Compiled by Joseph Back

Posted 7/7/21

10 Years Ago July 9, 2011 Life on the Family Farm Under an Open Heaven: Rattlesnakes, Part 1 My grandfather was Paul K. Heck of Mondovi, Wisconsin. My mind always goes back to him around this time of …

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Compiled by Joseph Back


10 Years Ago July 9, 2011

Life on the Family Farm Under an Open Heaven: Rattlesnakes, Part 1 My grandfather was Paul K. Heck of Mondovi, Wisconsin. My mind always goes back to him around this time of year. He was born on July 14, 1898, west of Mondovi in Canton township. He lived to be about 95 years old. For many years he dairy farmed northwest of Mondovi in what is known as German Valley. The early settlers in that valley were all of German ancestry, that’s how the valley got its name My grandfather farmed there many years before moving into Mondovi to live. Oftentimes in my single adult years, after milking my parents’ dairy cows in the evening, I would go to my grandparents’ home and visit with them. They had excellent memories and such a wealth of information from years gone by.

20 Years Ago July 5, 2001

The Counseling Corner From the American Counseling Association Helping students who learn differently succeed in college By Lois C. Wedl, Ph.D. NCC “Can you call my dad right away and explain to him what ‘learning disabilities’ are? My mom got totally depressed when I said that I might have a learning disorder and maybe should be tested.”

That might not be something you expect to hear from a college student, but it was a desperate call I received from Peter, a freshman student of mine. Peter was facing a problem much more common among college students than is realized by many teachers, parents or the college students themselves.

Like other college students with undiagnosed learning disabilities, Peter had “gotten by” in high school with extra help from parents and friends. His inattentiveness and academic struggles were applied to him being bored or not applying himself.

30 Years Ago July 4, 1991

Stanley Residents On Dean’ List Two Stanley resident have been named ot the Dean’s List of the University of Wisconsin- LaCrosse for the second semester of the 1990-91 academic year. Qualification for the Dean’s List is based on outstanding academic achievement.

Victoria M. Drozd, a sophomore, majoring in Social Work and Dennis J. Goettl, a junior majoring in Elementary Education, Gr. 1-8 were on the list, released by University officials.

Victoria is the daughter of Edmund and Marilyn Drozd of Stanley and Dennis is the son of Ben and Sophie Goettl, also of Stanley.

Wolf River Duck Race Planned After Fall Festival Parade Duck Race Tickets are now available for the race which will be held after the Fall Festival Parade, August 11th.

Ducks will race down the Wolf River, from the Chapman Dam on Fourth Avenue to the Kountry Inn. The lucky winner will receive $500, followed by $200 for second, $100 for third, $75 for fourth and $50 for fifth. Cost per duck is $5, with proceeds to go to Park improvements. The event is sponsored by the Stanley Area Chamber of Commerce.

Tickets are available at the following businesses. In Stanley at Peterson’s Stanley Oil, Bob & Jayme’s, Hotel, Harley’s, Main Office and Rollins Feed Mill. In Boyd tickets may be purchased at Boyd Feed and Supply.

40 Years Ago July 2, 1981

Stanley Citizens Receive Letter From President Ronald Reagan (photo) Through the efforts of Dr. Douglas Sallis, a letter from President Ronald Reagan to the citizens of Stanley has been received. Mayor Lester Janisewski, left, looks at the letter with Dr. Sallis, right.

The White House Washington June 9, 1981 To the Citizens of Stanley: I am pleased to join all those gathered to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Stanley.

Stanley is a shining example of the American spirit – a place where men and women, working together, have built a community in which commerce, culture and freedom thrive. Best of all, it is home to many who love it dearly.

The spirit which has built your community is worthy of the utmost pride as an example to those around the world of the blessings of liberty.

My hearty congratulations on this joyful, historic occasion.

Ronald Reagan.

The New Arrivals Mr. and Mrs. David W. Nelson, Route 1, Stanley, are the proud parents of a daughter, Jessie Kay, born June 20 at St. Joseph’s Hospital, Chippewa Falls. Jessie Kay…is welcomed home by a brother, Jason, Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Allen Nelson of Stanley and maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Witt of Stanley.

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Herrick are proud to announce the birth of a son, Justin Jonathan born June 19 at St. Joseph’s Hospital, Chippewa Falls….Justin is welcomed home by his brothers Kip, Joe, and Jamie and a sister, Susan. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Joe Moeller of Stanley.

(the births continue)

50 Years Ago July 8, 1971

Home and Schools To Use Microfilm Micropublishing, the publication and dissemination of information on microfilm, is destined for a major role in homes and schools, according to Eastman Kodak Company.

