Please enjoy the hard work and Christmas messages of our Stanley-Boyd Elementary School students, who share with us their Christmas writing. Mrs. Anderson’s 1st Grade Class Holiday Traditions By …
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Please enjoy the hard work and Christmas messages of our Stanley-Boyd Elementary School students, who share with us their Christmas writing.
Mrs. Anderson’s 1st Grade
Class Holiday Traditions By Wesley Schmitt For Christmas, we decorate the tree with ornaments. We put a star on top of it. We go and look at lights at the Market. We open some presents on Christmas day. We watch Christmas movies like
Home Alone. By Everly Schmidt For Christmas, we go to Irvine Park on the weekend after Thanksgiving. I love to look at the lights. I also like to look for
Santa gures. We decorate cut- out cookies. I love to play with all of the sprinkles!
Shaking the sprinkles is a lot of fun. We go to church on Christmas Eve. Daddy is the Pastor. I love all of the music. My favorite part is when we sing Silent Night with oly candles for light.
By Katie Smasal For Christmas, each Christmas morning my sister and I run through wrapping paper to get to get to our presents. When we decorate our Christmas tree my daddy always puts the angel on the top of the tree.
Every year before Christmas my family and I go to Irvine Park to see the lights.
By Revaleight Heifner For Christmas, my dad puts up Christmas lights. The lights are pretty. We go pick out ornaments every year. I like to pick out ornaments. We watch a Christmas movie as a family. I like to watch a Christmas movie as a family. We put up a Christmas tree. It makes me feel happy. We put up decorations. It makes me feel happy.
By Brea LaMarche For Christmas, we go to the big LaMarche family Christmas party and then go to pick out a Christmas tree in Lake Wissota.
Once we put the tree up and it’s all decorated, Julio the Elf on a Shelf, shows up until Christmas Day. We go to the mall for a picture with Santa. Then we go to Pizza Hut in Chippewa Falls, and nish our evening by driving through Irvine Park. All of the cousins pick names for gifts-giving at Grandpa Rick/Grandma Cheryl’s house. This year, I have Olyvia’s name. We put out cookies for Santa on Christmas Eve.
We go to church with mom’s side of the family on Christmas Eve.
By Linkn Bieleki For Christmas, we put up our Christmas tree. We put out cookies for Santa. We hang the stockings on the chimney. We decorate wreaths. We watch Christmas movies. My favorite is the Grinch.
By Paisley Wellsandt For Christmas, we put up the tree and decorate it with lights, stars and bulbs. We make cookies. We save some for Santa.
They smell good. They have sprinkles and we like to eat them.
We go to church and sing songs about Jesus. We open our presents after supper with my family.
I dress fancy and eat good food.
Santa and the reindeer bring me presents in his bag.
By Emma Webster For Christmas, we decorate the Christmas tree as a family.
My sister and I got to put the angel on. We put lights on. We have an Elf on the Shelf. His name is Chester. Sometimes he is naughty. We make cookies. We watch some Christmas movies with my family and we hang stockings on the replace lled by St. Nicholas.
By Cora Lilla For Christmas, in the morning we open the presents. We bake and decorate Christmas cookies. We make Gingerbread houses. Sometimes we make our own pizza on Christmas eve. We decorate our Christmas tree with ornaments and we have a mys- tery duck. But I gured out it was mine. By Henry Elmhorst For Christmas, we go out to Irvine Park to look for some lights. Then I pick out a Christmas tree from my brother’s girlfriend’s house. Then I hang up some stockings. The stockings are old but they still work.
My dad put up some lights for the house. He bought the lights from the hardware store. They have a remote that controls them.
They are pink.
By Cooper Isenberger For Christmas, we decorate our Christmas tree. We put decorations on it like balls, gingerbread men and Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and pictures of us. Then we go to Grandma and Grandpas to play with cousins and stuff.
We put up lots of lights outside together. We put up snowakes. And…we go snowmobiling.
By Huego Wundrow For Christmas, we celebrate Jesus being born. We sing songs, and read the Story. I pick out stocking stuffers for my sisters.
We make gingerbread men. We decorate our tree. We go sledding.
By Jaxyn Johnson For Christmas, I open presents from Santa. My mom, my dad and I open presents. We have a mini tree up on the table. Our next tradition, we look at lights.
Almost every house has lights on them. We go to visit Grandpa at his house.
