to the Editor

Posted 1/11/22

LETTERS to the Editor Travis Schuebel declares himself a write-in candidate for mayor Dear Editor, What a wild ride December was. As many people know I have written a couple letters to the editor and …

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to the Editor


LETTERS to the Editor

Travis Schuebel declares himself a write-in candidate for mayor

Dear Editor,

What a wild ride December was. As many people know I have written a couple letters to the editor and are spot on with the things going on in the city. I had every intention of taking out candidacy papers for mayor for the City of Stanley. But unfortunately covid hit me and family hard for over three weeks and a tornado decided to wreck parts of our home causing me to not get out to fill out the papers. I went to city hall on the last day to fill out papers and I received no help from the clerk I just got a dirty look. After reading the papers that the two out front gave me I needed 50 signatures and I was a little short of time to achieve that. It would've been nice to have the paperwork explained but because of a grudge it wasn't going to happen. This city needs better morale and all of our employees and departments need to be treated equally. I read the meeting minutes and some of the stuff going on none of us taxpayers know anything about. It seems like everything is a big secret and shouldn't be. With all the above being said I am going to run as a write in for mayor. I might not win but I am going to give it my best shot.

Travis Schuebel