It will help Mom keep track of her recipes and assist the children with their schoolwork. Dad will find micropublishing helpful in his home maintenance chores and hobbies.

Bath House Nears Completion (photo) Pictured above is the new bath house and rest room facility which is in the process of construction at Chapman Park. The new building is located near the beach. Work on the project had been halted temporarily because the toilets for the building, which were ordered some time ago, were delayed and were finally received July 1st. The building will be completed in the very near future. Staff photo.

Boyd Area News Phone your news items to Mrs. Paul Dahm 667-**** Otter Lake & Brownville News Mrs. Gilbert Brown Visitors over the 4th of July weekend at the Gilbert Brown home were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Lewallen and daughters of Lake Holcombe, Troy Alix of Oshkosh, Jill Smith of Pleasant Valley, Glen Warner and son Billy and daughter Ruth of Wilton, Wis., and Carl Albrecht of Chippewa Falls.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Westaby attended the Kroeplin- Shades wedding at Winter on Saturday.

Mrs. Hazel Lauer and family have moved into the Trailer Court in Stanley and Gordon Schmidt and family have moved into the Lauer house.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Burzynski received the sad news on Monday of the sudden death of her cousin Steve Sarna of Chicago, Ill, on July 4th and also the death of his niece Frances, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sarna of Harvey, Ill. She was involved in a car accident and died on July 3rd.

Mr. and Mrs. Don Manley and Mr. and Mrs. Alice Prasnicki and Keith of Stanley spent the 4th camping at Otter Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Eslinger and family and Bob Cairns joined them for a picnic on Sunday.

60 Years Ago July 6, 1961

Doubleheader, Bike Rodeo are Week’s Highlights A Baseball doubleheader with Thorp and a bike rodeo highlight this week’s recreation activity. Both the Babe Ruth and Little League squads will see action against Thorp, with the Little Leaguers playing the first game and the Babe Ruth team second.

Kurtz-Wohld Nupitals Read in Tilden Rite The marriage of Miss Marion Kurtz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kurtz, route 3, Chippewa Falls, and LaVern Wohld, son of Mr. and Mrs. Winston Wohld, route 3, Stanley, was solemnized on June 24 at St. Peter’s Catholic Church, Tilden. The Rev. Rashke read the double ring ceremony at 10 a.m.

GILMAN THEATRE Thursday – Friday, July 6 – 7 “The Captain’s Table” Plus H.G. Wells “The Time Machine” Saturday – Sunday, July 8 – 9 City’s Tax Valuation Boosted $400,000 Total Valuation of the City of Stanley is up more than $400,000 over last year, according to figures released by the city clerk’s office last week. Figures show this year’s total valuation, including all real and personal property, to hbe $4,637,850 as compared to $4,234,900 last year.

The total real estate valuation for 1961 was set at $3,735,275. Last year’s figure was $3,341,075, or $394,200 less than this years.

The biggest change was made in property improvements. In 1960, property improvements were valued at $2,281,875. This year the figure was up to $3,214,275, or an increase of $332,400. Land value rose from $459,200 in 1960 to $521,000 in 1961.

“SILVER COACH” BEING WRECKED The old “Silver Coach” café, which has been closed for several years, is being wrecked this week.

Long a landmark on the west side of Stanley’s “main drag,” the building originally was a railroad passenger coach which was remodeled for used as a café.

Last Rites Here Monday For Mrs. Mary Jordan Born Mary Ogle in Thorp township on September 5, 1890, married to Michael Jordan on November 28, 1911. Funeral from St. Mary’s in Stanley.

“Survivors include one son, Bernard, or Sharon, Wis.; one brother Bill Ogle of Oceanside, Calif.; two sisters, Mrs. Paul Lee of Milwaukee and Mrs. John Poppe of Marquette, Mich.; and five grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Mrs. Jordan passed away at Milwaukee.

70 Years Ago July 5, 1951

Walter Brovald sounds off on taxes in, ‘Your Editor Gets Behind the 8-Ball’ It’s anybody’s guess where taxes will stop. Inflation has boosted the cost of war and government just as it has boosted prices at the corner grocery store—only more so. Before the Korean War began a Patton II tank cost $193,000; now it costs $240,000. A little over a year ago combat boots cost $6.47 a pair; now they cost $11.63. And the government is spending millions more carrying out the same domestic services as were carried out before the war. The dollars Uncle Sam spends are our dollars, you know, and everyone knows how our dollars have shrunk.

Men Up For Draft Can Join USAF Men who have received their preinduction physical examination have an opportunity to volunteer in the United State Air Force between June 15 and July 15, Sgt. Johns, local Air Force recruiting sergeant, announced today.

