
Posted 4/19/22

HOMEPLACE Happenings With This being Easter weekend we were busy decorating Easter eggs and making Easter baskets for our residents and on good Friday I had a helper hand out Easter baskets to all …

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HOMEPLACE Happenings

With This being Easter weekend we were busy decorating Easter eggs and making Easter baskets for our residents and on good Friday I had a helper hand out Easter baskets to all residents and stau .Thank you Peyton Everyone enjoyed their baskets!

Our residents were surprised last weekend with someone bringing in their dogs to visit, they went door to door with their tails wagging it brought smiles to their faces you could tell that the residents really enjoyed the visit and with the warm welcome Kia, Mona and Stanley got they will be back again.

Our lucky winners for Bingo this week were Joann, Rita, June, Esther and Larry who won 3 games and a thank you to Monica for calling numbers everyone appreciate you being our new caller.

Some of our residents started sock art crafts making Bunny’s and Bears you will see them on displayed thru out the Homeplace they are adorable and the ladies loved making them and we are already looking for ideas for our next sock art craft.

We are celebrating another birthday at the Homeplace so a big shout-out to Larry, Happy Birthday Larry!

Our residents and Stau would like to wish our community, fam- ily and friends a Happy Easter and Be safe!