rooms. I like to decorate ….

Posted 12/22/21

rooms. I like to decorate with my mom. I always like to put ornaments on the Christmas tree while listening to Christmas music. We like to put food ornaments on the tree. My mom and I like to make …

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rooms. I like to decorate ….


rooms. I like to decorate with my mom. I always like to put ornaments on the Christmas tree while listening to Christmas music. We like to put food ornaments on the tree. My mom and I like to make Christmas cookies. On Christmas

Eve I open ve presents from my step grandma.

Katie – My family tradition started when I was 4 years old and every year we make hot chocolate on every Christmas Eve. We do it at our house and I do it with my mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, Colt, our little cousin, and Alex. I usually use my favorite mug, which is the colors white and red, and we wear our PJ’s.

We get the coco powder, then we put it in the microwave, and then put marshmallows, then put whipped cream on and nally we put a candy cane in it. We drink it in the living room in our house and we all watch a Christmas movie and drink hot chocolate.

Braeden – One night in Osseo Fairchild I was getting ready to go to my Uncle Chad’s house to celebrate Christmas. We got into the car. It was about a 25 minute ride. I was playing Retro bowl and it was December 24. It was one of the best days of my life. When we got there I was so excited that I screamed.

I got to open my rst present and then we ate turkey. It was so good! After that we opened the rest of the presents. My favorite was a Beyblade set. It was the best time in my life.

Carson – Our family goes out and cuts our Christmas tree down. We take it home and decorate it. We put presents under it.

Christmas time is the best time of the year!

Logan – One of my favorite Christmas memories is last year.

I woke up to open up my presents with my family and I got a BUNCH of presents, such as a journal and a Nerf gun. Later, we went to my grandparents’ house to have a Christmas carnival.

There were a lot of games, such as reindeer toss, pin the nose on the snowman and bean bag toss.

After playing games, we were having dinner and opening pres- ents. I got an ice shing chair and a Guinness world record book. It was a great Christmas!

Zeke – Every year we do all kinds of fun traditions and get great memories. My favorite is the White Elephant Gifts. In White Elephant the rules are you can trade gifts you get from a random giver in the house. One year my dad got a good trade and got a HUGE teddy bear, but then my uncle traded something else for the teddy. Sadly we couldn’t steal, but it was fun.

Stephani – One cold, snowy day it was a week before Christmas and I went shopping with my mom, sister, and brother. We were buying clothes and food for the holidays. When we got done we went home.

We put up the decorations.

We had so much fun! Then we opened presents and ate food.

Coltin – My favorite holiday tradition is decorating cookies with my family. We bake sugar cookies at night at my Nana and Papa’s house. My aunts, uncles, and cousins join us. We spend the night at their house.

The next morning we get to open our presents.

Aubrey – My family always makes cookies. We make Santa, snowmen, reindeer, and gingerbread cookies. We use red, green, white, and black frosting. We make them the size of our palms.

This year we are decorating big gingerbread men to look like us at my grandma’s, and then we leave cookies and milk on a table for Santa.

Mr. Halterman, 4th Grade

My Family Tradition By:Chase Every Christmas most of my family comes to my house on Christmas Eve. When everybody wakes up on Christmas morning we get to open our stockings rst. After that we get to open presents. My mom lets us eat our candy that was in our stocking.

My Family’s Tradition By:Zander For Christmas my mom and dad brothers and I go to my grandma,shouse rst we eat food. After we eat food I ride a four wheeler with my dad. When we are done riding, Four Wheeler I go inside and open presents. That is my favorite part. I go home and go to bed. The end.

MY CHRISTMAS TRADI TION BY:NEVADA First we put up our christmas tree a week before christmas then we put up our stokings then we cook dinner then after we are done eating we go to bed and when we wake up in the morning we wait for my mom and dad to wake up. When they are awake we eat breakfast and we go to my grandma’s house and we eat some food like steak and stufng and some more good food. After we are done eating we bake some cookies that look like trees and snowman and stuff like that and then when they are done then we eat them and they are so so good.

I loved them so much then we played hide and seek and a whole lot of other games too and then we went to my uncle’s house and we stayed there for six days and then we went to my house and went to bed and then the next day we opened up our presents. I got my mom and dad some presents too and then we went to my aunts house and opened up our presents from her and our cousins and then we said thank you so much and then gave them a big hug. This is why this is my favorite Christmas tradition!!!

My Holiday Tradition By Claire My family goes to my Grandparent’s house.We play till it’s time to go and eat. Then we go and play more and sometimes we play card games.Next we go home and get ready for bed wondering if we get presents.


By:Bryson Every year we go to our grandma and grandpa’s house for christmas.We have tacos for supper. They are always deep fried and they are always delicious.

First,we open presents.Next we do open arms where we shut our eyes and put out our arms and grandma and grandpa bring out a present and we open our eyes and see what it is.Then we eat the tacos with the delicious taco sauce,sour cream,cheese,and the black olevs.Finally we go home and open our presents and eat leftovers.

