
Posted 10/6/21

A LOOK Back FROM THE FILES OF THE STANLEY REPUBLICAN COMPILED BY JOSEPH BACK 10 Years Ago October 13, 2011 Many houses still need numbers There are still many homes in the City of Stanley where house …

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10 Years Ago October 13, 2011

Many houses still need numbers There are still many homes in the City of Stanley where house numbers aren’t displayed, and homeowners will get one more chance to take care of it before fines are issued.

The Stanley City Council learned last week that 208 buildings in the city still have not complied with a Stanley Fire Department request to have house numbers visible from the street. A letter to all property owners was sent in May from fire chief Ron Zais and Howard Duckett, chair of the council’s zoning and ordinance committee.

30 Years Ago September 26, 1991

AAL Donates Funds To Stanley Fire Department “Jaws of Life” (photo John Kessenich and Ron Zais) The Aid Association of Lutherans, Branch #1096 recently made a donation to the Stanley Fire Department “Jaws of Life fund.

John Kessenich, representing the Aid Association of Lutherans, (Helping Hands), presented Stanley fire chief Ron Zais with a $400 check to be put toward the purchase of the equipment for the department.

To date the Stanley Firemen have received approximately $4200 of the needed $6000 to purchase the equipment. According to Zais, the department hopes to be able to make the purchase before the end of the year.

Todd Ponick To Extern This Fall At Harris Chiropractic Clinic (photo Todd Ponick) Harris Family Chiropractic Center in Stanley will welcome Todd Ponick, a student at Northwestern College of Chiropractic in Bloomington, MN, this fall for a three-month externship.

“I am very excited about having Todd work with me this fall in our chiropractic clinic,” said Dr. Scott L. Harris, owner of the Center which is at 123 N. Broadway. “Todd will be taking X-rays, doing examinations, lab work, consultation, record keeping and therapy.”

Al students who participate in the externship program must have completed three National Board Examinations successfully.

Ponick will be a familiar face to many Stanley residents, as he is a 1982 graduate of Stanley- Boyd High School. Todd will graduate from Northwestern College of Chiropractic in December of 1991, with a doctor of chiropractic degree. He did his undergraduate work at UW-River Falls.

50 Years Ago October 7, 1971

WEST WORDEN News Mr. and Mrs. Charles Anderson Jr. attended the Hunt and Hakes wedding on Saturday.

By the Way By Rev. Cecil Ward (Methodist) September 15, 1971 Well – we are in Autumn here. Last Sunday, Sept. 12th saw the end of the summer season at Bogner – Regis, on the coast.

A chap, in uniform, entere3d the bus, on the previous day, that I was riding in, to go out to our cottage, when the bus conductor – the man who collects the fares enroute, from the passengers – made much fun by assuming him to be a police officer, on the vehicle, to arrest somebody – yes, we passengers had a “laff” about this…I’ve just paid my telephone bill, for the period ending on August 7th, and I notice the various services the system offers to the public.

If you ring up the appropriate numbers you can be told the correct time –- the weather – motoring conditions – financial news recipe of the day for cooking – gardening, up to 6:00 p.m. – they will even tell you of sporting results – and after 6:00 p.m. bedtime stories – and, of course, all emergency calls – police, and so on. So you can see, what the phone service in London can give you.

Talking about police calls, reminds me that a huge bank robbery, too place, last weekend in Sherlock Holme’s famous Baker Street in London, which could have resulted in the robbers being caught, but for police failure. (Robbery method similar to case of the Red Haired League, ham radio operator recorded and tipped off police, 14-hour response time led to get away with ½ million pounds sterling).

60 Years Ago October 5, 1961

Several Already on Duty as Guard Prepares to Move SEVERAL OFFICERS and men of Stanley’s Battery A, 1st Battalion of the 121 Field Artillery went on active duty October 1, to work full time on the problems involved in getting the unit ready for its move to Fort Lewis, Wash., later this month.

