Boyd Wisconsin will soon to see repairs to its wastewater treatment plant, with project cost projections from $15,000 to $20,000 after labor.
“A lot of things are wearing out,” streets and utilities head Bob LaMarche said Monday, Feb. 12. “It’s a good thing we haven’t had snow.”
Sharing pictures of the things that needed attention, LaMarche listed three main needs: the screen auger, a brush, and a water pressure tank, the last one reportedly “ready to explode” due to rusting out.
“I don’t know how serious it would be if it did explode,” LaMarche said of the pressure tank.
LaMarche’s update was enough to prompt action.
“ I make a motion to approve the wastewater treatment plant repairs as presented,” village president Bob Geist said.
“I second that,” trustee Michael Eslinger said.
Also in wastewater news from Boyd, outside haulers will soon have additional costs to use the treatment plant, following rate increases by the village board Monday, Feb. 12. The new rates effective March 1 for outside haulers are $13.50 per thousand and a $26 per month service fee, the changes based on comparison with Thorp and Cornell.
As for residents, a not yet official resolution to be considered next month calls for an increase of $1 in monthly service charges on sewer for $32 total, the rate of $11.30 per thousand for sewer not changing.