My Christmas Tradition By:Rylan My Christmas tradition is I go to my dad’s house on the day before Christmas Eve or 2 days before, like this year.We wake up on Christmas Eve and open our presents.Then at like 5pm we go to my grandmas on my dad’s side we open our presents there.Then at like 9pm my dad and me meet my mom and stepdad in Hudson WI. We drive back home and open our presents when we get home and set out cookies milk and carrots for Santa and his reindeer then go to bed.We wake up on Christmas and open our presents from Santa and have a delicious breakfast.Then we go to my grandmas on my mom’s side and eat a delicious dinner spend time together then open our presents.

That is my Christmas Tradition.

My Holiday Tradition By: Trace My Holiday Tradition is having my whole family over. They give us presents and we all eat together. Then when we are done eating we open presents. After that we go outside and go sledding, snowmobiling, and we hook the sled up to the fourwheeler. But before all of that we do a concert at our church. I don’t like it the best but it’s a little fun. This year we didn’t do it because of a big storm we had.

My Christmas Tradition By Callie Every Christmas we like to go to Minnesota. The reason why we go there is because we go on my mom’s side,and they live in Minnesota. We had an amazing dinner there and it’s so good! Then we wait for some of the people if they aren’t done. Then we would eat dessert. After we would open presents “the best part”I would always get stuff that I wanted.

It was the best! Finally we would get some time to play and maybe even stay overnight! I would always sleep amazing there!

My Favorite Christmas Memory By: Gavin My favorite christmas memory is when I woke up at about 7:30 and then woke mom and dad up and ran in the living room and wallah, there were a lot, I tell you of a lot of presents. And when almost all the presents were unwrapped, my dad handed me a long but thin box and when I opened the package and there was a gun and that was my rst gun, and it was a 22, and I ipped out. And that is my Christmas tradition.

MY CHRISTMAS TRADI TIONS ARE By: Tayler Every year my family decorate the tree. In the morning we have to wait to eat breakfast. We sometimes go to minnesnowta for the Christmas party. Us kids sometimes eat at a different table. I love Christmas parties in Minnesota and all the family time.

We all eat together at almost all holidays.

My Family’s Tradition By:Anthony Every Christmas I go to my Grandma Cindys. We eat dinner as a family. We play games at grandma cindy’s house then we play games at Grandma Cindy’s house. Then we play bingo. We also go snowboarding. We open presents together. We go home at the end.

My BEST Christmas Memory By:Kinley One time before Christmas we all got together and we went to church.After church we had a race back to my Grandmas. If you were last we would call you the rotten egg. Then after we did that we would have a big christmas meal at my Grandmas.After we eat then we all go sit somewhere on the living room oor and we would all open up our presents from our family members. My uncles would bring their snowmobiles and all of us would get a ride on the snowmobile.

My Favorite Christmas Memory By: Patrick First we made cookies and I watched the elf on the shelf and I fell asleep in the middle of the night.Then the next day we went to check the stockings and we had 25 toys and half a bag of candy.I checked the elf and he did not move last night. I was concerned about my mom and dad because they were making more cookies.I went to bed and the next day there were presents under the tree! I was so excited to unwrap the presents! I went on fortnite and there was the renegade rader christmas skin my mom and dad hopt on fortnite and fteen minutes later we got off. And we went to eat and we had chicken, pie.

The Tradition By:Kinsley On Christmas Eve me and my family go to my grandma’s house and we do a secret santa (and we have a huge family. )it takes a very long time. Then some people pass out presents from my grandma and we have a great time. I am so excited to do it this year!My Family Tradition Mrs. Kelly, 4th Grade

For Christmas my family and I always go to my grandma’s and grandpa’s house with all my cousins and friends to give each other gifts. We pick names out of a hat so then we know who to give the gift to. This year I picked my cousin Bradley for the name drawing. At night I go to Irvine Park to see the lights. I always t in a little time to do a stomach slide without my parents knowing . It’s funny.

On Christmas Eve I go to my grandma and grandpa Nitz’s for a Christmas party with all my Nitz cousins.

Last year my cousins gave me a RC car and it was awesome.

My mom always says every year on Christmas morning,we have to wait longer to open presents.

By Samuel On Christmas day, when I wake up in the morning, my parents are not up yet so I go and open all the presents that haven’t got wrapped from Santa.When my parents get up I show them all the cool presents I got. When the parents are ready to open presents I hand out each present to the person and then one at a time we open all of the presents and have Christmas cookies. Then I go outside with my friends and go sledding and have hot chocolate.

The next day all of my relatives come over and we have a good Christmas party.

By:Finnegan When I wake up on Christmas morning I wake up my mom and dad and then we go watch TV. Next we open presents from Santa and we go play with them.

After that, we go and eat supper.

Finally, we watch TV for a bit.

Then we go to bed.

By Jerzee Christmas Traditions My Christmas tradition is to go to my Aunt’s home and bake cookies. We all decorate them and we have about a million cookies.

Then after a big meal we go to the living room. All the kids go on the oor and the adults go on the couches and we open presents from family. We go in order from oldest to youngest.

