
Posted 10/20/21

A LOOK Back FROM THE FILES OF THE STANLEY REPUBLICAN COMPILED BY JOSEPH BACK 20 Years Ago October 25, 2001 Page 3 political cartoon: There’s a very simple way Western spies could easily infiltrate …

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20 Years Ago October 25, 2001

Page 3 political cartoon: There’s a very simple way Western spies could easily infiltrate Taliban circles to gather needed intelligence while going totally unnoticed..our spies should wear burqas. One man to another: “You may speak freely. It is merely a woman.”

(Note: The United States invaded Afghanistan beginning on October 7, 2001, after it refused to turn over Osama Bin Laden.

A more controversial invasion of Iraq to topple Saddam Hussein began on March 19, 2003, after the Iraqi president was given 48 hours to turn himself in or face removal by then President George W. Bush. Pope John Paul II condemned the “preemptive” U.S. invasion of Iraq, making world headlines.

The Catholic Church herself is a communion of many different rites, or traditions, these being distinct from Chalcedonian or “Eastern” Orthodoxy, in which the highest authority is a church-wide council rather than a patriarch or pope.

The Chaldean-rite church headquartered at Baghdad dates from the early centuries of Christianity.

More on Chaldean-rite Catholicism along with its presence in the United States can be found at https://chaldeanchurch. org/our-faith/what-isthe- chaldean-church/).

30 Years Ago October 10, 1991

NOTICE: Friendly eduction for adults. If I can help you brush up on some reading, writing or math skills please look me up. I’m located in the bank parking lot in Stanley on Tuesdays from 1 to 3 p.m. Look for the big Chippewa Valley Technical College van.

Did you know that a lot of people are using our computers to familiarize themselves with that technology? You could too. You might be surprised how easy some of it is. I still have to remind some people that there’s never a charge. Please stop in if I can help you or somebody you know. Randy Lombard. 33c.

40 Years Ago October 15, 1981 From Robert P. Hauser Director of Instruction & Athletics RE: Drug and Alcohol Abuse Program Public Meetings Wil Be Held To Discuss Drug and Alcohol Abuse Program The Drug and Alcohol Abuse Program has been in operation at the high school for six weeks. A series of public meetings will be held to acquaint parents and other interested persons with the program. Items discussed will include philosophy behind the program, board policy and a discussion of danger signs that parents and employers can look for in the home and on the job.

Obits: George N. Wold 1916 – 1981; John Phillip Mahal 1888 – 1981; Jesse B. Save 1903 – 1981; Mabel Mae Biddle 1904 – 1981 50 Years Ago October 21, 1971 Parent-Teacher Night Held By Faith Evangelical Church Parent-Teacher Night was held by the Sunday school of Faith Evangelical Free Church Sunday evening. The hymn, “In My Heart There Rings A Melody” open the program as Superintendent Iris Isenberger introduced the teachers in the Primary Department.

Teachers Mrs. Lyle Brandt, Mrs. Carl Brandt, Mrs. Loran Bivans and Mrs. Leonard Holleen presented their pupils and explained the work being done. The younger classes are talking about all that God has made, and the older grades discussed praise, worship and prayer. The song “Whisper A Prayer” was sung by Dawn Brandt.

The Junior class, taught by Mrs. Earl Holderman, told "Whno is the Lord" in pictures and scripture verses. They joined the Primary classes for the singing of choruses, directed by Mrs. Dwight Cook.

The Junior High Class, under the direction of Dwight Isenberger, told the story of the talents, then demonstrated with a flute solo by Pam Westaby, and a vocal solo by Judy Oldham. The class sang "Isn't the Love of Jesus Wonderful” with guitar accompaniment by Dwight Isenberger and Randy Duce.

Senior High pupils, in the study of Psalms, had written their own versions of Psalm 23 and 65, which were read by Keith Isaacs and Pam Lane. The teacher is Virgil Isaacs.

A vocal solo “Day by Day” by Lyle Brandt was followed by the benediction given by Pastor Dwight Cook. A time of fellowship was enjoyed following the service.

60 Years Ago October 19, 1961

Guard to Leave Here Next Thursday MEMBERS OF the National Guard have just one more week in Stanley before leaving for their new station at Fort Lewis, Washington.

The Stanley unit, Battery A of the First Battalion, 121st Field Artillery, will be leaving here by special train at 10:45 next Thursday morning.

Orders designating the exact time of departure were received here this week by Capt. Robert Frazer, commanding officer of Battery A.

