Cadott coach inducted into Hall of Fame

Posted 7/27/21

Courier Sentinel Ed Lenard, former track coach at Cadott, has been inducted into the Wisconsin Track Coaches Hall of Fame. This is just another recognition of the guy who was head Cadott wrestling …

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Cadott coach inducted into Hall of Fame


Courier Sentinel

Ed Lenard, former track coach at Cadott, has been inducted into the Wisconsin Track Coaches Hall of Fame. This is just another recognition of the guy who was head Cadott wrestling coach for 24 years, head football coach for 21 years and head track coach for 20 years. He was a teacher for 33 years, 29 of those years were at Cadott, where he and wife Pat still reside. +++ In an effort to have Cornell promote patriotism, citizen Kathy Swanson is leading an effort to install American flags on poles at each of the three “Welcome to Cornell” signs. She received the blessing of her efforts from the Cornell City Council who only asked they be updated, as the project progresses. +++ Ben Folczyk, representing the Cadott Youth Baseball Committee, received permission from the Cadott Village Board to remove the old dugouts at the east park and install new ones, as well as put in a scoreboard at the west park. Everyone’s efforts in making these improvements were thanked by the Board.

The Thorp Courier

New Thorp Superintendent Angie Hanlin, spent part of Saturday morning helping serve breakfast at the Thorp Dairy Bar, as a way of getting to know the Thorp Community. +++ Thorp High School Classes of 1975 andl976 combined to hold their reunions at Munson Bridge Winery. The 51 attendees enjoyed good food, plenty of time to visit and they danced into the evening. +++ From Memory Lane 125 Years Ago (1896) — School Clerk Geo.

B. Parkhill has completed the census of school children and finds the whole number to be 394, 187 males and 207 females.

100 Years Ago (1921) — Former Sheriff Harry Hewett has been appointed as assistant prohibition commissioner at a salary of $2,500 per year. Look out for him, ye moonshiners.

Bloomer Advance

Bloomer Mayor Jim Koehler and City Administrator Sandi Frion met with Human Relations representatives from area businesses to hear what businesses want to see from the city. The main thing they would like to see is more housing and development in the city to attract and retain employees. +++ The City of Bloomer has been awarded a $35,000, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Brownfields Grant, to assess the type of cleanup needed to put the former Bloomer Co-op Feeds property back into productive use. The grant covers 10 acres formerly used by the agricultural cooperative that occupied the site from 1974 to 2004. The property, with its environmental contamination, was acquired by the City of Bloomer through a county tax deed as a result of unpaid taxes. +++ According to the Wisconsin Realtor Association, the median price of a home in Chippewa County in June 2021 was $250,250, which is up from June 2020, when the median price was $202,500.


Both Abbotsford and Colby Schools are planning for a school year that would mostly return to normal. If COVD-19 were to climb beyond a certain point, the school boards may be called to take action. +++ A $10 hourly raise may be in store for local EMT’s who are willing to respond to ambulance calls between midnight and 6 am.- a proposal meant to deal with the problem of emergency responders during those hours. +++ The Abbotsford School District is now looking at the cost of conventional construction vs. a multi-purpose dome design building, that would be partially FEMA financed and serve as a community shelter.

+++ On Saturday, July 17, the Rural Arts Museum in Colby opened two new buildings. Ribbon cutting ceremonies were held opening a bam that houses both logging and farming related items and a firehouse housing two antique Colby fire engines.

The firehouse was built by local firefighters and EMT’s, who also raised the funds covering the building materials.

The Sentinel & Rural News

An overflowing crowd attended Owen-Withee-Curtiss Fire Department and EMT’s Annual Dance that was held this year at the Munson Bridge Winery. +++ The annual summer benefit for the Mennonite community’s Center for Special Children, held on Saturday July 17 drew over 500 people who came to support the programs offered through the LaFarge Medical Clinic in Vernon County. The program focuses on the diagnosis, management and counseling of individuals who have, or are suspected of having, genetic or metabolic disorders. +++ Amateur photographer, Jim Scheuer’s work is featured on this year’s Owen Library Calendar. Scheuer is a retired music teacher and photography is his only non-music hobby. +++ Minutes from the Owen Historic Preservation Committee indicate the group voted to recommend that the City Council designate the management of the old City Hall and the Fairchild North Eastern Railroad Depot to the Historic Preservation Committee.