274 results total, viewing 61 - 80
On March 1st the Stanley Movie Theater announced that Chris Kroeze along with The Brady Luke Band will perform at the theater on April 20th as part of their new event lineup. Chris Kroeze, a popular … more
This year we will be hosting our first Wisconsin Tractor Pullers Association Points Pull. Our pull will be one night earlier on Friday night. The reason is so we will no longer be in competition with … more
Competing at the UW-Eau Claire annual math competition on Saturday, Feb. 17, the Stanley-Boyd Oriole Math Team took first place as a team in their division.  All competitors take individual tests … more
With temperatures warmer this year than previous, the annual ice fishing contest put on by the Stanley Sportsman’s Club has been replaced this year with a brat dinner. The dinner, to be held at … more
With wrestling for the 2023-24 season drawing to a close, the Orioles will head to Medford on Saturday, Feb. 10 for a D2 regional competition. Looking ahead to the Medford regional, Orioles head … more
Meeting McDonell at home Thursday, the Oriole girls varsity came up wanting, the final score 76 - 22 in McDonell’s favor. With McDonell gaining an early lead with 45 points in the first half to … more
Taking to the court Friday against Thorp, the Orioles overcame early setbacks to finish 73 - 50 against the Cardinals. The game delayed for a medical incident with a gentleman in the stands, saw the … more
Current Miss Stanley Arizona Bergeron represented the City of Stanley as she participated in the Saint Paul Winter Carnival for a fun filled weekend in Minnesota. The Saint Paul Winter Carnival is … more
Nearing the home stretch for the 2023-24 basketball season, the Orioles boys varsity stands 5-5 in conference and 7-11 overall, currently ranked fifth in the Western Cloverbelt. As for individual … more
The Oriole girls varsity soared above the Thorp Cardinals Friday, Jan. 26, coming away with a 53 - 34 finish. The finish comes as the seventh ranked team continues to get experience, with coach Ryan … more
Taking to the court at halftime Friday, Jan. 26 as the Orioles girls varsity played the Cardinals, Relevé Dance Company of Stanley wowed crowds with three separate dance routines, … more
Stanley area residents will have a chance to say ‘thank you’ to Ron Haas Feb. 4, a retirement party being held from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the Stanley Community Center. Haas, best known for … more
It was a cold day on Otter Lake when the Stanley Rod & Gun Club held their 22nd annual ice fishing contest Saturday, Jan. 20. With open water as recently as the Monday previous followed by … more
Continuing a challenging season, the seventh ranked Orioles fell to second ranked Fall Creek Thursday at home, the final score 60-16 in the Crickets favor. Meeting on the Oriole home court, the … more
Taking to competition at the Wausau East Lumberjack Invitational Jan. 20, the Orioles came away with mixed results. Placing eighth overall out of 16 teams, the Orioles took away many individual wins. … more
It was Monday, Jan. 15, and the Orioles were facing off against Stratford-Marawood at Stanley-Boyd. On the court, the Orioles fielded five starters: Landon Karlen, Carter Isenberger, Haydn Gustafson, … more
A Stanley-Boyd native has just made the Wisconsin Cross Country Coaches Association (WCCCA) Hall of Fame—as an athlete. Zach Vircks, a Stanley-Boyd Class of 2003 graduate, was inducted to the … more
Taking to the floor at Stanley-Boyd Thursday, the Oriole boys varsity chalked up a win against the Regis Ramblers, the final score coming out 78-65, in the Orioles favor. The home win Thursday came … more
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