Mrs. Eslinger’s rst grade class
I go to the Christmas parade with my family. We go see the Christmas lights at Irvine Park. I help my mom decorate the Christmas tree. We wear matching pajamas on Christmas. We also gather around the Christmas tree and open presents. By: Grant MqQuillan We set up the Christmas tree after Thanksgiving. We go to Grandpa’s on Christmas Eve and spend the night. Me and my sisters open presents with Mom and Dad. We wake up to open presents from Santa on Christmas morning. By: Blake Nichols We put up the Christmas tree on the Saturday after Thanksgiving because my older sister Payton is here.
The elf comes and gives candy and tricks and decorates.
Santa comes and brings a lot of presents. We make a list for Santa and see him before Christmas. We go sledding at Grandma and Grandpa’s and have fun. By: Kasen Brown At Christmas time, we celebrate Jesus’ birthday. We like setting up our Christmas tree.
We also put lights up! We nd the elves. We like to go sledding. By: Axel Haas Every year, we hide the pickle ornament. Everyone looks for it on the tree and whoever nds it gets an extra gift. We get together with my aunts, uncles, and cousins and go to Pleasant Valley Tree Farm. We pick out the perfect tree and take turns cutting them down. We take a hay wagon ride there and back. At the end, we get free popcorn and hot chocolate. Every Christmas Eve my family gets together to feast and open gifts. I get to play with my cousins and see my Grandma who lives in Florida. We also make and decorate cookies. I like making sugar cookies because I can put icing on them. By: Callen Kohls Every Christmas, my family always decorates the tree. My elf comes to my home. We all have a paper ght. By: Cooper Liebzeit My family always stays in our pjs Christmas morning! We bake cookies with my family. We go to Irvine park! Dad reads the signs and stories! We also go on a hayride at Grandpa and Grandma Peterson’s house. By: Lydia Peterson My family always puts up the Christmas tree the weekend before Thanksgiving. We like to drive through Irvine Park to see the Christmas lights. Our elf on the shelf comes- Pippin!!! We also like to make Christmas cookies. We do a Christmas present exchange with my cousins. By: Raleigh Karlen Every December 1st our elf comes to visit. Her name is Giggly Sparkles. On Christmas Eve, we all hop in the car and go to Irvine Park and see the lights. After that, we all go to Burger King for supper.
On Christmas Day, we open our presents and we watch 24 hours of a Christmas Story Movie! By: LJ Gergely Every year before Christmas we bake cookies. I like to decorate the tree. I love to gather with my family.
My favorite Christmas tradition is spending time with family.
I love to play with my cousins. We open gifts and play with our new toys. The most important thing is that it’s Jesus’s birthday! By: Ivy Smith We bake Christmas cookies and decorate them. We have been doing it for many years and we enjoyed spending the day with Grandma before she passed away.
We keep the tradition going. We decorate the Christmas tree together as a family. We each get our own avor of candy canes to hang on the tree. Our elf on the shelf visits everyday and appears in a new spot. He keeps an eye on us throughout the day and reports back to the North Pole each night.
By: Trenton Winger One of my favorite holiday traditions is opening my advent calendar. I also love to decorate the Christmas tree. We bake and decorate Christmas cookies every year. Santa comes! We wrap and give presents. By: Madisyn Samplawski My rst holiday tradition is making cookies with my Nana and Papa. We put candy and frosting on top. I have fun spending time with my family. We like to spend time around the Christmas tree and sing Christmas songs. I love to open and play with my presents. I like to eat potatoes on Christmas.
By: Abby White My favorite thing to do is decorate the Christmas tree with my whole family. On Christmas, we play outside in the snow. We all sing Christmas songs together. I like to go Christmas shopping with my mom. By: Emma Acker On Christmas day, I like to open presents and put them in a pile. We all watch a Christmas movie at home together. We also bake and decorate cookies. By: Justin Drehmel Mrs. Isenberger’s First Grade Class Payton LaFlex At Christmas time we go to my grandmas house. At grandma’s house we do open arms.
Open arms is when I put out my arms and my grandma gives me an unopened gift. We eat tacos at my grandmas house. My elf Lucky comes to my house. I go to Irvine Park to see the lights. We bake cookies for Santa and we get a family ornament.
Avery Mahr At Christmas time we nd the pickle on the tree. We make caramels and lefsa. Santa lls our stockings.
Malt our Elf on the Shelf comes to visit us and he does many silly things at our house. We get a new family ornament each year for Christmas.
Jacob Tomasek At Christmas time I help my mom decorate the Christmas tree.
