Making progress in country living

Posted 6/30/21

Dear Nona: What’s with the dairy air this week? Smelling Manure in the Morning Dear Smelly: Sure, it gets a little ripe now and again, but that’s one of the …

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Making progress in country living


Dear Nona:

What’s with the dairy air this week?

Smelling Manure in the Morning Dear Smelly:

Sure, it gets a little ripe now and again, but that’s one of the


It’s sure better than the smells

in' the' big' city.'And' think' of' it'

this way, if you were in Thorp, you’d get to smell it just about


And' that's' not' a' bad' thing.'

Farmers smell that, and they

think' of' money.' it's' progress.'

It means the whole thing is

working.' Cows' are' grazing.' They're'getting'milked.'They're' pooping' the' barn.' It's' getting' sent'into'sludge'pits.'It's'getting' trucked'around'town.'it's'spread' on'fields.'You'drive'by'with'your' windows' open.'You' try' to' shut' them'it's'too'late.'The'stench'is' trapped'in'your'car.

Smells'like'progress!'Smelly,' remember, we’d be nothing in our part of the Dairy State without the people who are providing' this' Dairy' Air' that' smells'like'a'cow'derriere!

Geez,' I' remember' when' Sheila' with' the' Schnoz' got' out' of' the' hospital.' She' just' about' passed' out' in' her' first' drive' in' the' country.' Sheila' had' sinus' problems her whole life, and word at the beauty parlor was that' was' why' she' had' such' a' huge'nose,'hence'her'nickname,' obviously.' Well' Sheila' went' to' see' the' brand' new' doctor' over'at'the'Lublin'Medical'and'

20-Minute' Oil' Change' center,' and'he'fixed'her'up'real'good.

She' spent' a' couple' days' in' there and was able to work off her bill by helping do some oil' changes.' It's' a' real' good' program' over' there,' almost' better' than' Obamacare.' Doc' opened up her sinuses real

good.'She'got'out'of'there,'and' she'had'tears'in'her'eyes'the'first' time'she'went'into'Stosh's'Place' and'took'in'the'aroma.'Yup,'she' sat'next'to'the'happy'hour'crew' on'a'hot'summer'day.'The'B.O.' from some of these guys puts

the'Lublin'High'football'locker' room'to'shame.'

Well,' Sheila' took' her' first' Sunday afternoon ride in the

country'and'went'past'Methane' Martincowstink's' place.' it' was' too' much' for' her.' She' passed' right' out.' She' spent' the' next' two'days'in'the'medical'center.' She only needed to spend an

hour' waking' up,' but' Oil' Can' Carl' want' to' take' a' day' off,' so' she' covered' for' him' doing' oil' changes.

Here'are'some'fast'and'easy' summer'recipes!

18 Months No Payments, $50

Summer Corn and Tomato Pasta Ingredients Salt 1 pound bow-tie pasta 2' tablespoons' extra-virgin' olive'oil 2'garlic'cloves,'smashed 1'pint'cherry'tomatoes 3'ears'fresh'corn,'kernels'cut' off 2 tablespoons unsalted butter 1/4' cup' fresh' basil' leaves,' torn'into'pieces Directions

Bring' a' large' pot' of' salted' water' to' a' boil' and' cook' the' pasta'until'al'dente;'drain.

Meanwhile, in a large

skillet,' heat' the' olive' oil' over' medium' heat.' Add' the' garlic' and'tomatoes'and'cook,'stirring' occasionally,'until'the'tomatoes' are' softened,' about' 5' minutes.' Stir' in' the' corn,' raise' the' heat' slightly'and'cook'until'the'corn' is heated through and golden,

about'5'minutes.'Season'to'taste' with'salt.

Add' the' vegetables,' butter' and'basil'to'the'pasta'and'toss.

Fish Tacos with Summer Salsa Ingredients 1 pound halibut or other

meaty'white'fish'fillets Juice'of'2'limes 1' 11' ounce' can' whole' tomatillos, drained

4' small' zucchini' peeled,' seeded'and'cut'into'small'cubes 1/4' cup' chopped' cilantro' leaves'and'stems y

2' 1/2' teaspoons' coarse' salt,'

plus more to taste

8'6'inches'corn'tortillas 2'tablespoons'chili'powder 1/4'teaspoon'cayenne'pepper,' or to taste

1' tablespoon' extra-virgin' olive'oil 1'Avocado,'peeled'and'thinly' sliced Directions

Preheat' the' oven' to' 225' degrees' .' Place' the' fish' in' a' medium' bowl' and' drizzle' with' half'of'the'lime'juice.'Cover'and' refrigerate'for'15'minutes.

Using' your' hands,' squeeze' the' juice' and' flesh' from' the' tomatillos, 1 at a time, into a

medium'bowl;'discard'the'skins.' Mash'the'tomatillos'with'a'fork.' Add'the'zucchini,'the'remaining' lime' juice,' the' cilantro' and' 2' teaspoons'of'the'salt'and'toss.

Spread the tortillas on 2

parchment-lined' baking' sheets' and'warm'in'the'oven'for'about' 10'minutes.

In'a'small'bowl,'combine'the' chili' powder,' cayenne' pepper' and' 1/2' teaspoon' of' the' salt.' Remove' the' fish' from' the' lime' juice,' pat' dry' and' cover' with' the' spice' rub.' Heat' the' olive' oil' in' a' large' nonstick' skillet' over'medium'heat'and'cook'the' fish,' about' 4' minutes' on' each' side.' Break' the' fish' into' bitesize' pieces' and' season' to' taste' with'salt.'Arrange'the'fish'in'the' tortillas with some of the salsa
