Posted 9/22/21

///////////////////////////////////////////////^^^^ CITY OF STANLEY REGULAR MEETING OF THE COMMON COUNCII September 7, 2021 AT 7:00P.M. Mayor Al Haas presiding. On roll call, Al Haas, Rick Hodowanic, …

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Mayor Al Haas presiding.

On roll call, Al Haas, Rick Hodowanic, Mark Fitzsimmons, Jason Meyer, Kevin Hendrickson, Mike Henke, Jacob Huff, Laurie Foster, and Holly Kitchell.

Members Present: Rick Hodowanic, Mark Fitzsimmons, Jason Meyer, Mike Henke, Laurie Foster, and Holly Kitchell.

Others Present: Nicole Thiel (Clerk), Lori Cooley, Henry Shakel, Korey Hagenson, Don Goettl, Stanley Republican (7:07pm) A motion was made by Kitchell, seconded by Huff to approve September 7th, 2021 Council agenda striking item number 12. Voice vote. All ayes with Hendrickson absent. Motion carried.

Presentation of the concerns from the Public present: Korey Hagenson stated shirts are for sale for $20 to benefit Stair Climb. He also questioned the fence ordinance requiring permission from neighbor to place fence on the property line. Ordinance states that written permission must be received from neighbors in order to place the fence on the property line. If no permission received, it must be 2 feet from the line. Notice will be provided to Bill Chwala, the City building inspector.

Henry Shakel spoke on behalf of the Chippewa County rezoning Committee. State has made the decision that the prison must be included in the supervisory districts. Stanley will have their own supervisory district. More information will be provided at a later date.

The Common Council utilizing a single vote may act upon the following items. Individual items, which any member wishes to address in greater detail or as a separate item, may be removed upon the request of any council member. a) Approve the August 16, 2021 Public Works Committee minutes. b) Approve the August 16, 2021 Committee as A Whole minutes. c) Approve the August 16, 2021 Common Council minutes. d) Review the Bi-Monthly reports from the Water/Wastewater/ Public Works/Police/Fire/ Clerk. e) Approve/Disapprove Operator License for Clover B. Hazuga. f) Approve/Disapprove Operator License for Kenneth M. Hager. g) Approve/Disapprove Operator License for Theresa A. Weiland. h) Approve/Disapprove Operator License for Karli J. Wilson. i) Approve/Disapprove Operator License for Rebecca A. Haas. j) Approve/Disapprove Operator License for Kim M. Kiraly. k) Approve/Disapprove Application for Hunting and/or Trapping on City Owned Property for Ryan D.


I) Approve/Disapprove Application for Picnic License for Stanley Sportsman’s Club and Foundation for their Annual Banquet on September 25, 2021.

Meyer had a question on item d in relation to the Fire Report. He questioned Korey as to the budget for those repairs that need to be done. Korey stated that some of it does not need to be done this year. There should be enough in his fund to cover the remaining needed items. Korey will provide a better estimate of costs to the fire/police committee.

A motion was made by Foster, seconded by Huff to approve items a-l. Voice vote. All ayes with Hendrickson absent. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Fitzsimmons, seconded by Hodowanic to approve the accounts payable checks for August 16th , 2021. Roll call vote.

All Ayes with Hendrickson absent. Motion carried. New Business: Item #8 on the agenda was struck due to Henry Shakal speaking during public comments.

A motion was made by Huff, seconded by Foster to approve water tower inspections to be completed by Lane Tank at a cost of $1250.00 per water tower, totaling $2500.00. Roll Call Vote. All ayes with Hendrickson absent. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Foster, seconded by Kitchell to approve Proclamation 20210 National Rail Safety Week to be held September 20-26, 2021. Voice Vote. All ayes with Hendrickson Absent. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Huff, seconded by Foster to approve motion as recommended by the Personnel committee of adding 6 additional Personal Days beginning January 1, 2022. Effective October 1, 2021, each employee will receive 2 Personal Days for the remainder of this year. Personal Days are unbankable. Roll call vote. All ayes with Hendrickson absent. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Huff, seconded by Fitzsimmons to approve the online schooling of the Clerk to obtain enough credits to gain her degree in order to get the City Administrator title as recommended by the Personnel committee. Roll Call Vote. All ayes with Hendrickson absent. Motion carried.

At 7:44 P.M. a motion was made by Foster, seconded Huff to adjourn. Voice vote. All Ayes, with Hendrickson absent. Motion carried.

Nicole Thiel Clerk/Treasurer City of Stanley Dated this 23rd day of September, 2021