Boyd Lions get new signs

Posted 11/15/21

The Boyd Lions Club now has new signs, thanks to a donation by Ron Duncan of Ron’s Designs and Signs out of Cadott, Wisconsin. The new signs total four in number and adorn the approaches to Boyd …

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Boyd Lions get new signs


The Boyd Lions Club now has new signs, thanks to a donation by Ron Duncan of Ron’s Designs and Signs out of Cadott, Wisconsin. The new signs total four in number and adorn the approaches to Boyd along both Highway 29 and County X.

“The ones he’s made are very nice signs,” Lion Jeff Zais shared of the new signs by Duncan. “They have a very nice background.” But while Zais said that the Club gets new signs every five to ten years as a matter of course, these ones, were free of charge.

“He said ‘no charge,’” Zais related of Duncan. “He didn’t have to do that, but he did.” Reached down at Ron’s Design’s and Signs, Duncan said that each sign was worth $95, making for a $380 donation in total by the Cadott business.

Shifting back to the Lions, Zais said that Tom Grunewald was the one he asked to help put the signs up, which took place Thursday November 4th. The Lions signs were attached to the existing signs for Boyd along 29 and X, making for speedy installation.

As to the Lions themselves, a possible donation is said to be in the works from the local service organization for a fence at the T-ball field now taking shape at Lotz Park, just east of Highway D.

But with snow finally touching down to stay this past Friday November 14 after a light dusting earlier in the week, the time for outdoor T-ball, is yet to come. In the meantime, there are new Lions signs.