This opportunity will be extended only during the 30day period to July 15. It results from temporary suspension of a Defense Department ban against men joining the Service of their choice after they have received their pre-induction physical examination.

Expanded training facilities of the Air Force will give those volunteering during this period an opportunity for many specialized training courses and a wide range of interesting assignments. The Air Force has many openings in such fields as radio, radar, air traffic control, metherology, and armament.

During the next 12 months the Air Force will be greatly enlarged. New installations will be opened in many locations. This expansion will bring with it opportunities for promotion and travel. Volunteer enlistment will be accepted at the Joint U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force Recruiting Station, City Auditorium, Stanley. Men wishing to volunteer must bring their pre-induction notices and draft cards with them. Those accepted will be available for immediate assignment.

Box Ad: If you are suffering from muscular pain in your neck, back, shoulder and legs, why not give massage a try. You may be pleasantly surprised.

Adolph Brecker Masseur

120 Years Ago July 6, 1901

NEARLY LYNCHED MAN Fond du Lac County man charged with Assaulting a 5-year-old girl PEOPLE GREATLY EXCITED Father of Child wants to shoot Alleged Assailant— Landed Safely in Jail.

Fond du Lac, Wis., July 3.—[Special.]—There was considerable excitement in the town of Friendship for a while yesterday over the sensational charges of Alex Marcoe, proprietor of a saloon in Farmer on Van Dyne road, that John Sartarious, a transient painter, had assaulted his 5-year-old daughter. It is said Marcoe went to his brother-in-law’s to borrow a shotgun, where he first told of the alleged assault. The report soon spread and there was talk of a lynching, but Marcoe himself quieted down and said he would “shoot the fellow tomorrow when he came in for a drink.” A warrant was sworn out against the painter and his hearing Justice Watson’s court has been adjourned to Friday morning.

(Note: The historical practice of lynching involved the denial of due process rights as otherwise guaranteed under the 14th Amendment and interfered with the presumption of innocence until proven guilty in a court of law. It was sometimes carried out after unsuccessful attempts by police and/or clergy to calm down a crowd and appears in old newspapers taking place in the North, as well as the South).

Also 120 Years Ago THE MIRROR Put out by the inmates of the Stillwater Prison Stillwater, Minnesota Motto: “It is never too late to mend” July 4, 1901

Ten Year’s Improvements in Our Village In the Spring of ’91 the writer gazed on the prison yard for the first time, and it was a lonesome gaze. Truly it was a land of desolation. The beautiful snow which had covered the blemishes had disappeared, and what was exposed to view did not make a favorable impression on the stranger. There was not a tree in sight, and one could count the blades of grass within a day.

MATHEMATICAL PHILOSOPHY Second Paper In respect to the mathematical theory of probabilities, then we must forgo the idea that pure chance presides over the sequence of events; for the theory implies caution, order, law, providence or whatever you are pleased to name the very opposite of chance; and the law (or laws) on which it thus rests is an empirical one— that is, a law derived from observation.

Before It Is Too Late

From the archives of the Chippewa Falls Public Library at chippewafalls.advantage- 126 Years Ago

STANLEY Locals The Journal The furnaces are being built at the tannery. Mr. J. W. Holiday arrived the latter part of last week to superintend their building.

The new editor in assuming charge of THE JOURNAL would say to the citizens of Stanley that it is his wish to assist in the building up of the city, and that he is willing at al times to give space and time to what is for the city’s interest. We realize that our city is one with a great future, and in that future we wish to participate as well as in its present.

It will also be our endeavor to give readers a breezy, live local paper containing the news and giving to the outside world all the information they should possess of this liveliest little city along this line.

From THE CADOTT BLADE: Charles Marriner, who has been west for several weeks past, returned home Wednesday evening. Charley stopped in Minneapolis for a few days on the return trip.

The Stanley Journal has changed hands, being purchased by Richard T. Yundt. Mr. Yundt is a well educated and highly respected young man and will no doubt make the Journal a first-class sheet. The Blade wishes him success in his undertaking. APOLLONIA Locals Harry Kind, who was running a saw that is used for sawing chair stock at the mill, had the misfortune to saw the second finger of his right hand off at the first joint, last Friday night.

Congress, that great and learned body of law makers, realized after the buffalo had been exterminated that it was time to protect them, and another learned body on a smaller scale, the board of Chippewa County, saw fit to dispense with the bounty upon wolves and wildcats, two noxious animals that prey upon der and other game animals besides destroying sheep and other stock of the settler. Human life is also in danger when those animals are plenty. Let us have proper legislation and then protect those beautiful animals that nature has placed in this world for man.