Plans set for 9th annual alumni gathering on October 2

Posted 7/21/21

Meeting on Monday, July 12, the Stanley- Boyd Alumni Association, Board of Directors met and assembled for mailing the over 1,800 invitations for the 9th Annual All School Reunion. The 2021 reunion …

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Plans set for 9th annual alumni gathering on October 2


Meeting on Monday, July 12, the Stanley- Boyd Alumni Association, Board of Directors met and assembled for mailing the over 1,800 invitations for the 9th Annual All School Reunion. The 2021 reunion will be held on Saturday, October 2, at the Stanley-Boyd High School Gym. Assisting the Board with the mailings were members of the Class of 1961, who will be co-hosting the reunion this year with the Class of 1960. Following the assembling of the mailings, the Board Meeting was called to order by President Ken Seufzer. After formally approving the secretary and treasurer reports, the Board got into the work of the Association and finalizing plans for the annual gathering.

During Committee Reports, Jean (Geist) Rygiel reported on the success of recruiting two new members to the Board of Directors. They will be introduced and formally nominated during the business meeting on October 2. President Seufzer gave an update on replacing the treasurer at the end of this year. Barb (Endvick) Johnson has taken over keeping up the Alumni Association’s Master Directory. The group thanked Carole (Henkins) Licht for her many years of taking care of the labor intensive job of updating the Master Directory. Kim (Witt) Nelson gave a report of her committees efforts related to the Silent Auction, which is held in conjunction with the reunion and serves as a major source for funding scholarships. Seufizer also reported on the Association’s entry in the Boyd Ringelspeil and Stanley Rodeo parades, letting onlookers know that SBAA exists and is alive and well. He noted and thanked John Pozdell, whose antique car was used in the parades.

Hosting responsibilities by the Classes of 1960 and 1961 were reviewed. They will be sharing and jointly working the registration tables, greeting, assisting and directing attendees, assisting with the Silent Auction., etc.

Headlining Old Business was a scholarship update. Dave Jankoski reported that the 2021 scholarship awards went to Haley Adkins, Lelia Craker and Emily Keeku. It was noted that these three graduates of Stanley-Boyd High School were the winners’ of the $1,500 awards. The scholarships are awarded after the successful completion of the winners first semester. Additional Old Business included a report on the three special awards to be presented at the reunion this year. Finally, under Old Business, the Reunion Work Plan was reviewed to assure all bases are covered for the reunion. The approved Strategic Plan was distributed for inclusion in Board Members Manuals.

Under New Business, Tess (Poulter) Burlingame reported on the work she and a group of volunteers are doing to bring the organization into the 21 Century, as it relates to use of the Internet as an information sharing and interactive tool. Up and operating are the SBAA Facebook page and Website. They can be accessed for Facebook at – stanleyboydalumnias-

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sociation and for the Website at — https:// stanleyboydalumniassociation. wordpress. com/ There was discussion on how best to advertise the Website to make more alumni aware of its use and purpose. Burlingame and her work group were thanked for their work. The Class of 1962 will be hosting the reunion in 2022 and Jeanne Rygiel has been reaching out to her classmates in preparation for their involvement.

Prior to adjournment it, was announced that the next meeting will be at 1 pm on October 1, if needed to complete any tasks still remaining. At 3 pm, the Board and helpers from the Classes of 1960 and 1961, will move to the high school gym to begin set-up for the Annual Reunion gala the following day. It is the hoped that previous attendees will return and be joined by others to make this year’s event even bigger and more successful than previous reunions. It is also hoped that alumni will again consider providing their financial support with memorials, general fund and scholarship donations. The Board of Directors is looking forward to seeing many old and new faces at the 9th Annual Reunion. If anyone has questions, you can call Ken Seufzer at 715-832-3306 or Eileen (Strangret) Samplawski at 715-644-0117.