FOR TWO members of the battery, however, “D-Day_ will come a few days earlier. Staff Sergeants WEnzel Zais and Donald Shoemaker have been designated as members of the 32nd division’s advance party, and will leave Friday for Fort Lewis to make arrangements for the arrival of the rest of the unit, and familiarize themselves with the new post.

Sergeants Shoemaker and Zais will be joining other advance detail groups at Eau Claire at 8 a.m. Friday. They will go by bus to Wold-Chamberlain field, Minneapolis, and leave by plane at 11 a.m. for Fort Lewis. They are slated to arrive there at two o’clock Friday afternoon (Pacific time).

THE REMAINING members of the battery will get on the train here next Thursday morning, and are scheduled to arrive at Fort Lewis at 12:30 p.m. on October 28. They will be traveling on the special train with units from Wisconsin Rapids, Chippewa Falls, Hudson and New Richmond.

Capt. Frazer said that loading the battery’s major equipment items – trucks, trailer, howitzers and jeeps-was nearly completed yesterday. They are being loaded on special freight trains at Eau Claire.

PERSONAL ITEMS- footlockers, duffel bags, and the battery’s kitchen equipment-will be loaded in a baggage care at Chippewa Falls next Wednesday.

Men of Battery A have been processing personnel, attending training classes and taking physical training this week, after going on active duty Sunday.

As far as is known, men of the unit will remain together as a unit, Capt. Frazee said. This is, of course, subject to change later.

70 Years Ago October 18, 1951 Trio Arrested For Game Violations Area game warden Kenneth Coyle this week reported three game law violators apprehended early this month.

Le Roy Seiz, Eau Claire, was fined $25.00 and costs by Judge Merrill Farr in Eau Claire, for carrying a loaded gun. Selz was arrested in the Town of Wilson.

Herman Ward, also of Eau Claire, was arrested October 7 in the Town of Foster, Clark County, for transporting an uncased gun. Justice Olson of Neillsville fined Ward $10.00 plus costs.

Possession of a cotton tail rabbit during closed season brought a $15.00 fine plus costs to Harold Shock, Stanley. Shock was arrested here on October 7. Justice Fred Korn handed down the decision.

LOCAL ANGLERS REPORT GOOD LUCK Larry Simon and Herb May returned Saturday from a three-day fishing trip at Lake of the Woods in Canada. Both fishermen report excellent fishing. One of the bigger ones of the catch was displayed at the Woodland Market, a 20-pound Northern pike, measuring 42 inches long.

Paul Oemig was also a lucky pike fisherman Sunday, coming back with a couple of big ones, including one measuring 34 inches long. He caught the specimens north of the Holcombe dam.

80 Years Ago October 17, 1941 BUILDING OPERATION STOPPED BY ORDER Uncle Sam Being Played For Sucker. British Selling Free Goods At Profit.

United States Priorities and Allocation Board has placed a ban on building projects , both public and private unless it can be proven that they are necessary for defense purposed offer the health and safety of the people. The rule applies to all building projects such as highway construction, power developments and all public buildings of every sort both national, state, and municipal. Proivate construction of dwellings comes under the ban unless it can be shown that all materials are available. No private building costing in excess of $6,000 will be allowed. An effort will be made to assist in the completion of projects already started…It is stated (by unfriendly European capitals) that vast quantities of merchandise being shipped to Great Britain for war purposes are being sold by British merchants and officials who pocket the cash…the European nations are becoming dissatisfied with their situation under Nazi control and a spirit of revolt prevails in Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Bulgariea, Romania (Roumania), France and even Italy.

President Roosevelt is attempting to promote friendship between Rome and Moscow with the evident purpose of lessening the Italian fighting spirit against Russia.

President Roosevelt is being widely condemned by the Catholic Churches for making a public statement to the effect freedom of religion exists in Russia under the Russian constitution the same as it does in this country. The Catholic clergy declare the statement “atrociously false.”

Meanwhile closer to home: FARMER’S HORSE KILLED BY HUNTER'S BULLET A valuable horse belonging to H. J. Hoffman in the Hamilton Falls neighborhood, was killed by a bullet from a rifle, presumably a hunter’s, while grazing in the Hoffman pasture, last Sunday. The horse was of buckskin color and may have been mistaken for a deer, notwithstanding that the season for deer hunting with rifles is not open. Mr. Hoffman had given no authority to hunt on his land and says that he will be unlikely to do so and that any person hunting on his land hereafter, will be dealt with according to law. Report is also to the effect that someone fired a bullet into the Fitzhugh School building, the bullet passing through a wall and through two seats and lodging in a book. Investigation is under way to determine the identity of the hunter who apparently ran amuck. An effort will be made to determine whether or not both bullets were from the same rifle.

