City rehires same seasonal workers

Posted 4/26/22

Among the news from last week’s Coouncil is that the City has hired seasonal help. Acting on recommendation from John Hoel the City moved at the regular April 18 Council meeting to hire Dick …

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City rehires same seasonal workers


Among the news from last week’s Coouncil is that the City has hired seasonal help. Acting on recommendation from John Hoel the City moved at the regular April 18 Council meeting to hire Dick Fredrickson, Roy Fredrickson, and Pat Fitzsimmons, the remark being made that year-round part-timer Greg Steinke is now “considered regular part-time.”

Also in the report from Hoel was the news that the bull elk had dropped its antlers (sharp, dangerous, and pointy), meaning that the city REHIRED

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could now move to begin capturing the herd for the yearly herd census, along with vaccinations and health checks, “weather permitting.”

As to police news, Stanley chief Lance Weiland wrote the Council that the station would soon be getting a payment terminal for the DMV services it provides, while Spectrum had been on site March 23 and hooked up the phone lines in the new police addition. In the meantime, work continued on followed up with garbage and recycling receptacles of 32 property owners that were reportedly on the street or in the boulevard past the 24-hour period post-collection allowed by city ordinance.

Last but not least, the wastewater department with Nick Martin and Dean Schneider reported “normal plant operations,” with adjustments made to wasting levels to maintain biological phosphorous removal. And that’s it for this week’s Council update. For a quick if important note from the Mayor on FEMA disaster funding, see page 11 this week.