Forward CMMA Program Surpasses $2.2 Million in Giving


In January Forward Bank donated over $275,000 to local non-profits participating in the Charitable Money Market Account (CMMA) program and surpassed $2.2 million in giving since the program started! Over 400 organizations received donations thanks to customers who designated them as their charity of choice.
The CMMA allows a customer to open an interest-earning money market account while designating an organization that will receive a donation from Forward Bank at the end of the calendar year. The donation is based on the customer’s average account. No money is taken from the customer’s account.
“Our commitment to the well-being of the communities we serve is highlighted by the Charitable Money Market Account. Our customers enjoy this creative way of supporting their favorite charities, and the organizations receiving the funds, appreciate the annual support,” said Lindsey Safford, Non-Profit Banker at Forward Bank.

Forward Bank is a customer-owned, independent community bank who operates to benefit its depositors while offering no fee deposit options, lower lending fees and rates. The Bank continues to be community-orientated by proudly supporting local clubs, businesses, sports, organizations, and schools. Forward Bank currently has offices in Athens, Colby, Dorchester, Greenwood, Marshfield, Medford, Park Falls, Phillips, Rib Lake, Stanley, Three Lakes, Thorp, Withee. For more information, please visit