I make a list for Santa and make sure I am extra good and go to bed like a good boy so Santa doesn’t forget me. On Christmas morning, we have breakfast and open presents with mom. I enjoy spending time with grandparents and family, opening presents, and playing with all my cousins.
Gavyn Nelson At Christmas time we hang up stockings. My family decorates a Christmas tree. I like to open presents. We also decorate the house inside for Christmas.
Oliver Schoeld At Christmas time put up a Christmas tree. I like to bake cookies for Santa. We open presents with our family.
Noah Kramar At Christmas timeI wrap presents and then I put a bow on the presents. We buy a Christmas tree and then I help decorate the tree with my family. We put the presents under the tree. My Elf on the Shelf sleeps in my living room. We go see the lights in Chippewa. We watch a movie together.
Lennon Lodahl At Christmas time I do Christmas parties with my family. I make Christmas candy and cookies with my family. I pick out and my dad cuts down the Christmas tree. We go see the lights at Irvine Park. We have elves that come to our house. They gave us cereal and one was diving in the cereal.
Alex Schmidt At Christmas time I go to Irvine Park and see the lights. I cut down a Christmas tree. I go to the dollar store and get some presents for my siblings. I decorate the outside of the house and the inside of the house. On Christmas Eve I go to church.
Carson Meyer At Christmas time I get a Christmas tree and I decorate it. I open presents and stockings. I go to my dad’s house and play with Emma and Conner at Christmas time.
Kylee Tomkowiak At Christmas time we put up our Christmas tree. We hang up the Christmas lights. I spend time with my family. My family and I open up Christmas gifts. I bake cookies for Santa.
Nova Greenhow At Christmas time I love to open presents and I love to make Christmas cookies. We get a Christmas tree. We decorate the tree! We hang stockings on the replace. Alisa Johnson At Christmas time I bake cookies. We watch Christmas movies together. We exchange gifts with my family. We set up a Christmas tree in the house and we decorate the tree.
Lydia Ogle At Christmas time we get a Christmas tree together. Dad cuts it down and then we decorate our tree. We decorate Christmas cookies and we open presents.
Clay Flashinski At Christmas time I give gifts to people. I give gifts to my family too. My family is a good family. We get a Christmas tree and we decorate it. I help put the star on. We make cookies.
Mr. Fitzsimmons, 2nd Grade Dear Santa, I love presents. The presents, they are nice. Thank you Santa. Maybe I can have a skateboard and a remot control car. Eli Dear Santa I wish for a lot of chapstick. I want it because I collect them . I wish for a brand new lipstick because my friend broke it. I wish for a popit phone case and I want the color rainbow. I wish for fake nails too.
Savannah Dear Santa I would like a wrestling shirt because I help my mom and dad. And one more thing I want is a drum set. I help my mom’s friend. Carter Dear Santa I want a penny board and a dirt bike that has ve gears. I would like the world's smallest toys and a bike. I deserve it because I take out the trash for my mom.
Ryan Dear Santa I think I am being good so can you give me a mike so I can talk to my friends online? Maybe you can give me a rc car? I really want a new game.
Can you give me a bean bag? I want a board game? I want some books. Merry Christmas.
Carter DearSanta, I want a new bike for I can ride on the sidewalk. I can hang out with my family. I want a nerf gun so I can do a battle with my brother. I want some clothes so I can wear.
Gannon Dear Santa, I want a cat for Christmas. I want a fox for Christmas. I helped my mom and my dad. I did my job at home. I played with my sister and my brothers. It was fun. It was so fun. I want a pop it for Christmas.
Kaylee Dear Santa, My name is Abigail and for christmas I want a bird and another pop it like my elf her name is Bell !!!!!!!!
Why when I was younger I did not have an elf? My Christmas concert is today. The songs are things you put on a christmas tree, a nise December day, and theres someone in the chimney.
Mary christmas.
Abigail Dear Santa for christmas this year I would like crunch, blanket, dgets, mini brands, real littles locker, toy mini brands, and owl diaries.I would like crunch because that is my favorite candy.
I want toy mini brands so I can add it to my collection. That is all I want merry christmas santa!
Kylie Dear Santa I want a race car.
I want a pokemon action gure please. I want a tablet. Please bring my sister shopkins. I have been good at helping at home and doing dishes.
Kasey Ms. Franz, 2nd Grade
Dear Santa… Dear Santa, I wish for a pet bird and I think I should get it because I get good