Posted 9/15/21

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////^^^^ OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE VILLAGE OF BOYD BOARD MEETING MONDAY, AUGUST 9, 2021 Meeting called to order by President Geist at 7:00 p.m. …

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OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE VILLAGE OF BOYD BOARD MEETING MONDAY, AUGUST 9, 2021 Meeting called to order by President Geist at 7:00 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Roll Call: Casey Dorn, Robert Geist, Gwen Krizan, Sarah McQuillan present Guest: Tom Grünewald, Joe Back Agenda: Motion by Krizan seconded by McQuillan to approve agenda as presented. Motion carried.

Minutes: Motion by Krizan seconded by McQuillan to approve minutes as presented. Roll call vote, all ayes, motion carried.

Financial Reports: Motion by Krizan seconded by Dorn to approve financial reports as presented. Roll call vote, all ayes, motion carried.

Headworks/Main Panel: Motion by Dorn seconded by Geist to approve quote from B & M Technical Service, Inc. to replacement Headworks Obsolete and WWTP Main Panel Obsolete at a cost of $32,938.00. Roll call vote, all ayes, motion carried.

Picnic License: Motion by Dorn seconded by McQuillan to approve Picnic License for Team Aubree Softball Tournament, August 13-15. Roll call vote, all ayes, motion carried.

Street Use Permit: Motion by McQuillan seconded by Krizan to approve Street Use Permit for Boyd Area Chamber Street Dance/Corn Feed, August 13. Roll call vote, all ayes, motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm.

Sandra Isaacs, Clerk Published this 16th day of September, 2021 WNA/XLP REGULAR MEETING OF THE COMMON COUNCIL August 16, 2021 AT 7:00P.M.

Mayor Al Haas presiding.

On roll call, Al Haas, Rick Hodowanlc, Mark Fitzsimmons, Jason Meyer, Kevin Hendrickson, Mike Henke, Jacob Huff, Laurie Foster, and Holly Kitchell.

Members Present: Rick Hodowanic, Mark Fitzsimmons, Jason Meyer, Kevin Hendrickson, Mike Henke, Laurie Foster, and Holly Kitchell.

Others Present: Nicole Thiel (Clerk), Lance Weiland (Police Chief), Stanley Republican, Lori Cooley, Don Gadke, Henry Shakel, Elizabeth Miniatt, Casey Woodcock th A motion was made by Foster, seconded by Hendrickson to approve August 16 , 2021 Council agenda. Voice vote.

All ayes with Huff absent. Motion carried.

Presentation of the concerns from the Public present: Don Gadke had concerns regarding duplexes on 5th and 6th Avenue about sidewalks but stated his concerns were already answered with previous meeting and had been answered by Alderperson Hendrickson.

Henry Shakel spoke on behalf of the Chippewa County rezoning Committee. Gave a brief update about status of the rezoning happening due to 2020 census. Will be on the agenda for the next meeting with more information.

Elizabeth Miniatt provided an update on the Library.

The Common Council utilizing a single vote may act upon the following items. Individual items, which any member wishes to address in greater detail or as a separate item, may be removed upon the request of any council member. a) Approve the August 2, 2021 Committee as a Whole minutes b) Approve the August 2, 2021 Common Council minutes. c) Review the Bi-Monthly reports from the Water/Wastewater/ Public Works/Police/Fire/ Clerk. d) Approve the resignation of part time Police Officer Kevin Hagman effective August 13th, 2021. e) Approve the resignation of Public Works Water Department employee Travis Schuebel effective August th

12 ,2021

f) Approve/Disapprove Operator License for Hallie C. Solie. g) Approve/Disapprove Operator License for Dylan T. Murkley. h) Approve/Disapprove Operator License for Sue A. Freese. i) Approve WRWA Excavation “Competent Person” Safety Training for John Hoel and Jacob Lukes to be held on October 19, 2021 from 8am to 3pm In Plover, Wl at a cost of $100 per person. j) Approve move of Council Member Rick Hodowanic from Finance Committee to City Buildings Committee and adding Council Member Jacob Huff to Finance Committee. k) Approve change of September 6th Council Meeting to September 7th due to Labor Day.

Hodowanic provided an update on well 10.

Meyer had a question on item c in relation to the Police Report. He questioned the hood referenced in Chief Weiland’s report. His questions were answered by Chief Weiland.

A motion was made by Foster, seconded by Hendrickson to approve items A-K. Voice vote. All ayes with Huff absent. Motion carried. th A motion was made by Hendrickson, seconded by Foster to approve the accounts payable checks for August 16 , 2021. Roll call vote. All Ayes with Huff absent. Motion carried.

New Business: Casey Woodcock from Forward insurance presented renewal proposals for City Insurance policies without worker’s compensation policy included. A motion was made by Kitchell, Seconded by foster to approve policy renewal with Forward Insurance. Roll Call vote. Henke Abstains, Huff absent, all others ayes. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Hodowanic, seconded by Kitchell to approve water department purchase of column pipe, pump, and motor for well 10 at a cost of up to $35,000.00. Roll Call Vote. All ayes with Huff absent. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Hodowanic, seconded by Hendrickson to approve the discontinuation of sidewalk on Park Avenue between 5th and 6th Avenues as recommended by the Public Works Committee. Roll Call Vote. All ayes with Huff Absent. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Hodowanic, seconded by Fitzsimmons to approve the design submitted by Travis Krizan for curb/gutter/approaches at the property located on 5th and 6th Avenues between Franklin and Park with footages to be approved by the city and wording of development to be conducive to city approval as recommended by the Public Works Committee. Roll call vote. Kitchell no, all other ayes with Huff absent. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Hendrickson, seconded by Foster to approve development of an agreement allowing donating groups to have free usage of the community center for a time frame of 5 years with $20,000.00 donation. This agreement will be renegotiated after time is up as recommended by the Committee as a Whole. Roll Call Vote. All ayes with Huff absent. Motion carried.

Discussion of solar panel ordinances tabled on to zoning committee meeting to be held at a later date.

At 7:42 P.M. a motion was made by Foster, seconded Hendrickson to adjourn. Voice vote. All Ayes, with Huff absent. Motion carried.

Nicole Thiel Clerk/Treasurer City of Stanley Dated this 16th day of September, 2021 WNA/XLP