
Posted 5/4/22

PUBLIC Notice CITY OF STANLEY REGULAR MEETING OF THE COMMON COUNCIL April 18, 2022 AT 7:00P.M. Mayor Al Haas presiding. On roll call: Al Haas, Rick Hodowanic, Mark Fitzsimmons, Jason Meyer, Kevin …

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CITY OF STANLEY REGULAR MEETING OF THE COMMON COUNCIL April 18, 2022 AT 7:00P.M. Mayor Al Haas presiding. On roll call: Al Haas, Rick Hodowanic, Mark Fitzsimmons, Jason Meyer, Kevin Hendrick- son, Mike Henke, Jacob Hu, Laurie Foster, and Holly Kitchell.

Members Present: Al Haas, Rick Hodowanic, Mark Fitzsimmons, Jason Meyer, Kevin Hendrickson, Mike Henke, Ja- cob Hu, and Laurie Foster.

Others Present: Nicole Thiel (Clerk), Lance Weiland, Gerald Heiting, John Hoel, Lori Cooley, Tom Larson, James Ericksen, Don Goettl, Rubyann Birt, Lisa Fleming, Stanley Girl Scout Troop 3241, Je Ryba, Korey Hagenson, Kenny Hagenson A motion was made by Hendrickson, seconded by Fitzsimmons to approve April 18, 2022 Council agenda. Voice vote. All ayes with Kitchell absent. Motion carried.

Presentation of the concerns from the Public present: Rubyann Birt spoke about citations that she has received.

James Ericksen spoke to introduce himself as County Board Supervisor District 8 and Library Board Member. Mayor Haas spoke regarding FEMA rumors, stating that Stanley did not and will not receive any FEMA funds.

The Common Council utilizing a single vote may act upon the following items. Individual items, which any member wishes to address in greater detail or as a separate item, may be removed upon the request of any council member. a. Approve the April 04, 2022 Common Council minutes. b. Approve the April 04, 2022 Police & Fire/Personnel/ Finance meeting minutes c. Review the Bi-monthly reports from the Water/Wastewater/ Public Works/Police/Fire/ Clerk. d. Approve $0.25 pay increase to Dan Demske for passing Zeolite Softening Cer- tification exam. e. Approve Kennel License for Evan & Emma Croft. f. Approve Bonnie Weber’s variance request for Yee Haw Fun Shows. g. Approve Proclamation declaring April 29, 2022 as an Arbor Day celebration with a tree planting at Chapman Park at 1:00 pm. h. Approve Picnic License and Special Event permit for Broadway Boutique for 2022 Fashion Event to be held June 9, 2022 at their site.

Hodowanic questioned item d in regards to Dan’s probationary period.

A motion was made by Foster, seconded by Hendrickson to approve consent items a-h. Voice vote. All ayes with Kitchell absent. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Hendrickson, seconded by Foster to approve the accounts payable checks for April 18, 2022. Roll call vote. All ayes with Kitchell absent. Motion carried. New Business: Discussion was held with Tom Larson from Reclaimed Tavern in regard to a July 4th Celebration to be held on Saturday, July 2nd at Chapman Park.

A motion was made by Hen- ke, seconded by Hu to ap prove the July 2nd Fourth of July Celebration at Chapman Park. Voice vote. All ayes with Kitchell absent. Motion carried.

Discussion was held with Stanley Girl Scout Troop 3241 regarding their Silver Award proposal to add scoreboards to Fandry Park.

A motion was made by Hendrickson, seconded by Foster to allow Troop 3241 to create scoreboards for Fandry Park Ballfields. Voice vote. All ayes with Kitchell absent. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Hu, seconded by Foster to hire 3 seasonal employees as recommended by John Hoel for the parks department. All ayes, with Kitchell absent. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Fitzsimmons, seconded by Hendrickson to approve the Stanley Water Department Professional Service Agreement with HydroCorp for 2 years with a total cost of $8,568.00. Roll call vote. All ayes with Kitchell absent. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Fitz- simmons, seconded by Hu to approve going back out for rebid for the S Broadway sewer rework and Franklin St catch basin rework. Voice vote. All ayes with Kitchell absent. Motion carried.

Discussion was held with John Hoel regarding setting Campground season dates for the year eective this year. Suggested dates are May 1 through November 1 as Otter Lake does. Dates will be published on the website and signs at the campground.

At 7:34 P.M. a motion was made by Foster, seconded by Hendrickson to adjourn. Voice vote. All ayes with Kitchell absent. Motion Carried.

Nicole Thiel Clerk/Treasurer City of Stanley Dated this 5th day of May, 2022 WNA/XLP 05-05 CITY OF STANLEY


On roll call: Al Haas, Rick Hodowanic, Mark Fitzsimmons, Jason Meyer, Kevin Hendrick- son, Mike Henke, Jacob Hu, Laurie Foster, and Holly Kitchell.

Members Present: Al Haas, Mark Fitzsimmons, Jason Meyer, Kevin Hendrickson, Mike Henke, Jacob Hu, Holly Kitch ell, and Laurie Foster arriving at 5:20pm.

Others Present: Nicole Thiel (Clerk), Ted Brussow (NSE), Dean Schiller (NSE), Joe Back-Stanley Republican A motion was made by Fitzsim- mons, seconded by Hu to go into closed session. Roll call vote. All ayes with Hodowanic and Foster absent. Motion carried. Reconvene into open session.

A motion was made by Hen- ke, seconded by Hu to make the approval of the 345 Street LLC Purchase and Developer Agreement. Roll call vote. 6 ayes, one nay with Hodowanic absent. Motion carried.

At 5:33 P.M. a motion was made by Hendrickson, seconded by Kitchell to adjourn. Voice vote, all ayes. (unrecorded) Nicole Thiel Clerk/Treasurer City of Stanley Dated this 5th day of May, 2022 WNA/XLP 05-05