Board repeals overdue library fines policy

Posted 2/15/22

D.R. Moon library director Overdue fines are a thing of the past at the D.R. Moon Memorial Library following a decision by the board to go "fine free” at the library board meeting on February …

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Board repeals overdue library fines policy


D.R. Moon library director

Overdue fines are a thing of the past at the D.R. Moon Memorial Library following a decision by the board to go "fine free” at the library board meeting on February 9th. Libraries across the US have been moving away from charging overdue fines for years. With this recent decision, the D.R. Moon Memorial Library joins more than 70% of MORE libraries that are now permanently fine free. Before this change, 82 Stanley library patrons, including 23 juvenile patrons, were unable to use the library because of overdue fines. "Fines account for a very small percentage of our library’s revenue and present a barrier to access after they reach $10.00 and the patron is no longer able to check anything out. If a library is funded through circulation, as we are, the loss of revenue from patrons unable to use the library and our mission to provide access to all is more significant than collecting overdue fees," Director Elizabeth Miniatt said at the board meeting on Wednesday.

Recent research also shows that return rates on materials remain the same before and after a library goes fine free. Some fine free libraries have even noted a positive increase in return rates and lessened hold times. This seems to be because patrons are more likely to return library materials when they know they can start over with a clean slate instead having to deal with a large fine and a locked account. While continuing to charge for missing and damaged items, the D.R. Moon Memorial Library will no longer charge late or overdue fees for any materials besides the iPads and WiFi hotspots. The library is also waiving the existing overdue fees for all D.R. Moon Memorial Library patrons. “We want people to be able to use the library, so we’ve always had programs such as Food for Fines throughout the year to help patrons get rid of their fines," Director Miniatt said, "Going fine free and waiving all existing overdue fines is just another step forward in making the library accessible to everyone.”