Historical society museum opens weekend of June 4 and 5

Posted 5/4/22

Meeting for their Quarterly Meeting on Monday, April 25, members of the Stanley Area Historical Society heard a report by Adam Smit, from Adam Smit Investment Management LLC, who provided a …

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Historical society museum opens weekend of June 4 and 5


Meeting for their Quarterly Meeting on Monday, April 25, members of the Stanley Area Historical Society heard a report by Adam Smit, from Adam Smit Investment Management LLC, who provided a presentation on the societies’ Trust Fund investments with his firm. Questions that followed were answered and he was thanked for coming annually to provide an update.

After calling the meeting to order, President Dave Jankoski called on Acting Secretary Cheryl Kern-Simirenko to present the minutes from the last quarterly meeting held on October 25,2021. NextJamesEricksen,Treasurerprovidedafirst quarter report on the SAHS finances. He also reported that the Federal Form 990 is being completed by H & R Block and will be submitted after receipt. President Jankoski also noted that the SAHS’s report to the State Historical Society was filed in January, as required to maintain nonprofit status with the state. Jankoski also noted that the annual elevator inspection has been completed and a new emergency phone has been installed. The phone was damaged in connection with the power outage following the tornado on December 15.

In a Building and Grounds Report is was noted that snow removal was satisfactory and lawn mowing will be arranged for the summer. Insect spraying will occur before opening for the season in hopes of cutting down on the annual beetle invasion, Jankoski reported that the annual spring cleaning is about half completed. He noted he could use some help and that any dusting will need to be completed after all the vacuuming is completed. Jankoski also reported that he had talked to Jordan Donnerbauer, who will be having his Landscaping Class redo the flagpole hosta flower garden and some of the area on the northwest corner of the original building.

It was reported that no new major exhibits are being worked on that will be completed in 2022. Updating of current exhibits will occur and the 100 years ago exhibit will feature what was going on in the Stanley area in1922.

The Summer Work Schedule is being worked on and was available for attendees to sign up. There are still several openings needing to be filled, so if anyone is willing to volunteer for one, or two, three hours of volunteering please call 715-644-5880,tovolunteer,orgetanyquestionsanswered. Itwas reported that a Public History student at UW-Eau Claire, Melanie Schmidt, has committed to working at SAHS this summer. Plans are to open the museum weekends beginning the weekend of June 4 and 5. Weekend hours will again be Saturdays and Sundays from 1- 4 pm.

It was announced that two summer programs have been arranged thus far. On Saturday, July 16, Richard Cance will be present his informative Rocks/Fossils program and on Saturday, September 3, Betty Plombon is planning a presentation on the operation of the KKK in the Stanley area. Another possible program is a wedding dress parade.

Kern-Simirenko reported on the museum’s digitization efforts. Unfortunately, progress has been slowed by a need for someone to do photographing of artifacts. Anyone who may be interested in helping with this project can also call 715-644-5880.

Betty Plombon questioned if the museum should again purchase a six month subscription to Ancestry.com for use at the museum. Another six month subscription was approved and will be available for use by area genealogists. It was recommended that information on this tool be shared on the museum’s Facebook page, website, in the newsletter and in the local newspaper.

Jankoski noted that the Clark County Historical Society’s semi-annual June meeting, will be held at the new Jail Museum office in downtown Neillsville. He also noted that the Clark County Historical Society newsletter will be forthcoming with features of special items or collections from each member museum. Stanley’s submission will report on the Miller arrowhead collection.

In closing, it was noted that the next quarterly meeting will be held on Monday, July 25, and will begin at 6 pm with a potluck meal, with the meeting to follow. Donna Endru was thanked for the nourishment served to attendees.

With all manner of resources, the soon opening Stanley Area Historical Society reportedly needs help with photography for ongoing digitization eorts, with interested parties given contact instructions below.