Cornell to start school on August 17, 2022

Posted 12/7/21

Courier Sentinel Cornell Superintendent Paul Schley told his school board, "Don't look at the actual school report scores as much." He said there is much that goes into a state report …

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Cornell to start school on August 17, 2022


Courier Sentinel

Cornell Superintendent Paul Schley told his school board, "Don't look at the actual school report scores as much." He said there is much that goes into a state report card, which is often confusing. +++ The Cornell School Board agreed to the 2022-23 school calendar, which has a starting date of August 17, 2022, as approved by the DPI. The calendar provides a few little breaks in the spring, like the school board wanted +++ Former Cornell teacher/coach Eino Martino donated funds for the purchase of 48 new hurdles for the track and field athletes. The new hurdles replace ones that are at least 30-40 years old. +++ On November 29, the Cadott School Board in a Meeting of the Whole, heard a presentation from Scott Mikesh, Legal and Policy Services Counsel, at the Wisconsin Association of School Boards. Some of the topics covered included open meeting law, closed sessions, rules of order, public comment and social media guidelines. The Thorp Courier

The 28th Annual Thorp Community Thanksgiving Dinner was another huge success. Prepared at Abundant Life Church, a total of 359 meals were served. Each year volunteers from around the community donate their time to prepare, cook and serve the meal. +++ Six seniors return this season for the Thorp High School varsity boys basketball team. Head Coach Scott Horn and the team look forward to the season and are hopeful of playing a full schedule this season after last season was cut short due to the pandemic. +++ 100 Years Ago (1921) in the Memory Column: That Thorp will again be in the field this season with a fast basketball team was demonstrated last Thursday eve when they handed the fast Stanley National Guard team its first defeat by the deceive score of 15–6.

Bloomer Advance

The City of Bloomer 2021 Mill Rate, payable in 2022, is $16.70 per thousand. Bloomer Schools gets 55.7%, the City of Bloomer gets 21.9%, Chippewa County gets 17.5%, and Chip – pewa Valley Technical College gets 4.8%. +++ The assessed value of all property in Bloomer is now at $329,446,100. +++ Of each tax dollar collected to cover the City of Bloomer bud – get, 40.4% goes for Public Safety (police and fire), 35.35% goes to Public Works, 10.21% goes to General Government, 9.67% goes to Capital Outlay, Culture, Recreation and Education re – ceives 3.5%, Conservation and Development receives 1.0%. +++ The Bloomer home lighting contest will be judged on Saturday, December 11, after the 6 pm Christmas parade. The Bloomer Chamber will be sponsoring a considerable number of events to "Spread the Christmas Spirit." Among them are a "Christmas Porch Pot Contest – planters on Main Street and 17

th Avenue are decorated, a Business Christmas Tree decorating contest, a Gifts for Kids program, and a Traditions Contest. The Tribune-Phonograph The headline read, "Colby crowned king at Camp Randall." Colby beat St. Mary's Springs 22-7, to win the Division 6 State Championship. The local newspaper celebrated along with the community and devoted five pages to the championship game. +++ The repair and updating of the Abbotsford school swim –

ming pool is progressing nicely. Completion is expected in ear – ly 2022. The School Board was also informed that the school's FEMA storm shelter has changed to a more traditional design, as opposed to a dome structure. FEMA has approved the revived plans. The schools mill rate will be $9.73 vs last year's rate of $9.84. +++ The Abbotsford Christmas Parade held on December 3, marked 50 years of holding this extravaganza. Tri-County Area Times

Osseo's Central Park had the Christmas decorations lite on Friday, November 26. The Garber Bandshell was decorated in the finest for Santa Claus to meet the children. A portable stage, for Christmas music and other songs, was set up to entertain those at the park enjoying the lights and waiting to see Santa Claus. +++ On Tuesday, December 7, at 11:55 am, the exact time the attack on Pearl Harbor took place, a dedication of a new veteran's memorial in Augusta will take place. At that time nine Augusta survivors of the Pearl Harbor attack will be honored by having plaques to them dedicated.