Boyd and Stanley Lions host District Governor

Posted 2/22/22

The Boyd and Stanley Lions Clubs hosted District Governor Bill Anderson and his wife Karen, for his Annual Visitation on Febraury16. The joint meeting was held at the Boyd Legion with Zais Catering …

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Boyd and Stanley Lions host District Governor


The Boyd and Stanley Lions Clubs hosted District Governor Bill Anderson and his wife Karen, for his Annual Visitation on Febraury16. The joint meeting was held at the Boyd Legion with Zais Catering serving the buffet style meal. Before dinner attendees said the Pledge of Alle – giance and the Lions Dinner Prayer was lead by Boyd Lion Jeff Zais. Boyd President Gary Dorn welcomed attendees and especially the District Governor and his wife.

After a delicious chicken and barbecue rib dinner, District Governor Anderson, who is member of the Patterson Park Lions Club, pre sented his message. He noted that the theme for his year of leadership is, “Clubs Helping Clubs." He shared several examples of clubs working together on various projects. A stand – out example was the Dresser Lions, who cut fire wood for needy individuals, and that Lions from other clubs help, as well as non-Lions. He re – ported that one of the most rewarding aspects of being the District Governor is traveling around the District and seeing the phenomenal work be – ing done by Lions. As District Governor, he is a member of two Committees – Wisconsin Lions Foundation (WLF) and Birch-Strum. He noted the success of the statewide deer hide collec – tion each year, with proceeds going to the WLF/ Wisconsin Lions Camp, that serves individuals with challenges. He also reported on the Lions used eyeglass collections that take place in our communities. Eyeglasses collected statewide are brought to the Stanley Prison, where they are sorted, cleaned and lenses read, before be – ing shipped back to the Lions Camp at Rosholt,

where they are then distributed to needy indi- viduals around the world. One recent dispersal took place at Camp McCoy near Sparta, which housed thousands of Afghan Refugees. Over 11,000 eye screenings took place and with the glasses distributed some individuals were able to see colors for the first time. District Gover – nor Anderson closed his presentation by noting that District 27 E1 training of Lions to do eye screenings of elementary students across the district will now be done by Kids Sight at no cost. This replaces an organization who was go – ing to be charging $75 per trainee. Finally, he invited Lions to the District E-1 Convention that will be held on Friday, March 25 and Saturday, March 26, at the Barker's Island Inn and Con – ference Center in Superior. Before closing the meeting, President Dorn called on the District Governor to make award presentations to members of both clubs. Receiving recognition for 10 years of member – ship as Stanley Lions were Carl Edwardson, Chad Verbeten, Jim Brinker and Mary Jo Win –

kler. Stanley Lion Patricia Jankoski was recog – nized for 20 years of membership. Boyd Lions recognized for 15 years as Lions were Judy Mc –

Quillan, Casey Dorn, Dick Schara, Sandy Scha – ra, Brad Shakal and Laurie Shakal. Terri Isensee was honored for 20 years of service and Steve Isensee for 30 years as a Lion. Next year, it is anticipated that the Stanley Lions will be hosting a joint Stanley and Boyd Lions hosting of the District Governors Visita tion.

Pictured presenting monetary gifts to District Governor Bill Anderson (C) were Boyd Lions President Gary Dorn (L) and Dave Jankoski (R) Stanley Lions 1st Vice- President. District Governor Anderson noted when receiving the monetary gifts that he will be donating them to the Wisconsin Lions Foundation, which supports Lions Camp Rosholt. Submitted photo.