Last year my grandma and grandpa had envelopes for every one of us. One of them has 70 dollars in it and the rest has only 50. We pick one envelope and one of us gets it. Last year I got 70 dollars. Then after a few days we have to go home. We drive 3 hours back home from Green bay. When we get home we relax until it’s dinner time. We have a dinner like Thanksgiving. It smells like heaven and we eat for about 30 minutes. My brother always stays up so late, but I go to bed at 11:00 or 12:00 and I wake up in the morning and open presents. During vacation I go to the park and see lights.

By Natalie Merry Christmas!!

Every Christmas I go to my grandmas and have supper. We have all kinds of foods and drinks. Then we have dessert. After that, we take a family picture, and most of the time us kids keep on looking at all the presents under the tree. Finally we open presents. Then we go home and have a Christmas treat. Then we get our p.js on and go to bed. In the morning we get up and then we open presents. Next, we have breakfast. All of my siblings come over for dinner. Mom, me, and the rest of my sibilings help my mom set up. When everyone is here we eat. Then we kids play outside. Then we open presents and say thank you.

By Faith My Christmas Tradition On Thanksgiving we draw names for people that we will get gifts for on Christmas. Big kids go rst, then the little kids. Then you have to buy gifts for that person.

On Christmas Eve we get ready and go to my nana’s house to eat.

We play outside, but we only stay there for an hour. Next we go to my dad’s mom and dad’s house to open presents. They live far away.

Then we go back to my nana’s house and stay there until everybody leaves. We help clean up and then go home, watch a christmas movie and go to bed. Then in the morning I am the rst one up and I go wake up my brother. When he gets up we wake up my parents and then we sort our presents.

We open our presents and our stockings. Then our dogs open their stockings and then we get ready to go to my nana’s house again.

By:Addison My Christmas memory was back in 2018 when we were making cookies. My cousins and I were there.

Everyone was excited to be there. We all looked at the dough we were going to use. We all rolled the dough till it was perfect in every way. We all made shapes in the perfect dough. I made mostly trees and gingerbread men. We put the dough into the oven. Finally we heard, “Beep beep beep.” from the oven.

The cookies were done! I had some gel frosting and regular frosting. I got a tree and started.

I got two green frostings and put them both on the tree. Then I got blue for some ornaments. I made a red star. I was done. I called my mom, ate the tree, then went home.

Dayne (That cookie was amazing).

I got an elf this year. On the 1st day he was in the window with a book so we read it. Day 2 he was in my mom’s room with a game. Day 3 he was in my room with a gingerbread house. Day 4 he was in my sister’s room. Day 5 he was under the Christmas tree.

On Christmas Day we eat breakfast. Then we open gifts and play with them.

By Carter My Christmas Traditions By Avery Every year on Christmas day we open presents and eat dinner with my family. We also do Christmas baking and we bake a lot of cookies and caramel corn.

All the stuff is delicious! We have a Christmas party and play a lot of games. The games are really fun! We also go to my grandma’s house and open presents there.

We go there in the morning and eat breakfast. I go to my other grandma’s and open presents.

Then I go to my dad’s house and open presents there. Those are my Christmas Traditions.

Have a wonderful Christmas!

Every year we open our presents then we go to my grandma and grandpa’s house. We play games. My favorite one is where we wrap a bunch of things in clear plastic and we get ten seconds to try and unwrap it and you get to keep the stuff you got. Then we play bingo and if you win, you get a box of candy. After that, we eat.

My favorite meal is beans, mixed vegetables, mashed potatoes with extra butter, and a chicken leg.

Finally, we go home and check our stockings. Then we watch a Christmas show. My favorite is Home Alone.

Brantley My Christmas Traditions By Molly One of my Christmas traditions is that on Christmas Eve my family and I go to my Grandma’s house.

When we rst get there we play games until everyone is there.

Once everyone gets there we eat.

After that, we open presents. I like how we open presents. We deal out the presents rst. Then we go from oldest to youngest opening our presents one by one. Finally, we get to play with the presents we got. My next Christmas tradition is our Elf on the Shelf. We just got him this year but we hope he comes next year too. His name is Jingle. Some things he has done are hanging from our Christmas lights, sitting on our microwave, pretending the oor was lava, and more. Those are just some of my Christmas traditions.

Every year, we set up our Christmas tree the week after Thanksgiving. When we put up the tree, we always start to get the lights on the tree and nd out most of the lights are burnt out so we have to buy some lights from the store. Every year my family travels a lot for Christmas. Some of the places we travel are Iowa and Minnesota. We also spend time at home. Every time we travel, we arrive early so we can spend time together. Then, the night before Christmas I ask my grandma, “Can I help bring up the presents?” She usually says "Yes." Then we all do some arts and crafts to bring home. The night of Christmas we open our presents. When we come back to our house, we all open our presents that night and we all eat a good dinner and stay up late for a while to have some fun. We do a Christmas movie and eat popcorn.

Written by Ayden MY CHRISTMAS TRADI –

TIONS BY NIKITA For our Christmas tradition we go to my grandmas. We chat while we wait for the ham to get