Capt. Robert T. Frazee, Lt. Roger Hoffman, SFC Rudolph Jaeger, Staff Sergeants Donald E. Shoemaker, Wenzel Zais and Sgt. Edward J. Bieno have been working at the armory this week processing unit personnel, taking care of the battery records, and getting equipment ready for the move.

MAJOR HAROLD Johnson of Stanley, battalion executive officer, also went on active duty Sunday.

FREDRICKSON GOES ON ACTIVE DUTY AT NEILLSVILLE Fred Fredrickson, who has been employed at the Lyman Lumber Co. here, went on active duty with the Neillsville National Guard Unit Sunday.

Fredrickson is a lieutenant in the Neillsville company.

Obituary: Paul Mnikolaicik Rites Tuesday at Junction LAST RITES for Paul P. Mnikolaicik, resident of Rt. 3, Stanley, were held from St. Mary’s Czestochowa church, Junction at 10 a.m. Tuesday. Born July 20, 1911 to Anton and Catherine Mnikolaicik in Clark county. Married to Sophie Stangret on August 1, 1945 at St. Mary’s Catholic church “here.” Farmer and member of the Holy Name Society. Survivors include his wife Sophie, two son, two daughters, one brother, and seven sisters. Burial in church cemetery at St. Mary’s Czestochowa.

70 Years Ago October 4, 1951

ORANGE AND BLACK A weekly column written and edited by high school students for high school students, parents, and interested citizens. All letters pertaining to this column should be addressed to the editor, Orange and Black, in care of Stanley High School Jeri Seidling, Editor Donna Etten, Assoc. Editor Marjorie Broeren, Features Marlene Eslinger, Features Let’s Keep It Up By Jeri Seidling I think the majority of students of SHS are in favor of our co-curricular activities. Who wouldn’t be? I don’t think anyone wants to pass up the wonderful opportunities it offers to each and every one of us. Every individual has his or her choice of activity.

Never before has our school experienced this. It gives our rural students a chance and why shouldn’t it? At least 70% of our students are rural. It teaches co-operation between students and teachers, so “Let’s keep it up!”

TWO WEEKS AT RIPLEY By Merton Cooney A little over a month ago, the guard left for Ripley, It looked like a nice day when we left here, but shortly after our arrival, it began raining. It rained all that night, the next night, nearly every other night we were there.

The first two days, Saturday and Sunday, we just lay around. Monday we left early in the morning for our first bivouac…(continues in high school section on page 3 at Badgerlink).

FOOTBALL SEEN BY A WOMAN They say that a girl just can’t understand anything as intricate as sports. Well, if you ask me, most sportswriters get too darn intricate. I really believe that a woman actually has more fun at a game. She doesn’t get too involved in statics and technicalities.

Don’t ask me how many first downs our team has made. Don’t inquire, please, about the number of pards per try that our backs have made. Such figures rare for the male statistics. We women are satisfied with more general impressions. Let me try a few of my observations on you.

In think that football as an activity in school is increasing in value. More and more fellows are taking part in the game. The new class schedule has permitted many fellows from the county to come out for practice. Stanley has almost fifty men on its squad this season.

Secondly, I have a feeling that the boys are trying to play good ball. They are out there every afternoon for practice. They may be green and inexperienced, but those hours of work will soon show their effect.

I also have high hopes for the Freshmen. Under the guidance of Mr. Proctor, those boys are learning the fundamental of good football. It wouldn’t surprise me a bit to see that a few of the “frosh” will really give the Varsity some competition for positions. With a few real games under their belts, they will really have a promising squad. Finally, I would like to say that I just can’t understand football fans, especially the male ones. When the team wins a game, even over a poor opposing team, the fans are hilarious, and the players are heroes. But when the team loses a game, even if the opponent is one of the best in the state, the players are bums and the whole world is sour. We women can always find a consolation in seeing a new hat or observing a new style of hair-do.

