Courier Sentinel The Cadott Library Board has gotten aggressive with their desire to build a new library in Cadott. After evaluation, and consideration of several locations, they approached the …
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Courier Sentinel The Cadott Library Board has gotten aggressive with their desire to build a new library in Cadott. After evaluation, and consideration of several locations, they approached the Cadott Village Board seeking approval to proceed with fundraising, grant writing, and getting a new facility built. Their site of choice is near the Cadott School Bus Garage, on State Highway 27. The plan includes a building between 5,000 and 8,000 sq. ft., totally on'one'floor,'handicap'accessible,'and'with'ample'parking.''The'
village board gave tentative approval of using the site they requested for the new library. +++ Efforts are underway in Cornell
can be installed for $1,100. To help the project along Northwestern Bank donated $1,100. One paid for, two to go!! +++ With conditions, the proposed swine raising facility near Sheldon and the' Jump' River,' has' had' permits' approved' by' the' Rusk' Coun ty Board. +++ Anderson Moving and Whispering Pines Golf Course are sponsoring the Second Annual Cadott Car Show on Sunday, August 29. The public is invited to view the cars that will be' located' near' the' Cadott' Elementary' School.' Event' planners'
are hoping for around 300 cars this year. Cadott Youth Sports will
The Thorp Courier
Thorp’s new Superintendent of Schools, Angie Hanlin, in-
troduced' herself' to' the' community' with' a' front' page' letter' in'
which she shared her educational background and experience as
a' teacher/administrator.'And' she' even' noted,' "Being' a' lifelong' Packers'fan,'it'has'been'a'dream'come'true'to'move'to'Wiscon – sin!"'The'Hanlin's'are'living'in'Thorp.''From'the'Memory' Lane'column'–'125'Years'Ago'(1896):'Jacob'Leinenkugal,'pro prietor of the Spring Brewery at Chippewa Falls, was a visitor here on Tuesday. The Courier acknowledges a brief call.
Bloomer Advance
Members' of' the' Bloomer' City' Council' and' Mayor' started' their'Wednesday,'August'11,'meeting'off'by'congratulating'the' organizers'and'volunteers'of'the'Bloomer'Community'Fair,'pa rade, the K-9 Fundraiser and the National Night Out on each
events'success'and'hard'work.''A'mural'on'the'retaining'wall' across'from'the'Bloomer'Mill'Dam'has'been'completed'thanks'to' students'from'the'Bloomer'High'School'Art'Department'and'the' Bloomer'Baptist'Church.'Both'groups'had'a'hand'in'the'projects' completion.' ' On' Sunday,'August' 8,' as' part' of' the' Bloom – er'Community'Fair,'Miller's'Auto'and'the'Bloomer'Community'
Club sponsored a car show. The second annual car show drew
about'72'cars.'The'Bloomer'Police'Department/K9'Unit'was'pre –
sented' a' donation' of' $500' and' Chris' and' Jamie' O'Connell' re –
Dorchester' may' get' its' own' designated' deputy' starting' next' year,'after'the'village'board'voted'to'officially'request'a'law'en – forcement'officer'from'the'Clark'County'Sheriff's'Department.''
The village expects to pay roughly $184,000 to get the new position through the county. The Clark County Board of Supervisors still need to approve the new position. +++ Sixteen parents spoke at the Colby School Board Meeting, with all but one calling for more'lenient'COVID-19'restrictions'for'the'new'school'year.'' St.'Paul's'Lutheran'Church'in'Curtiss'has'a'new'handicap'ramp' that'was'dedicated'on'Sunday,'August'15.''Pastor'Ken'Schmidt' lead the service of dedication and Bishop Laurie Skow-Anderson
preached'the'sermon.'' The'Sentinel'& 'Rural'News
The Owen-Withee School Board has been updated on the
planned FEMA Shelter that is to be constructed on school land.
Formerly'identified'as'the'"dome'project,"'it'will'now'be'con –
structed' in' a' rectangular' shape,' although' FEMA' requirements'
will include 13-inch thick walls and a concrete roof. Although
a' smaller' footprint' is' planned,' it' will' still' hold' the' same' num –
ber' of' people.' New' drawings' are' expected' by' mid-September,' with'hopes'of'gaining'FEMA'approval'by'October'1.'If'all'goes'
as planned, the foundation would be poured before winter and
Bohl threatening to take his proposed tire recycling plant project
elsewhere,' the' Owen' City' Council' came' to' an' agreement' with' him.'The' Revised'Agreement' apparently' calls' for' a' $2' million'
construction value and the project beginning within one year and