Memorial Day gathering at Soo Line Park includes brick dedications

By Joseph Back
Posted 5/28/24

Meeting at 7 p.m. on Monday May 27 at Soo Line Park after cemetery events earlier in the day, the Stanley American Post 112, Stanley VFW Post 2711, and members of the public gathered to commemorate …

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Memorial Day gathering at Soo Line Park includes brick dedications


Meeting at 7 p.m. on Monday May 27 at Soo Line Park after cemetery events earlier in the day, the Stanley American Post 112, Stanley VFW Post 2711, and members of the public gathered to commemorate Memorial Day and dedicate new memorial bricks at the memorial.
With a prayer from the chaplain and recounting by Post 112 adjutant Ed Staib of service member heroism past and present along with the history of Memorial Day, memorial bricks were dedicated to Army Sergeant Adam Buck as well as several members of the Telisak family, including Michael, Philip, Nicholas, Peter, William, George, Walter, and Steve, serving within the Army, Navy, Marines, and police, in various capacities. Ben Niedzwicki of American VFW Post 2711 read the names.
“We are here today for a grateful and patriotic duty,” he said. “To dedicate these bricks of memory. Adam Buck, U.S. Army. Walter Telisak, U.S. Army. Nicholas Telisak, U.S. Marine Corps. Philip Telisak, U.S. Air Force. George Telisak, police officer. Michael Telisak, U.S. Army, Peter Telisak, U.S. Army, and Steve Telisak, U.S. Navy. We are ever grateful for their service to our nation. May we again dedicate ourselves to the sacred ideals which are here represented, ever remembering our veterans organization principal service is for God and country.”
The Memorial Day ceremony closed with a prayer by the chaplain, 21 gun salute, and the playing of Taps.