Posted 10/27/21

PUBLIC Notice STANLEY-BOYD SCHOOLS REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION September 27, 2021 The meeting was called to order by President Bob Geist at 7:01 PM in HS Gymnasium. Roll call: Boie, …

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STANLEY-BOYD SCHOOLS REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION September 27, 2021 The meeting was called to order by President Bob Geist at 7:01 PM in HS Gymnasium. Roll call: Boie, Carlson, Geist, Hoffstatter, Lewallen, Seidl and Verbeten Adopt Agenda – adopted as amended moving HS Student Council 1st and adding volunteer to personnel High School Student Council Report: Homecoming outside, Make a Difference Day and Trunk & Treat providing their own trunk and running games Public Comments – Lori Cooley, Luke Elmhorst, Samantha Haas, Benjamin Haas, Debbie Haas, Brooke Smasal, Tarina Allard, Dana Carlson, Andrea Gassen regarding Covid, mask mandate and quarantine, special education and video meetings Effective Curriculum and Instruction Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG) Program: Jag-Legislator Information and Jag MOU – documents on website: is a federal and state-funded program to help students who qualify that are economically disadvantaged to get training in well-paying job that would support a family of 4. Our cost would be $10,000 this year and $20,000 the next years to add this program. They would hire a full-time teacher that would work in our building and select the students. Motion by Verbeten, seconded by Seidl to approve the Memorandum of Understanding for Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG) program. On a roll call vote, all present voted yes. Motion passes.

Administrator & Board Communications COVID -19 Update: Mr. Koenig updated the Board on current numbers Approval of Consent Agenda Motion by Boie, second by Hoffstatter to approve the consent agenda as amended – documents on website Consent Agenda consists of: Minutes of Previous Meetings: Regular Board August 23 and Committee of the Whole September 20 Expenditures Personal Changes New Hires: Aliegha Ruzicka – Paraprofessional Resignations: Tarryn Braden – Paraprofessional Duane Chirhart – Boyd Groundskeeper Coaching: Joan Verbeten – Asst Girls Golf Ed Langham – Volunteer Girls Basketball On a roll call vote, Verbeten abstained and the rest voted yes. Motion passes Financial Oversight and Stewardship of Resource SL8: Asset Protection: all documents on website – Bus Age and Mileage, Bus Inspection Reports, Disposal of Items, Pool Inspection Reports, Local Vendors, Liability and Property Insurance, SL8 Asset Protection: Motion by Lewallen, sec- onded by Hoffstatter to find the District in compliance with SL8: Asset Protection. On a roll call vote, all present voted yes. Motion passes 2021-22 Budget Update and Tax Levy – all documents on website: Enrollment – head count and FTE’s are about the same as last year Equalized Aid Formula Est – pretty close to accurate what we will receive in state aid Revenue Limit Worksheet – estimate tax levy rate will decrease Expenditures 2021-22 Expense Budget – 2021-22 Budget Items for Discussion – vehicle replacement, construction planning, Stanley roof work, Elementary gym floor repair and hot tub filter are all in the budget. Revenue We are out of balance by about $827,050 more expenses budgeted than revenue coming in. The Board stated to do a little bit of both which is cut the budget and use ESSER funds Resolution Authorizing Litigation Against Vaping Manufacturers Administrative Rule Update – Curriculum Cycle Health Insurance Renewal: Renewal bid is a 0% and our costs are down this year. If this continues and we stay with Security Health, they will pay us a rebate in June for savings we had this year. The Board agreed to stay with Security Health and not put it out for bids.

Agenda Planning and Board Business Architectural Reference Discussion: 3 companies to interview SL6: Budgeting/Financial Meeting (Budget Hearing) – October 25, 8:00 PM Handbook/Personnel Committee Meeting – Lewallen, Hoffstatter and Seidl will be on this committee Future Meetings: Oct 18-Architectural Interviews, Oct 25-Regular Meeting, Nov 15-Strategic Planning, Nov 22 Regular Meeting, Dec 20-Regular Meeting – will be the 3rd Monday School Board Convention – Jan 19-21 Meeting adjourned at 8:47 PM Sue Kiraly, Board Secretary Dated this 28th day of October, 2021 WNA/XLP 10-28 Stanley-Boyd Schools Board of Education Conversation Committee of the Whole Meeting October 18, 2021 Meeting called to order at 6:30 PM in the HS IMC.

Present: Bob Geist, Denise Hoffstatter Ryan Lewallen, Chad Verbeten, and Jeff Koenig. Jeff Boie arrived at 6:31 PM and Lanse Carlson arrived at 6:32 PM. Charlie Schneider and Tony Menard from CESA 10 were also present.

The board interviewed Archi- tectural and Engineering firms for remodeling and construction. Firms present were LHB, Wendel, and River Valley.

Motion by Hoffstatter, seconded by Verbeten to go into closed session at 8:32 PM for the purposes of; 2.1 Discuss CESA Construction Contract in accordance with 19.85 (1)(e).

On a voice vote, all present voted yes. Motion passes.

Return to open session at 9:18 PM. There was no action. Meeting adjourned at 9:18 PM. Respectfully Submitted, Jeff Koenig Dated this 28th day of October, 2021 WNA/XLP 10-28