In conclusion, I would say that all sportswriters should be women. Then and only the will athletics escape the narrow slant of statistic and downtown quarterbacks. With feminine ability of observation and self-consolation, the athletic world can be made far more enjoyable.

80 Years Ago (Two months and four days to Pearl Harbor) October 3, 1941

Wayside Whisperings By Geo. Follien Pat Tryboski, who is stationed with the air corps at Chanute Field, was here for a few days visit last week. He returned to his station, Saturday.

It’s been a long time since we heard the cry: “Where’s Elmer.” Saturday night the original Elmer—Elmer Oas, pulled in from Camp Davis, North Carolina, for a furlough at his home here. He will return today.

FIRST FROST ARRIVES IN STANLEY COUNTRY Late Sunday night, September 28 or early Monday morning, the 29th, Jack Frost made his first visit to the Stanley Country and put an end to the growing season. It has been seldom indeed that the arrival of freezing weather has been deferred this late. Frost usually arrives here about the 15th, often earlier. Sunday’s night’s visitation was a real killer and left no room for doubt that winter is on the way.

ITALY HAS MYSTERY BOATS IN THE WAR British and U.S. A. Plan Increased Aid To Russia. Capper Warns That War Is Near.

Senator Capper of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee warned the nation last week that it may be only a few hours or a few days until this nation is in the war. He said: “I am opposed to this nation going into war solely upon announcement by the President when the constitution places the responsibility in congress. It may be only a matter of months, weeks, or even days before the United States of America has become definitely and I fear, inextricably, merged into the conflict. A few more steps in the direction we are going, and the only thing an American can consider will be ways and means to win the war.”

120 Years Ago September 28, 1901

Volume 8, Number 15 PRAYERS STOPPED.

Members of the Salvation Amy at La Crosse Arrested While on Their Knees.

La Crosse, Wis., Sept. 25.— [Special.]—Capt. A. Ivey and his attachment of the Salvation Army, arrested last night for obstructing the streets, will not be tried today.

The Mormons and Salvation Army have been holding street meetings here. Chief of Police Byrne asked them to desist during the fair week on account of the crowded streets. The Salvationists ignored his request and the officers swooped down upon them.

The members of the army dropped on their knees in the streets and began to pray, hoping thereby to ward off the officers, but the policemen took the lot, drums, musical instruments and all, to the station.

Capt. Ivey will contest the case, and says it is a dark day when Christian people must abandon their work for a fair.

Men Wanted.

To work on sewer and water works job. Steady job for remainder of fall. Apply to E. T. Webster on the job or at the Hotel Maine (on the west side of North Broadway).

Gone Astray Strayed from my premises, 2 ½ miles east of Lower North Fork Dam, one two-year-old mare colt, color dark brown, little white on one hind foot and small bunch on left flank; small bell buckled to neck. Finder will please notify me and receive liberal (generous) reward.

James Brown, Thorp, Wis.

The News Abroad: Leon Czolgosz, convicted assassin of President McKinley, sentenced to death by electric chair at Auburn penitentiary New York.

Back at Home: From Our Correspondents.

Swim Creek Valley. too late for last week.

Services by Rev. C. P. Rolslwand of Ill. commenced Wednesday and will continue till after Sunday in the Dunkard* (Brethren) church.

Rev. C. P. Roland of Ill. is over in Worden holding Dunkard services, which will continue all week.

*A historically derogatory term used to demean Brethren belief in full immersion rather than sprinkling of water for baptism.

Material below sourced at the Minnesota Digital Newspaper Archive at https://newspapers.

127 Years Ago THE MIRROR Published by the inmates of the Stillwater Prison.

Motto: “It is never too late to mend.” October 4, 1894

Looking over prison school, one is impressed at seeing men, many of whom are grey, and who have passed all their youthful days, so eager to study and learn now, that which they neglected to in childhood, or perhaps from unfortunate circumstances had no opportunity to acquire. We know of men in this school who are absolutely hungry for book knowledge; some of whom admit that, were they able to read and write, they would not now be occupying a convict’s cell.