92 Years Ago October 18, 1929

AUTOMOBILE PARTY KILLS STATE HOME INMATE (Boy “Oscar” takes widowed mother’s car when not looking, get a bunch of teenage friends, adds in alcohol and strikes Calvin Chamberlain from the Northern Colony and training school, then leaves the body overnight to be found off the road. Ignore pleas of fellow motorist witness to help the man. Driver “Dale” at time of crash later found out, arraigned, and rebased on $1,000 provided by dad).

HOOVER’S PROGRAM ACCORDED APPROVAL BY ALL CHURCHES Advertising in the Air Menace to Navigation. Opposition to Prison Made Goods.

Washington, D. C., Oct. 14 – President Hoover has won over to his side the pulpits of Washington, and probably they reflect the attitude of the nation. It has all come out of his program for ameliorating the condition fo American humanity and of drawing all nations closer together.

In all churches and Sunday schools prayers for the President and words of praise for his program are heard.


Succeeds Col. J. J. Quill, Who Becomes Brigadier General of the 53rd Cavalry It has been known for several weeks that Lt. Col. John C. P. Haney, former Stanley boy, was to become commander of the 105th Cavalry Regt., W. N. G. And he in fact, received his Commission on September 1. But announcement of his promotion was withheld pending the approval of the promotion of Col. J. J. Quill of Milwaukee to the command of the 53rd Cavalry Brigade. It is 100 Years Ago October 14, 1921 TAXING THE OTHER FELLOW The gentlemen who represent us in congress are racking their brains these days to devise ways and means of raising the necessary money to operate this government. Since the government began financing the war, it seems pretty near everything has been tried at least once as a means of raising money by taxation. Some of these methods have proven unpopular, burdensome, as well as unsuccessful as revenue producers.

Congress is now trying to satisfy a popular demand for the repeal of som of these taxes and at the same time is trying to substitute something that will be more agreeable to the public and which will at the same time raise the necessary money. It is a large job which congress is wrestling with.

THE DREAM OF UNI- VERSAL PEACE A big international show, rivaling the Peace Conference at Versailles, is soon to be staged at Washington. Even now, the dignitaries to represent the governments of the earth at a Conference on Disarmament are on their way to Washington. This conference was called by President Harding in deference to a rather wide spread, if not logical sentiment in this country in favor of reducing the cost entailed by the maintenance of large standing armies and navies.

The news reports indicate that European nations have taken cognizance of this call from president Harding more as a matter of official courtesy to America than in a spirit of hopeful cooperation to accomplish something which they believe is purely a dream of idealists…However, the desirableness of reduced armaments from a practical and utilitarian standpoint is one point on which all humanitarian, Christian and right minded people can agree. But the practicability of it is another matter and involves many questions which the average American citizen does not understand. 110 Years Ago October 14, 1911 CITY WIPED OUT Flood Destroyed the Entire Business District of Black River Falls Last Saturday.

HATFIELD DAM BROKE Deluge Undermines Hill and Buildings Topple Over Into the Mad Torrent. People Destitute.

Black River Falls was practically destroyed last Saturday by a flood which was the result of a break in the Hatfield dam. The losses to business men of the city aggregate close to two million dollars, many prominent and substantial concerns losing their entire possessions…The governor has ordered companies of the state militia from Eau Claire to go to the site of the stricken city and preserve order. Relief trains with supplies for the destitute have been run to the falls and suffering is temporarily alleviated.

120 Years Ago October 19, 1901

FIGHT FOR POSTMASTERSHIP Three Candidates for the Position at Portage.

Portage, Wis., Oct. 17. [Special.] – A red-hot fight is now in sight for the Portage postoffice. The terms of Postmaster Mohr expires next spring and he has stated that his is not a candidate for reappointment. Assistant Postmaster George S. Race and County Chairman A. A. Porter are already circulating petitions for office. Editor Goodman of the Register, it is said, will also accept the office.

Elsewhere around the globe: Canada and Mexico are the only foreign countries to which periodicals from publishers for regular subscribers (second-class matter in domestic mails) may be sent at the bulk or pound rate of postage.

Shipwrights in Belfast make $8.14 a week.