Lions gearing up for 2022-2023

Posted 5/17/22

At their May 9 meeting, the Stanley Lions established their leadership team for the 2022-2023 year. Meeting at Debbie’s on Broadway, the following ovcers were selected and they will be installed at …

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Lions gearing up for 2022-2023


At their May 9 meeting, the Stanley Lions established their leadership team for the 2022-2023 year. Meeting at Debbie’s on Broadway, the following ovcers were selected and they will be installed at the June 13 Steak Fry scheduled for Fandry Park. Serving for the next year will be: President Dave Jankoski, First Vice-President Julina Lahner, Second Vice-President, Open, Third Vice-President, Open, Secretary Lorena McLoone, Treasurer, Jerry Dirkes, Tail Twister Patrica Jankoski, Lion Tamer Mary Jo Winkler, Past President Jim Jones and the Board of Directors will consist of Dave Winkler, Larry Ciokiewicz, Carl Edwardson, and Gary Krueger. Club Historians Dave and Patrica Jankoski.

After the meeting was called to order, President Jim Jones called for the secretary’s and treasurer’s reports which were presented and approved. Under old business, the Lions who helped with the Brat Feed at Moon Park reported on a well attended event. Residents appreciated the meal and the bingo games that followed. Lions assisting with the tornado cleanup reported on their activities and noted the appreciation of those receiving assistance. Lion President Jim Jones reported on the funds being solicited to cover the initial expenditures associated with the Bike Trail Project. He reported that the $75,000 goal is nearly reached. He discussed the forthcoming involvement of the local group with the West Central Regional Planning Commission related to planning the layout of possible additions to the trail in the near and more distant future and matching grants for help in future funding. Jones also reported on the successful collection of 500 pounds of plastic and that the Lions will be receiving a bench for the community soon. It was noted that the plastic recycling project will continue with a second bench being the goal. Lion Jerry Dirkes reported that a team had been assembled and will be participating in the Cadott Lions Invitational Golf Tournament on May 19.

Under new business, it was reported that 13 Stanley Lions will be attending the Thorp Lions 90th Anniversary celebration on Saturday, May 14. A monetary gift was approved. The forthcoming Youth Service Learning Day will be held on Wednesday, May 11, and any Lions able to help should report to the high school 12:45 pm to serve as supervisors of the projects being undertaken. The scholarships given out by the Lions are in the process of being judged and it was noted that one scholarship received no applicants. It was questioned how perspective applicants could be encouraged to apply for the available scholarships. With the Watermelon Festival approaching, the various chairpersons were called upon for reports Further fundraising events were discussed and the decision wast to again hold a brat and pork chop sale at Hansen’s IGA and the cheese curd sale during the Stanley Citywide Thrift Sales on August 11 and 12.

The next meeting is the Steak Fry, with installation of the 2022-2023 slate of ovcers, will be held on Monday, June 13, at Fandry Park, or the Stanley Community Center, in case of inclement weather. The attendance drawing was won by Lion Gary Krueger and he was present.