at the 91st Department Conven tion in Appleton, Wisconsin, on July 15, 2011. She has been a member of Walter Nelson Unite 326 in Boyd for 30 years and is currently serving as Chippewa County President. Her eligibility comes through her grandfather, her father, her brother, and her husband, Earl, who serves as Post 326 Adju tant. Her son, Joshua Chwala, is a member of Boyd Sons of the American Legion Squadron 326. The Chwalas proudly display the blue star banner in honor of Daughter Kristin’s husband, Marc Aspiras, who serves as a Navy Corpsman in Okinawa.

The message Chwala hopes to get to the entire state is that we must “Honor Our Veterans by Engaging the American Legion Family in Service Not Self for God and Country.”

She plans to do this by following the lead of the Na- tional Auxiliary in promoting their mission outreach programs. Her special project will be focused on improving library-related needs for our veterans while continuing to put emphasis on the Homeless Woman Veteran Project, job fairs, and seeing to the needs of our military families. Her theme is "Libraries of Love" for our veterans, our troops, and their families.

Boyd Post 326 Legion Member, Steve Isensee, was elected as one of four state vice commanders. His assign ment will be to represent newly elected State Commander, Denise Rohan, in serving as a mentor and membership coach to over 85 American Legions Posts in northern Wisconsin.

Steve just completed a two- year term as District 10 Commander.

Teresa Isensee, who earned her eligibility as an auxilia – ry member under the service of her husband Steven, was elected to the office of State Second Vice President of the Wisconsin American Legion Auxiliary. Teresa currently serves as President of Unit 326 in Boyd and is a past Tenth District President. She previ –

ously served as State Chap –

lain, Historian; and Junior Ac – tivities Chairman. In addition, she will now be serving as the State Membership Chairman.

(Photos of each) Letters To The Editor WOW! With all the con- troversy going on about the library business, other possible budget cuts and the smoking ban, it looks like Jankoski Dam wasn’t such a bad choice after all.

Dave Richards (Note: The prospective budget cuts then under consid- eration were actually driven by decisions made elsewhere which local governments then had to adjust to and account for. The library was not and is not closed).

20 Years Ago November 15, 2001 Lady Orioles Basketball Season Open Tuesday, Nov. 20 At Home (Photo) Returning senior and junior letter winners for the Lady Orioles varsity basketball team are (L-R) senior Shannon Schuebel, junior Nicole Chirhart, senior Becky LIcht and senior Ashley Simon.

S-BHS Legends Win, Fall At Alumni Wrestling Tournament (Photo) Jeff Thompson (S-BHS Class of 1975) puts a move on Dick Anderson (S-BHS Class of 1980) during their match at the “Legends of the Fall” Alumni Wrestling Tournament. Thompson defeated Anderson, 5-0, in the three one-minute period match.

Oriole Football All-Conference, All-District Selections Named (Photo) Receivfing hon ors for football were (L-R) Front: Kyle Schuebel (junior, wide receiver, All-District, All-Conference) and Dan Mahr (senior, offensive line – man, All-Conference); Back: Ryan McQuillan (senior, defensive back, All-Confer ence), Nathan Geist (senior, defensive end, All-District, All-Conference), Chad Ryba (senior, punter, All-Conference Honorable Mention) and Brian Wirth (senior linebacker, All-Conference).

STANLEY DART LEAGUE STANDINGS November 12, 2001 Finish Line II…63; Curve Inn…59; Finish Line I…55; Whiskey Jack's I…50; Whis – key Jack's II…32; Silver Dollar…30; Deano's…29; Cindy's…26; Hawk's II…26; Hawk’s I…19 30 Years Ago October 31, 1991

Gym Floor & Gas Prices Will Be Discussed At Special Meetings Meeting To Discuss New Gym Floor A Special School Board Meeting, will be held tonight to discuss problems with the new gym floor.

The problem is that in almost a year and a half, the floor has not dried enough to set in flooring and be used.

The flooring has been bought and paid for, and is sit- ting in boxes awaiting instal lation. The installer will not guarantee the floor unless the moisture level is beneath 2.5.

The floor was poured in June of 1991, before the walls of the new addition were put up. In May'91 the level was 3.0; in July, 2.9; in August 3.5; and as of Oct. 14th it was again 3.0.

Present at the meeting will be the flooring manufacturer, the contractor, Altman; the ar chitect, and the sub-contractor who poured the cement.

The public is encouraged to attend.

Meeting to Discuss District Gas Prices A special School Board Meeting, the second within a week, will be held in the high school library, Tuesday eve ning at 8 p.m., to discuss fuel prices fro the S-B bus fleet.

Letters have been sent out to area suppliers asking they submit bids by November 1st. The bid process is relatively complicated. Bids may be of- fered for all or part of the fleet, and may be dependent on price fluctuation in the market. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids.

Presently the school district is paying the pump price for fuel., and this is an attempt by the Board to lower operating costs.

40 Years Ago November 5, 1981 Two Muggings Are Reported To Stanley Police Department Two muggings were reported to the Stanley Police Department recently, according to Police Chief Thomas Thornton.

The first incident occurred on Saturday, Oct. 24, at 10:45 p.m., and the victim lost $12. The second victim was at tacked Friday, Oct. 30 at 9:20 p.m., and $40 was stolen.

Both victims were elder ly men, who were attacked from behind, knocked to the ground, and had their wallets removed from their pants. Neither man was seriously in- jured, although one received minor facial lacerations and a bump on the head.

Thornton said the attacker( s) seem to stick with older adults, and they attack at night in dark areas, He suggested that people walk in well-lit areas, and travel in pairs. He also suggested that if you see anything suspicious, you should head toward a well-lit busy place such as a tavern or restaurant.

If you are attacked, Thornton suggested you put up as little resistance as possible, and get a good look at your suspect. Call the police promptly after an attack. He also said it is a good idea not to carry large sums of cash around.

The investigation of the muggings is continuing. Persons with information are urged to contact the Stanley Police Department.

50 Years Ago November 12, 1971 Wish I’d Said That: The fellow who pays cash for his wants soon gets into the habit of not wanting much.-Willa M. Jenkins, The Hermit- age (Mo.) Index If you want to be original, be yourself. God never made two people exactly alike.- Lee R. Call, Star Valley (Wyo.) Call The way the legislators spend our tax money makes you think they are using a credit card.—John H. Gilgour, Sri-County (Mo.) News SUNSET HOMES NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cooney and Mr. and Mrs. Henneman visited at the home of Mrs. Vera Seidl.

Pastor Cook will speak to the residents of Sunset Homes on November 19th at the Rec –

reation hall. Everyone is wel come whether a resident or not.

Mrs. Frances Foster returned home Tuesday from a visit with her daughter in Mil waukee.

Mr. and Mrs. Lester Radamacher and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Allmann visited Miss Irene Radamacher Sunday.

60 Years Ago November 9, 1961

Boyd area obits: Charles Possley, age 79. Burial in Prairie Cemetery. Village board member for many years, died at Thorp.

Born January 11, 1882 in St. Anna, Wisconsin, and married January 29, 1913 in Thorp to Edith Lubner. Member of the Holy Name Society at St. Bernard’s, the Catholic Order of Foresters and Knights of Columbus. Edson Center cheesemaker for many years.

Barbara Ann Libby, route 4, Lafayette township, died Thursday night at St. Joseph’s Hospital, Chippewa Falls.

Born November 29, 1888 in Boyd, Wisconsin, the daughter of the late John and Anna Katwringer Tichey. Attended Boyd schools and married George Shipman, who preced- ed her in death. On November 29, 1944, she married Roy Libby at Tacoma, Washington. He passed away in 1955.

Mrs. Libby was a member of Notre Dame parish.

70 Years Ago November 1, 1951 Mrs. Hans Christopher- son One Who 'Grows Lovely Growing Old’ Let me grow lovely grow – ing old, so many fine things do… Judging from several of the lovely old people known during the years it seems one way to grow lovely growing old, is to live lovingly and usefully each day. Add to that the zest of emigrating from a country across the sea, the memoirs that tie two continents together in thoughts of loved ones, and you have a person with a depth of understanding and accomplishment that makes for beauty of spirit reflected in beauty of feature.

Mrs. Hans Christopherson (picture) is among the oldest residents of Stanley ; Octo ber 18 was her 90th birthday. This woman, with the friendly smile, agile step, and quiet, unobtrusive manner speaks with a rich Danish accent.

Born in Denmark For it was in Denmark her life began, it was in Denmark she lived the first 20 years of her life, learning to love the farm of her native land. But it was in America that she met her husband, Hans Chris- topherson; It was in America that she married, and as the mother of nine children, lived the full life of a busy farm woman housewife with spe- cial love of the out-of-doors. She carried love of work with her; only last winter she was outside every day feeding chickens, kept in the backyard chicken house, at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Armond Christopherson.

Her husband died in 1939. They met near Racine, where she first lived when coming to America…(continues on).

110 Years Ago November 11, 1911

J. E. STORY CALLED Distinguished Citizen, Successful Farmer, Ripe Scholar, True Friend, Devout Christian DEATH CAME SUDDEN LY The Proprietor of Forest Lodge Goes to His Last Rest. Remains Taken to Canada.

Johnston E. Story died at his home, “Forest Lodge,” in the early hours of Monday morning, November 6, 1911. His death is ascribed to apo-


Mr. Story was born in Carleton county, Ont., Can. June 23, 1856. His parents preceded him to the other world in recent years. His is survived by three brothers and two sisters all of whom reside in Canada.

He was a devout commu nicant of the Presbyterian church, a man of high and rigid moral standards. Of those who had dealings with him, he expected much but no more than that which he was will- ing to give. He was intolerant of anything less than right. He was a true friend, a kind and indulgent husband. He is sur- vived by a widow and an ad opted son whose sorrow and helplessness touches a respon- sive chord in many hearts (Mr. Story is buried in Eden Mills, Wellington County, Ontario, with Memorial ID 155976165 on The front page newspaper obituary includes a picture).

120 Years Ago November 9, 1901 The Hunting Season.

Beginning tomorrow and continuing until the end of the month, it will be lawful to hunt and shoot deer under the wellknown restrictions prescribed by law. It is pleasing to note a more general and careful observance of the game laws from year to year, especially as regards the killing of deer. This is probably due to the difficulties which surround the transportation of illegally killed game.

Discontinue Porter’s Mills Postoffice.

Eau Claire, Wis., Nov. 7.-[Special.]-It is expected that the post office at Porter's Mills, this county, will soon be discontinued and rural deliv ery substituted.

(Porter’s Mills was located off of Highway 37 south of Eau Claire and can be reached for what remains of it by turning off at Pioneer Court. The majority is private property, but a boat landing marks one of the former streets. Many Porter’s Mills families came to Stanley when the mill opened here, in present Fandry Park).

Six months in print at the then the Village of Stanley!

(Almost) 124 Years Ago November 24, 1896 Official Village Directory President—L.G. Moon Clerk—F. H. Allington Treasurer—L.I. Roe Trustees— C.T. Casterline Ole H. Thorp N. G. Olson Lafayette Johnson Elisha Graham H. Allington Supervisor-P. J. Cosgrove Village Attorney— C. B. Culbertson Marshal—J. E. Moore Constable—Knudt Aasgard Police Justice—JNO. Chalkey Justice of the Peace— W. A. Beaumont